51. Secrets

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Nic flew without thinking of where she was going. Soon she found she was flying above Hufflepuff Manor. Realizing this, Nic flew down and landed at a window. Looking in, she saw the face of a man she had seen only once. It was Tyriq's father. Next to him was his mother. He was clutching his forearm and screaming, "That stupid bastard! You know he won't see the way of things. We should've just kicked him out when we had the chance!"

"Benjamin," the woman interrupted scathingly. "He can change. We just need to..."

"Not with that bitch Nicole Potter talking in his ear," the man screamed, his pale skin skinning with sweat.

"Benjamin," the dark woman interrupted again. "We joined him to keep him away from them! Now you want to drag our only son left into this?!"

"It is his duty!" the man thundered. Having heard enough, Nic took flight again and flew to another window. Spying Tyriq, she pecked at the window. He looked up only for his eyes to instantly widen.

Opening the window, he hissed, "What are you doing here? Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" When she made to change back, he hissed, "No! We'll talk on the train, but go, now, before it's too late!" Nic was confused but quickly took flight. Glancing back, she saw Tyriq watching tensely to see if she was gone yet.
Back in her room, Nic changed back to see that Ginny and Hermione were getting ready for bed. "Where were you?" Hermione asked. Nic shook her head, not feeling like answering. Once she had crawled in bed, she drank her potion and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Nic was much quieter than they had seen her in a while. She gathered her things, picked at her breakfast, and was halfway to the door when Sirius cornered her. "Sirius," she greeted quietly.

"What's wrong?" he asked, pulling her into a room away from everyone else.

With a sigh, she explained, "I have a new lead on someone who may be a Death Eater or at least, in league with Voldemort."

"Who?" Sirius asked instantly.

"Tyriq's parents," she admitted quietly.

"What?" Sirius said sharply.

"Look, I'll look into it, okay?" Nic replied. "I've got to go now. Bye, Siri."

"Be safe, little phoenix," he replied, hugging her tightly. "You'll do great."

"Thanks," Nic replied before heading out to the hall. The journey to Hogwarts passed in a bit of a blur as Nic thought over what she would say when she saw Tyriq. When they finally got to the platform, Nic spotted him and instantly grabbed hold of his arm and snapped, "Compartment, now." With a sigh, he nodded and followed behind her. Once the door was shut, Nic turned to face him and asked, "Ty, what are you not telling me?"

"It's nothing," he lied.

"Tyriq," Nic retorted. "Don't you dare lie to me." Before their conversation could continue, the door was rolled open. "Excuse me, we're in the middle of a conversation," Nic snapped, glaring at Malfoy.

He merely smirked and replied, "Hufflepuff doesn't mind, do you?"

"No," Ty replied, giving him a small, fake smile. "Sounds great."

"Ty," Nic protested. "Come on, you hate him."

"Do I?" Tyriq retorted. "Because, last time I checked, we haven't talked in what? Two, three months? Yeah let's just say I've changed." Scoffing, Nic grabbed her stuff and turned to leave.

"Yeah, fine," she scoffed. "Have fun in bed with the snakes. Just don't blame me when you get bitten."

"Potter," a voice called as someone else stepped into the compartment. Behind them was Ron and Hermione. Prefects meeting, of course.

Finally the meeting was over and she found another empty compartment and curled up in a corner. There she remained for the entire journey. About an hour in, she pulled out her trunk and started three new files.

Benjamin Hufflepuff
Jazmine Hufflepuff
Tyriq Hufflepuff

In his parent's folders she wrote in the conversation she had overheard between them and in Tyriq's, she wrote in all his odd behavior. She was in the middle of writing in his file when the door slide open. "What do you want?" she asked without looking up.

"What are those?" Harry asked, sitting across from her.

"Just some stuff," she replied, eyeing Malfoy as he walked passed.

"What, like secret Order stuff," Harry replied tensely. With a sigh, Nic set aside the file she was working on and faced Harry. "Why are you in it and I'm not?"

"Well, I'm not really in the Order, Harry," Nic countered. "It's more like...I'm doing a job for them."

"What job?" Harry asked. Nic sighed and pointed her wand at the door.

"Muffliato," she muttered. Turning to her brother, she explained, "I'm the eyes and ears in Hogwarts for the Order."

"So, in short terms, you're a spy," Harry filled in. "Why not me?"

"Harry, everyone knows you," Nic countered. "You couldn't be a spy."

"You're my twin, how can you?" Harry asked.

"People know that we're not close," Nic replied. "Just...we need to act like it."

"Nic, I thought we could become close this year," Harry sighed.

"I know," Nic replied with a sigh. "I'm sorry, Harry."

"It's whatever," he replied, trying to act like he didn't care.

"Harry," Nic began, but he had already left. With a sigh, she sat back down and undid the charm.

"Nic, can I talk to you?" Tyriq asked, opening the compartment door.

Instantly she hid the files and snapped, "What, you decide to get away from the snakes?"

"Nic," he sighed. "Just listen to me." Studying him, she nodded and shut the door. "Dumbledore said you'd know what this meant." He pulled a chain from around his neck. On the chain was a thin silver ring, molded to look like a silver phoenix.

"Dumbledore gave this to you?" Nic asked, looking up at him. He nodded and placed a finger over his lips. He reached into his pocket and pulled out another one and handed it to her. "Then you should head back to the snakes."


"I know," Nic interrupted. "Pretend we're fighting, got it." Nodding, he left and Nic glanced down at the ring. She slipped the ring on her pointer finger. The moment she entered the school, Dumbledore himself pulled her aside.

"There's something you need to know," Dumbledore began.

"Tyriq's a member of the Order," Nic said quietly.

"Yes," he admitted. "But you have separate missions. For the time being, the two of you can't act as if you're conspiring about something. Now, about that ring I had him give you. It will grow hot whenever the Order needs to meet. At times like those, go to my office."

"Understood," Nic replied. "We should head in, under the radar, right?" Dumbledore nodded and Nic took her seat at the Hufflepuff table. She sat with Hannah and Susan, avoiding Tyriq as much as possible. Once the meal was over, Dumbledore stood.

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