96. Delphini Riddle-Lestrange

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"So let me get this straight," Ron said, "we're fighting to protect Voldemort?"

"Voldemort killing my grandparents. Voldemort trying to kill my dad?" Albus said.

"Of course, Ginny," Hermione replied. "Delphi's not trying to kill Harry - she's stopping Voldemort trying to kill Harry. Brilliant."

"So - we just wait?" Draco asked. "Until Voldemort turns up?"

"Does she know when he does turn up?" Zeph asked. "Hasn't she come here twenty-four hours early because she isn't sure when he'll arrive and in what direction?"

"The history books - correct me if I'm wrong, Scorpius - show nothing about when and how he arrived in Godric's Hollow?" Albus said.

"You're not wrong," Hermione and Scorpius replied.

"Blimey! There are two of them!" Ron yelped.

"So how can we use this?" Nic asked.

"Do you know what I'm really good at?" Albus asked.

Looking at him curiously, Harry said, "There's plenty you're good at, Albus."

"Polyjuicing," Albus said. "And I think Bathilda Bagshot may have all the ingredients for Polyjuice in her basement. We can Polyjuice into Voldemort and bring her to us."

"To use Polyjuice you need a bit of someone," Tyriq countered. "We don't have a bit of Voldemort."

"But I like the concept," Hermione said. "A pretend mouse for her cat."

"How close can we get through Transfiguration?" Harry asked.

"I can do it," Nic said, standing up.

"You want to transfigure into Voldemort?" Ginny asked skeptically.

"But the voice," Harry countered. "You can get his appearance, but not the voice."

"True," Nic agreed.

"Look, for this plan to work she has to believe it's him," Harry said. "without hesitation. She'll use Parseltongue and I knew there was a reason why I still have that ability. But more than that, I know what it is to feel like him. I know what it is to be him. It has to be me."

"Rubbish," Ron said. "Beautifully put rubbish. No way are you going to-"

"I'm afraid you're right, my old friend," Hermione said.

"Hermione, you're wrong," Ron countered. "Voldemort is not something to be - Harry should not-" Nic grabbed hold of Zeph and Hadassah and pulled them to the side.

"Listen," Nic said. "I know you both want to fight, but it is my job to protect you above all else, okay. So I need both of you to hide, please...for me?"


"I can't lose you two," Nic interrupted harshly. Her voice softening, Nic begged, "Please."

"Okay," Zeph agreed. "Where do you want us to go?"

"The kids are secure," Nic said to Tyriq a little later. "I've told them not to leave unless one of us get them."
Tyriq and Nic were hidden behind a door in the church as they waited for Voldemort/Harry and Delphini. "Whichever witch or wizard is following me, I assure you, you will regret it," Harry warned.

"Lord Voldemort," Delphi said. "It is me. I am following you."

"I do not know you, leave me," Harry ordered.

"I am your daughter," Delphi said, slightly nervously.

"If you were my daughter, I'd know of you," Harry retorted.

"I am from the future," Delphi explained. "The child of Bellatrix Lestrange and you. I was born in Malfoy Manor before the Battle of Hogwarts. A battle you are going to lose. I have come to save you."

"Bellatrix?" Nic mouthed to Tyriq. He shrugged.

"That's your proof?" Harry scoffed, writing off the Parseltongue. She soars up into the air effortlessly.

"I am the Augurey to your Dark Lord, and I am ready to give all that I have to serve you," she said.

"You learnt flight from me?" Harry said, trying not to show his shock.

"I have tried to follow the path you set," Delphini said.

"I have never met a witch or wizard who tried to be my equal before," Harry said.

"Do not mistake," Delphini said quickly. "I would not claim to be worthy of you, Lord. But I have devoted my life to being a child you could be proud of." Delphi began to grow more and more suspicious before suddenly spells were being cast back and forth between them.

"She's sealed the door form your side!" Ginny called. Soon the doors opened and Nic and the others ran in.

"No, no!" Delphi cried as she was flung on the floor. Nic stepped forward, raising her wand.

"I killed your mother, I can kill you too," Nic said venomously. "You don't get to torture my daughter and get away with it!" Before she could utter a spell, Hermione bound Delphi and Tyriq grabbed her shoulder to calm her.

"Albus are you okay?" Harry asked.

"Yes, Dad, I'm okay," Albus said.

"I'm getting Zeph and Hadassah," Nic said before disappearing. When she returned, all too familiar screams reached her ears.

"Lily, take Harry and go! It's them! Go! Run! I'll protect Nic!" James shouted.

"Pretty little Potter at last," a female voice cackled. "I wonder how many tries it'll take to kill you."

"Get away from her!" James shouted.

"Ah," cackled Bellatrix. "Daddy Potter come to the rescue. You can't protect her from me." Next moment, a flash of green. Next, a flash of red and the sound of a child's screams. Tyriq gripped Nic's hand as she stood frozen. Her kids glanced at her worriedly but said nothing.

"He did everything he could," Zeph said quietly, taking his mother's other hand.

"Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry!" Lily cried.

"Stand aside you silly girl," Voldemort ordered. "Stand aside now."

"Not Harry! Please...have mercy! Have mercy! Not my son! Please - I'll do anything!"

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Voldemort shouted and Harry collapsed in tears. Nic pulled away from her family, trying to control her breathing but she began to hyperventilate.

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