26. Christmas

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Nicki was curled up on the couch in the common room reading a book when Tyriq burst in, looking rather pale. "Nic, you need to get out there," he warned. "Harry's have a breakdown, yelling and demanding to talk to you." Shaking her head, Nic set aside her book and headed out the door.

"What is it, Harry?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"Sirius Black betrayed Mum and Dad," he hissed lowly. "And, he's our godfather!" With a sigh, Nic listened to him rambling on, unsure if she should tell him or not, but there was so much anger in his voice that she knew he wouldn't listen. When he was done rambling, he left Nic alone. She returned to the common room and sat back on the couch with a groan.

"Everything okay?" Tyriq asked.

"He knows," she sighed. "He knows that Siri is our godfather and now he thinks that he betrayed them."

"Hey, at least it's the holidays now," Ty replied, smiling slightly.

"You didn't go home?" Nic asked. "I would've thought you'd want to see..." She broke off, not sure if Tyriq wanted to talk about Tyrone. He went ridged at the eluding to him. "At least I'm not alone this year," Nic said, moving on as it was clear he didn't want to talk about it.

"Yup," he replied with a small smile. "So, what are we going to do all Christmas?"

"I have a few ideas," Tyriq chuckled. During the days leading up to Christmas, they spent many hours having snowball fights and playing chess and even just sitting on the couch together, reading. Christmas morning, Nic woke to see a small pile of presents at her feet. The first one she grabbed was a gift from Tyriq. He had given her a fantastic book full of fantastic spells and rare potions. A note was on the inside.

Dear Nicki,
    Merry Christmas. I hope you enjoy the book. It's a sort of, family collection of sorts. I don't understand half the stuff in there, but I'm sure you can make some sense of it. Have a good Christmas.

Smiling, she closed the book and set it aside. Harry had given her a large box of chocolate frogs, and Hermione gave her a large, fizzy blanket and a muggle book as well as several hot chocolate packets. Finally, was a long, narrow package. Opening it up, she spotted the fire bolt, the newest and most expensive broom in the world. With it was a small note.

Merry Christmas, Nicki. I hope you enjoy the broom.

Gazing happily at all her presents, Nic bundled up in a large sweatshirt and joggers. After grabbing some shoes, she ran downstairs to see Tyriq had set up some food for them. "Ty!" Nicki called, running towards him. Instantly she wrapped her arms around him and added, "Merry Christmas and thanks for the present."

"You're welcome," he laughed. "And thanks for mine too. Hot chocolate?" The two sat down and ate the food Ty had stolen from the kitchen. He had gotten hot chocolate and some raspberry scones for Nic and toast for himself. The two told many jokes and laughed heartily as they got down their meal. The morning was spent sitting in the quiet common room reading. Nic was curled up in Hermione's present with the book Tyriq had gotten her.

Much to her surprise, she was able to understand most of it, only the really difficult potions and spells eluding her. Now that wasn't to say she could do the ones she understood, she just understood how you would do them. At lunch time, they headed down to the Great Hall. "Merry Christmas," Dumbledore cried as they sat down at the small table that'd been set out.

"Merry Christmas, sir," Nic replied as the two friends sat side by side. As everyone else talked of whatever the divination teacher was rambling about, Tyriq and Nic were in their own world. As Tyriq finished one of his stories. Nicki burst out laughing. Seeing she was getting everyone's attention, she tried to calm herself, but it merely made it worse and her laughter grew. "Sorry," she laughed, failing to notice the absolute murderous glare Harry was sending Tyriq.

The rest of the winter holidays passed with much laugher and fun for the best friends who also started hanging out with Hermione as Harry and Ron were shunning her. All in all, it was a good holiday. Nic was curled up on the couch when a voice behind her teased, "Well, if it isn't Nicki."

"Cedric," she cried, jumping to her feet to embrace her other best friend.

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