49. Dying Wish

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"She's only a child!" Mrs. Weasley shouted as Nic and Ginny came down to breakfast that morning.

"James would have wanted it!" Sirius retorted.

"She's too young!" Molly retorted. The two stopped so they could listen in.

"Look, you won't let Harry into this and now you won't let Nic in either?!" Sirius shouted. "She can keep a secret! She kept my secret for an entire year from her own brother!"

"I won't see the girl hurt, Sirius!" Molly shouted.

"AND YOU THINK I WOULD?!" Sirius shouted loudly. "JAMES AND LILY WOULD HAVE WANTED HER TO KNOW! You saw their will just like I did!"

"But-" Mrs. Weasley began. "What if she can't handle it?"

"You underestimate her," Sirius retorted. "James wanted her to be apart of this."

"She's underaged!" Molly screamed back.

"She can give us the kind of intel and perspective we don't have," Sirius retorted.

"Fine!" Molly screamed finally, "but she can't find out about what he's trying to find!"

"Fine," Sirius agreed. "But that is the only thing I agree to keep from her." Not another word came to their ears before Nic and Ginny stepped into the kitchen.

"Morning," Nic greeted, pretending she hadn't heard their conversation.

"Nic, I need to talk to you after breakfast," Siri said, looking up from his tea.

"Okay," Nic replied, sharing a knowing look with Ginny as she moved to the coffee machine. Once she had a steaming cup in front of her, the others entered the kitchen and ate.

"Nic, you helping us with the doxies after breakfast?" Harry asked.

"Probably," Nic replied, leaning back against the counter. "I need to talk to Siri first, but afterwards I'll see if I can help." He nodded and turned to his bacon. Once they all cleared out and Nic had gotten another cup, Sirius reappeared. "So what'd you want to talk about?" Nic asked.

With a sigh, Sirius explained, "Your parents thought that you would have to grow up during the wizarding war. They also knew it was likely they wouldn't survive, so they wrote a clause in their will that said they wanted you to join the Order when you turned fifteen."

"Just me? Why not Harry?" Nic asked, setting aside her coffee mug.

"They saw too much of James in him," Sirius explained. "They thought it would be better if you joined, and, honestly, you could probably cope better."

"Right," Nic mumbled. "So, what do I need to know?"

"As you already know, Voldemort's trying to build up his army," Sirius began. "We need to figure out who he's going after. We think that he's going to try and recruit the children of Death Eaters. So, Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Nott."

"So you want me to spy on them," Nic guessed. "What, like, try and get close to them?"

"No," Sirius replied. "It's too late for that. We have someone else for that. You don't have a preexisting tie to them so you just need to watch them, learn to read them. I have files for you about them, their parents, themselves. They're all here."

Taking the box from him, Nic asked, "Sirius, owls are being intercepted, how will I let you know if I find anything?"

"Spell the parchment," he answered. "Make it say something else, something boring."

"Okay," Nic agreed. "I can do that."

"There's something else too," Sirius admitted. "I need you to watch Harry for me, make sure he's safe."

"Okay," Nicki replied. After a pause, she asked, "Siri...if he's trying to build up his numbers, would he break out the Death Eaters in Azkaban?"

"You're worried about Bellatrix," Sirius stated.

With a sigh, Nic said, "I'm going to need files on every known Death Eater, all the ones that are alive."

"I'll go get them," Sirius offered, knowing she wasn't going to talk about Bellatrix. When he had come back, Nic added the files to the box and carried it over to the table.

"Well, I best get started on this," Nic said. "I'll see you later, Siri." He nodded and was off as Nic began pulling out files.

Gaspar Avery
Regulus Arcturus Black
Alecto Carrow
Amycus Carrow
Crabbe Sr
Barty Crouch Jr.
Antonin Dolohov
Goyle Sr.
Igor Karkaroff
Bellatrix Lestrange
Rodolphus Lestrange
Rabastan Lestrange
Walden Macnair
Narcissa Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
Nott Sr.
Peter Pettigrew
Augustus Rookwood
Evan Rosier
Thorfinn Rowle
Severus Snape
Corbin Yaxley

As Nic's eyes scanned down the list, she suddenly did a double take. Snape? Shaking her head, she began to read through the files. Each file contained details and occasionally photos of what they had done. By the time she got to Bellatrix Lestrange, she already felt any spirits she might of had leave her. The moment the file opened, she was met by a picture of Alice and Frank Longbottom. She read through the grotesque details of everything she had done before dashing to the trash can to hurl.

Wiping her mouth she sat back down. Going back to the files, she slammed them shut. Shaking her head, she grabbed a cup of coffee. It seemed to ease her stomach and she returned to the files, skipping over the rest of Bellatrix's. Once she reached the end of the last one, she finished off Bellatrix. "Hey," Sirius greeted, stepping into the kitchen. "Molly's about to make lunch if you're hungry."

"No, not really," Nic replied, shutting the file on Bellatrix. Spotting this, Sirius nodded in understanding. Then she separated those who had kids at Hogwarts from those that didn't. The stack of those with kids at Hogwarts and the kid's files were...

Crabbe Sr.
Vincent Crabbe
Narcissa Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
Draco Malfoy
Nott Sr.
Theodore Nott
Goyle Sr.
Gregory Goyle

Mrs. Weasley came into the kitchen as Nic laid out parchment to take some notes and she looked over those particular files again. "Hello, dear," she said, beginning to make some sandwiches. "Would you like to join us for lunch? Harry's been asking about you."

"No thank you, Mrs. Weasley," Nic replied, scrambling down a detail about Draco's father.

"Are you sure, dear? You didn't eat breakfast," Mrs. Weasley replied, concerned.

"I ate a little bit ago," Nic lied. "I appreciate it, though."

"All right, dear," Mrs. Weasley replied.

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