31. Back to Hogwarts

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"Wait, wait, wait," Ginny clarified as her and Nic played Quidditch together. "So he came back, saw you were awake, and then you almost kissed?"

"Yeah," Nic admitted, blushing slightly. "But I don't even know if I like him. Is it healthy to date someone two years older than me at my age? Harry would obviously freak. Ugh, I don't know what to do."

"Just don't overthink it," Ginny advised. "Whatever happens, let it happen. And if Harry gives you too much trouble, just tell him to shut up."

"Let's hope that works," Nic laughed. "But how do I know if I like him? What if i just like the idea of dating someone?"

"What did I just say?" Ginny laughed. "Don't overthink it, okay?"

"Fine," Nic groaned. "We should go pack."

"Yeah," Ginny agreed. Once the two got back inside, they began packing their trunks. "What are these for?" Ginny asked, holding up a dress from Nic's trunk.

"Don't know," Nic replied, looking at the beautiful dress. It was a deep, royal blue with a flowing skirt that reached the floor. "Woah, I mean, it's pretty, but..."

"Hello, dear," Mrs. Weasley said, stepping into the room with some laundry for them. "Oh, those are your dress robes, dear."

"Oh," she replied, looking at the dress.

"I also got some matching heels for you as well, dear," Mrs. Weasley explained.

"Thank you," Nic replied, smiling at her fondly. The next morning was utter chaos as they attempted to get everything and everyone together for the train. At last, about an hour later, they were settled on it. Nic and Tyriq had met up in a compartment and were just settling in when someone knocked on the door.

"Mind if I join?" Cedric asked, smiling his charming smile.

"Not at all," Nic replied with a warm smile. Tyriq gave him a small wave and they all sat down. The train ride passed with much excitement and laughter between the three friends who were soon joined by Susan and Hannah as well. Ginny too sat with them. When they got to the school, Nic was instantly cornered by the last person she wanted to see: Professor Snape.

"What do you want with her?" Tyriq snapped. Cedric merely looked confused, as he had no idea that Snape was the cause for her injuries last year.

"Ty," Nic said quietly. "It's fine. I'll see you all in the Great Hall." Reluctantly, he and Cedric left with Ginny and the others. "What do you want?"

"To apologize," he explained. "I wasn't aiming for you with that spell."

"No, you were aiming for my godfather," Nic snapped. Swallowing painfully, she added, "You would have killed him given the chance."

"Yes!" Snape hissed angrily. "You have no idea what kind of a man he is!"

"Or maybe you have no idea what kind of man he's become," Nic retorted lowly. "I don't know and I don't care who he used to be, just like I don't know or care about how my father used to be. I care about who they were and are when they knew me. My father was kind to me. Siri is kind to me. He is the father I've never had and always wanted and you just...you planned on killing him." When Snape seemed to have nothing to say, Nic turned, heading towards the Great Hall.

"How incredibly like your mother you are," Snape sneered. "She too was bewitched by the Potter/Black duo and began to hate me as a result."

"I don't hate you," Nic countered quietly. "I just see who you really are. You loved her, didn't you? My mother? And you hated him. So when she chose him over you, you lost it. That's why you became a Death Eater."

"How..." Snape drawled.

"I saw the mark," she said quietly. "My question is, if he were to come back...would you stand by him?" Snape remained silent. Turning away, Nic said, "Stay away from me, Professor Snape." She began to head to the Great Hall, but she didn't feel like going in. With a sigh, she went instead to the Common Room. Cedric, who was a prefect, had let her know already what the password was. As expected, it was empty when she entered and headed upstairs.

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