90. Missing

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"Where are they?" Nic muttered anxiously while sitting at the staff table and scanning the crowd for Albus, Scorpius, and Zeph. When the last of the students had come in, Nic got to her feet and moved to McGonagall. "Zeph, Albus, and Scorpius are missing," she whispered. McGonagall scanned the students herself before nodding in agreement. She stood and walked with Nic out the door, Tyriq following behind.

"We need to alert the other two boy's parents," McGonagall said.

"I'll write Draco," Tyriq offered.

"I'll handle Harry," Nic added.

"I must take care of the other students. Will you be all right?"

"Yes," Nic replied, not looking up form the parchment she had written on. Sonata fluttered on her shoulder as she attached the letter. Once it was sent off, Nic went out into the Great Hall. The feast was over and Nic just managed to grab hold of Hadassah before she slipped off. "Did you see Zeph before you arrived?"

"I think I saw him with Albus and Scorpius like usual," she replied. "Why?" Nic bit down on her lip. "Mum, what's going on?"

"Zeph is missing," Nic admitted. "So are the others."

"What?" Dassah shrieked. Nic flinched before pulling her aside towards Tyriq.

"What were they doing when you saw them?" Nic asked.

"Uh," she thought back. "I had to give him his book because he'd forgotten it and...Albus was ranting about something...Scorpius was looking unsure...I'm sorry Mum, I don't really remember."

"It's okay," Nic assured, giving her a hug. "Just, try not to tell the other students. We don't need this getting out. They've all gone through enough, okay?"

"Yeah," Hadassah nodded. "Of course, Mum. I should head to bed. Please let me know if you find him."

"I promise," Nic replied.
The next morning, Nic and Tyriq were pacing around a meeting room at the Ministry before the door opened. "Ty, Nic," Draco cried, rushing towards them. "Is it true? Is he gone?"

"We can't find him," Nic agreed shakily. "Zeph and Albus are gone too. We don't know what happened." The door opened again and Harry, Ginny, and Hermione entered.

"Have we searched thoroughly along the tracks?" Draco asked.

"My department have searched once and are searching again," Harry replied.

"And the Trolly Witch is not able to tell us anything useful?" Draco asked frantically.

"And the Trolly Witch is furious," Tyriq said, running a hand through his hair. "Something about letting down the witch that hired her."

"Have there been any instances of magic reported by muggles?" Ginny asked.

"None so far," Hermione replied. "I have made the Muggle Prime Minister aware and his is filing what is known as a misper. Sounds like a spell. It isn't."

"So now we're relying on muggles to find our children?" Draco scoffed. Nic closed her eyes and leaned against Tyriq. His arms wrapped around her waist comfortingly as Draco resumed, "Have we told them about Harry's scar too?"

"We're merely asking the muggles for help," Hermione retorted. "And who knows how Harry's scar might be involved but it's certainly a matter we're taking seriously. Our aurors are currently investigating anyone involved in Dark Magic and-"

"This is not Death Eater related," Draco and Tyriq snapped.

"I'm not sure I share your confidence," Hermione replied coolly.

"I'm not confident, I'm right. The sort of cretins pursuing Dark Magic now...my son is a Malfoy, they wouldn't dare," Draco said harshly. "And they'd be too scared of the Hufflepuffs to mess with Tyriq's kid."

"Tyriq isn't a Hufflepuff anymore," Nic countered, her voice shaking. "I don't think his parents even consider him apart of the family."

"Unless there's something new out there, something to-" Harry began.

"I agree with Draco," Ginny interrupted. "If this is kidnap - taking Albus and even maybe Zephaniah I understand, but not Scorpius."

"And Scorpius is a follower, not a leader, despite everything I've tried to instill in him," Draco said. "So it's undoubtedly Albus who got him from the train and my question is, where would he take him?"

"Harry, they've run away and you know it," Ginny said.

"Do you? Know it? What aren't you tell us?" Draco snapped.

"Draco-" Nic began. Sharing a glance with Tyriq, Nic said, "Zeph got a letter from Albus and we think Scorpius got one too. He was asking for money so he could run away."

"What?" Harry thundered. "And you didn't think to tell me?!" Nic flinched from the loud noise and Tyriq's hold on Nic tightened slightly. Letting out a sigh, Harry admitted, "Albus and I had an argument, the day before last."

"And..." Draco replied.

"And I told him that there were times when I wished he weren't my son," Harry sighed.

"If anything happens to Scorpius," Draco warned dangerously.

"Don't throw around threats, Draco, please don't do that," Ginny said.

"My son is missing!" Draco roared.

"So is mine!" Ginny shouted angrily back.

"Stop," Nic muttered, laying her head on Tyriq's chest.

"Guys stop," Tyriq ordered. "Shouting at each other won't do anything. Realistically what probably happened is Albus wanted to run away, Scorpius went along with him, and Zeph felt obligated to to make sure they were okay. Let's just let the Ministry do its job."

Draco scoffed and turned to leave. "I don't care what you did or who you saved, you are a constant curse on my family, Harry Potter. Later, Tyriq, Nic."

"We need to get back to Hogwarts," Tyriq said, beginning to lead Nic to the door.

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