55. First Report

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"Padfoot," Nic muttered, writing up her report. "You said you wanted regular reports on everything going on so here's a report. The Ministry is trying to overrun Hogwarts. Umbridge is implementing medieval torture methods. I got detention and she's making us write lines with a quill that cuts into our skin. Don't worry, Harry and I are fine, but I thought you'd want to know what's going on. Love, little phoenix."

"That your report?" Ty asked, running into the Owlry.

"Yeah," Nic replied, spelling it to hide its contents. "I'm about to send it off."

"Good," he replied. "Listen, you still have the files on Goyle's dad?"

"Yeah, why?" Nic asked, tying the letter to Sonata's leg.

"I think he's a Death Eater," Ty whispered. "I need to look through his father's file."

"Okay," Nic replied. "I'll get you the file later. Just, be careful."

"I will," he replied. "Thanks." The week passed with much pain and by the end of it, the cuts on Nic's hand were so deep that she had to wrap them with a bandage. She removed it every day before going into detention. Umbridge kept her much longer than Harry every single night. It was at least midnight and sometimes even til three in the morning if she was being particularly cruel. Nic supposed she thought it'd be easier with Nic to beat her down than with Harry.

And so that brought the two twins to where they currently were, writing in their blood on the parchment. Nic listened without interest as Harry was allowed to leave. Then Umbridge resumed her usual taunting. Finally, hours upon hours later, she let her go. The moment she left, Nic checked the time. It was five in the morning. She had been at it for twelve hours. Shaking her head, Nic went along to the common room. Just like every night before, Tyriq was on the couch waiting for her, only today he had fallen asleep.

With a sigh, Nic grabbed one of the blankets on the back of the couch and laid it over him. Then she went to bed.

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