34. Foreigners

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The week leading up to the other student's arrival was...interesting to say the least. Cedric and Nic had finally told Tyriq what happened, but agreed to not tell Harry. Nic had also let Ginny in on what happened. While Ginny had been ecstatic, Tyriq had remained very quiet and said little about it. Nic almost got the idea that he was jealous, but shook the idea off at once. He was just being protective as her best friend. Surely that had to be it. Finally the day arrived. First thing Nic received a letter from Sirius.

Dear Nicki,
    How are you? I know I haven't been replying to all your letters, but I have been reading all the ones you send. The Cedric seems a decent chap, but don't get too hung up on him, Nic. There are more important things, but if you had to start caring about boys, you certainly could have chosen worse.
    I wanted to let you know that I'm back in the country. Harry sent me an owl a little bit ago saying that his scar began hurting again after nightmares. Look after him, Nic. I promise to be careful. Love you, be careful.

Nic sighed. "What is it?" Tyriq asked. Cedric was late this morning, so it was just the two of them.

"He's back," she explained, lowering her voice so only he'd hear.


"Sirius," she explained, showing him the bottom paragraph of the letter. She carefully hid the top half, but Tyriq said nothing about it.

"That's concerning," Ty remarked.

"What's concerning?" Cedric inquired, sitting down and grabbing some toast.

"Nothing," Nic lied, hastily hiding the letter. "Just the amount of homework we have." The rest of the day passed with much excitement for the new arrivals. When they at last came and they were all settled in the Great Hall, the students settled at the Ravenclaw and Slytherin table.

"The tournament will be officially opened at the end of the feast," Dumbledore staid, standing before them all. "I now invite all of you to eat, drink, and make yourselves at home!" The dishes that appeared before them were in much greater variety than even before, including some foreign dishes. Once everyone had finished, Dumbledore stood back up. "The moment has come. The Triwizard Tournament is about to start. I would like to say a few words of explanation before we begging in the casket just to clarify the procedure that we will be following this year. But first, let me introduce..."

Nic tuned them out and lay her head on the table. "Let me know when I need to pay attention," she muttered. Tyriq chuckled but said nothing.

"...a new addition this year," Dumbledore was saying, "is that the champions may chose a companion who will be the sole person allowed to help them prepare for the tasks. This person's name should be written under your own. Now the Goblet of Fire produces a binding magical contract that cannot be broken, so I would strongly advise you to speak with the person before hand. The companion position should not be entered into lightly. Now, I think it's time for bed. Goodnight to you all!"

As they were heading off, Ced called, "Nic!" Once he had caught up, he asked, "Would you be opposed to being my companion or whatever for the tournament?"

"Why me?" Nic asked. "Wouldn't you want one of your smarter sixth year friends or something?"

"No," he admitted. "There isn't a more brilliant student than you. I wouldn't want anyone else."

"Okay," she agreed. They were still in the corridor outside the Great Hall and all the other students had by now cleared out.

"Thank you," Cedric replied. "You know I-"

"Mr. Diggory," Dumbledore interrupted. Instantly both his and Nic's heads turned towards him. "I wonder if perhaps you would allow me to have a word with Ms. Potter a moment."

"Of course, sir," Cedric replied instantly. "I'll see you later, Nic."

"Bye, Cedric," she replied. Once he was gone, she turned back to Dumbledore.

"Nicki, are you sure that that is a commitment you want to make?" Dumbledore asked, referring to her agreement with Cedric.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Nic asked. "It would just be helping him learn spells and stuff, right?"

He hesitated before replying, "It may be more than you think."

"I'll support Cedric, no matter what," Nicki said, not sure what Dumbledore meant.

"Very well," Dumbledore sighed. "Goodnight, Ms. Potter."

"Goodnight, Professor," she replied. Soon she was back in her dorm, curled up in bed. Taking her sleeping potion, she lay back on her pillows and fell fast asleep.

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