28. Godfather

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"No, I have to see her," Sirius hissed to Harry as they attempted to make him go. "Please, Harry."

"You have to go," Harry countered.

"No, I have to see Nicki," he retorted.

"Fine," Harry consented. Nicki was deadly pale and scars covered her body, although they appeared to be very old. She was still out of it. Sirius crouched beside her and gently kissed her forehead.

"Goodbye, Nicki," he said, a tear streaming down his cheek. "I'm sorry." And with that, he left, leaving them all alone. A week later, when Nic was finally well enough to sit up in bed, Harry told her everything that had happened.

When he had finished, he added awkwardly, "Also...Nic, I'm so sorry for everything I said. I didn't mean it, truly. I just thought-"

"Harry, it's fine," she interrupted. After a pause, she said, "We have to go back to the Dursley's, don't we?"

"Yeah," Harry sighed sadly. "The train leaves tomorrow, although Madam Pomfrey wants to keep you an extra week."

"I don't want to go back," Nic sighed.

"I know," Harry said. He let out a sigh as the doors to the hospital room opened and Tyriq came over.

"Am I interrupting, or..." he began.

"No," Harry said, his voice suddenly cold. "See you later."

After he had left, Tyriq sat down, remarking, "I don't think he likes me much."

"Yeah..." Nic sighed. "I don't know what's been up with that. He liked you fine enough during first and second year."

"Anyways," Tyriq resumed, moving on. "I know you don't like going back home, so I got you something."

"Ty," Nic began.

"It didn't cost me anything," he interrupted, knowing that was what was bothering her. "Here." He handed over a small hand mirror. "This mirror is one of two. I have the other one. You just have to say my name into the mirror and what is reflected in yours will shown in mine and vice versa. So we can talk instead of just sending letters back and forth."

"This is the greatest present you could've gotten me," Nicki exclaimed. "I would hug you, but I'm still really sore."

"You gonna be good for the train ride tomorrow?" he asked.

"I'm not sure," Nic admitted. "I think that's the plan for now anyway."

"Okay, well, I've got to go and pack," he said quietly. "Susan and Hannah went ahead and packed your trunk for you, by the way, and I'll come and see you before the train in case..."

"Okay," Nicki replied quietly. "Thank them for me, would you?"

"Of course," he replied with a small smile.

The next day, Madam Pomfrey helped Nic onto the train with everyone else. She had been settled into a compartment with Harry, Tyriq, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny. Nicki slept most of the train ride, drained from moving so much after everything that'd happened to her. When they arrived, Harry and Tyriq helped carry her things as Hermione and Ginny supported her along.

"Took you long enough," Vernon snarled as they showed up on the other side of the barrier, Hermione and Ginny still supporting her along. Vernon and Petunia looked shocked to see the state of their niece.

"Can you make it on your own?" Ginny asked worriedly.

"We'll see," Nic replied, feeling lightheaded as they let her go.

Noticing this, Tyriq called, "Dad, I'll catch up with you, I need to make sure Nic makes it to the car." His dad nodded and Ty wrapped an arm around her waist to support her along. Harry glared angrily at him as they headed towards the car.

"What happened to you?" Petunia snapped as they got out to the parking lot.

"Like you bloody care," Nic hissed, wincing as she had to step down from the curb. She had grown deathly pale at this point.

"Bloody hell, Nic," Harry sighed. "You should've stayed another week. You're still too hurt."

"I'm fine," she breathed, feeling extremely lightheaded.

"Okay that's it," Tyriq sighed, picking her up bridal style. "You're not walking anymore." When they got to the car, Tyriq set her inside. Shutting the door to the car, Tyriq turned to Harry. "Make sure she doesn't walk once you all get home."

"Yeah, I got it," Harry snapped.

"What is your problem with me, dude?" Tyriq retorted, Vernon and Petunia watching the exchange.

"Nothing," Harry snapped.

"Sure," Ty scoffed, moving back over to Nicki. "Have a good summer. I'll see you soon."

"You too," she replied tiredly.

"And don't forget, the potions from Madam Pomfrey are in your trunk," he added. "Twice a day, remember?"

"Stop worrying, Ty," Nicki laughed. "I'll be fine. Plus, I have Harry to worry about me."

"Okay," he sighed. "Have a good holiday. Write to me."

"I will," she promised.

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