82. The Wedding...or Lack Thereof

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"I can't risk it," Nic countered, glaring at Mrs. Weasley. "Molly, I have plans I need to make and things I have to do. I can't risk going to a wedding right now."

"But it's for Bill and Fleur," she retorted.

"I'm sorry, I'll let them know," Nic replied before heading up stairs. "Bill!"

"Come in!" Bill called back. Nic opened the door and found him and Fleur going over some wedding plans.

"Look, I just wanted to let you two know that I can't go to your wedding. It's too risky," Nic explained. "I'm going to be hiding in the house and finishing up my plans for the school year."

"What are your plans?" Bill asked.

"Doesn't matter," Nic replied, crossing her arms. "I'm sorry, but I can't go."

"We understand," Fleur replied in her heavy French accent.

"Thank you," Nic replied, shaking hands with the two of them. Turning, she left. Nic went through the afternoon of her birthday planning and working in the small office at the Burrow. Around seven, someone knocked on the door. "I'm busy!" Nic called.

"Too busy to celebrate your birthday?" Harry asked, stepping into the room. Nic sighed, setting aside her piece of parchment and spelling it so no one else could read it.

"Harry, the last thing I want to do right now is celebrate," Nic countered.

"Nic, I'm worried about you," Harry admitted. "Do you know when the last time I saw you smile was?" Nic shrugged. "I haven't seen you smile since before Dumbledore died.

"Because I haven't smiled since Dumbledore died," Nic snapped.

"Come on, please?" Harry asked, trying to convince her. "For me?"

"Harry," Nic sighed. "I can't right now."

Stiffening, Harry asked, "Is this because of him?"

"What?" Nic replied quietly. "Who?"

"Tyriq," Harry clarified.

Nic sighed before saying, "I don't have time for this right now, Harry. I have plans I need to finish before school starts."

"You're going to school?" Harry scoffed, suddenly looking worried.

"Of course not," Nic replied as if stating the obvious. "I'm going into hiding."

"I thought Voldemort thought you were dead," Harry countered.

"He believes Nicole Potter is dead," Nic said firmly. "But Phoenix? She's still out there."

"Nic what have you been doing all this time?" Harry asked. It seemed that for the first time he was seeing his sister as someone other than the little girl that had slipped him scraps while he was locked in his cupboard.

Nic drew in a deep breath and stepped back from her desk. "Harry, before he died, Dumbledore was training me to take over for him. I know the location of every member of the Order...I know the spells set up to protect them...I know everything about every member of this group. If Voldemort gets to me, the Order falls and we lose the war. By protecting myself, I protect the Order. Someone's already coming after me."

"Who?" Harry asked.

"I don't know," Nic admitted. "But apparently it's one of the best Death Eaters."

"So I guess there's no point in asking you to go with us on the task Dumbledore gave us?" Harry asked.

"No, I can't," Nic replied with a small smile. "I'm sorry. Enjoy the wedding Harry and be safe." Once he had left, Nic moved up to Ginny's room and grabbed her small bag. Quickly she muttered an undetectable extension charm and filled it with everything she needed: spell books, parchment, some quills, food, some water gallons, and all the money she had with her.

Now that everything was together, she threw in some clothes and shoes and then changed into a pair of black jeans and a plain white sweatshirt and her black high top converse. She tied her hair in a high ponytail and grabbed her bag. Turning, she spotted Ginny looking at her with teary eyes. "I'm sorry, Ginny," she said quietly, hugging her tightly.

"Do you have to go?" Ginny whispered.

"Yeah," Nic replied, hugging her tightly. "I'm sorry, Ginny." After a pause, she said quietly, "Ginny, if I don't make it...I need you to know that I love you. You've been like a sister to me and-"

"Nic, please," Ginny interrupted, pulling away. "Just please stay safe."

"I'll try," Nic replied. "And you, be safe and be smart, okay?" Ginny nodded before Nic threw her bag over her shoulder and headed down the stairs. Pausing at the bottom step, Nic went back up to Fred and George's room. "Hey," she greeted, stepping inside to see them with Bill getting ready for the wedding.

"I thought you weren't going," Bill began before turning and seeing that she was dressed for travel.

"You're leaving?" George sighed. Nic nodded, letting out a sigh.

"I just had to say goodbye," Nic replied, moving towards them. "I-I don't know if I'll ever see you again, but...you've honestly been like my family. I know you've been one for Harry and that means a lot to me."

"Our pleasure," Fred said in an overly pompous voice, causing Nic to smile.

"I'm going to miss you, Fred," Nic said, hugging him tightly.

"You too, Phoenix," he replied, returning the hug. Soon she moved to George and finally Bill.

"I'm happy for you, Bill," Nic said, hugging him.

"Thank you, Nicki," he replied. Smiling, she pulled away.

"I need to go say goodbye to Harry," Nic admittedly sadly. "Bye guys."

"Hermione?" Nic called, stepping into Ron's room where she, Ron, and Harry were.

"Nic," Harry sighed, spotting the bag. "Really? Now?"

"I have to," Nic replied. "Look, I came to say goodbye." With a sigh, Harry hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry for everything, Harry."

"You have nothing to apologize for," he replied. "Just, make it out of this alive."

"I'll do everything I can," Nic replied. Pulling away from him, she moved to the only female in the room. "Bye, Hermione. Keep these two alive."

"I'll do what I can," she chuckled. Nic moved over to Ron and, much to his surprise, gave him a hug.

"Bye, Ron," Nic said before turning back to the door. Stepping out of the house, she turned to look at it one last time. Taking in a deep breath, she turned again and disappeared.

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