80. Hardened

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Nic was pacing around the Burrow waiting for the others to show up. Everyone soon got used to her new appearance and the fiery hair swung back and forth as she paced. The others should've been back by now. There should have been someone coming. Someone should've been here by now. A loud popping noise alerted her to someone's presents in the yard and she ran outside.

Harry and Hagrid were sprawled on the ground and talking to Mrs. Weasley. "Harry!" Nic shouted, rushing towards him. Quickly she hugged him, but he stiffened.

"Wait, who are you?" he asked.

"Right," Nic muttered. "It's me, Nic."

"Oh," he replied. "You look different."

"Not the point, Harry," Nic replied. "Where are the others, what happened?"

"What d'you mean? Isn't anyone else back?" Harry asked.

"No," Nic replied anxiously.

"The Death Eaters were waiting for us," Harry explained.

"Dammit," Nic muttered. "I tried Harry, I'm sorry. I had someone leak a different date and plan, but it seems it didn't work." Nic shook her head and began to pace outside as Hagrid went in. Nic was still pacing when a blue light appeared and George and Lupin with it. "George!" Nis cried, rushing towards them. His face was covered in blood and he was being supported by Lupin. Nic helped him inside and, after learning it was his ear and he'd survive, she went back outside to her pacing.

Soon Hermione and Kingley appeared and Nic sent them inside. She was waiting anxiously for the others and hugging her arms around her waist tightly. She was staring up at the sky and waiting for the others when Kingsley approached her. "I see your code name is becoming more and more accurate," Kingsley said. Nic nodded, but said nothing. "Nicole, I think you need to take a step back." She glared at him, crossing her arms over her chest and facing him.

"What, you have a problem with how I'm running this?" Nic snapped. "Because if so, I'd rather you just say it to my face than hide behind snide comments and two faced words."

With a sigh, he explained, "All I'm saying is that you are sixteen years old, almost seventeen, and you have more battle scars than some aurors I could mention."

"There's a war going on," Nic retorted. "I don't have any other options."

She turned to leave before Kingsley inquired, "Are you sure this has nothing to do with Tyriq?" Nic froze. "Dumbledore told me that he was your best friend and now he thinks you're dead."

"You think I don't know that?" Nic whispered shakily, not turning around. Finally she turned, saying in a shaky voice, "You don't think I know that one of the few people I have left in the world thinks I'm gone and that I can't do anything to change that?" Turning away again, she snapped, "Don't question me again."

Soon they were inside and Bill joined them. "Bill! Thank God, thank god," Mrs. Weasley cried.

"Mad-Eye's dead," Bill said. Nic felt a wave of ice rush through her, but her face remained expressionless. Before she heard the story, she stormed out of the room. With a cry, she banged her fist against the wall of the house. Collapsing on the ground, she rubbed her wet eyes. Moody had trained her for over a year. He had meant something to her and now he was dead.

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