25. Patronuses

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Harry was allowed to return to classes on Monday while Nic was forced to stay in bed. The day afterwards, she was allowed to get up from bed. Her first class was DADA. Afterwards, Lupin called, "Nicki, can you stay a moment?"

"I'll see you later," Nic said, turning to Tyriq. "What's up, teach?"

"I saw what happened at the match," he stated. "I want to help you deal with the dementors. Harry already came to me asking for help. I figured I might as well extend the offer to you as well."

"If it wouldn't be any trouble," Nic replied. After a pause, she sighed, "Actually, I'm not sure I'll have time on top of Advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"We can add it into your lessons," he suggested.

"Okay," Nic replied. After a pause, she asked, "Why do they affect Harry and I like that?"

"Dementors are some of the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They affect you worse than others because there are horrors in your past that your classmates can't even imagine."

"Every time they go near me, I can hear my dad begin murdered," Nic admitted.

"And Harry hears your mother's death," Lupin admitted. "Those were the deaths the two of you witnessed. It's not surprising."

"Professor Lupin," Nic began, finally daring to ask the question she'd never dared before. "Who killed my father? It wasn't Voldemort. The voice I heard was female. So...who was it?"

"I have guesses, but nothing concrete," he admitted. "It had to of been one of his female followers, but it's hard to know which."

"What's your best guess?" Nic asked, desperate for answers.

"Bellatrix Lestrange," Lupin replied quietly. "The Cruciatus Curse was one of her favorites."

"I see," Nic replied breathily. "Well, um, I'll see you later then." The end of November came around and with it, Hufflepuff's next match. The night before the match, Nic was out in the woods looking for Sirius when something ran through the trees. "Siri?" she whispered, changing into her human form. The next moment, a large beast jumped towards her, pinning her to the ground.

Instantly she changed forms, slipping form the werewolf's grasp and flying up into the air. The werewolf clawed at her, trying to catch her feathers. A loud squawk left her beak as she got up into a tree. The werewolf had gotten her wing and began circling around the tree, trying to get her. Finally, the full moon passed and the figure changed. Changing painfully back into her human form, still balanced on her spot in the tree, Nic gasped, "Professor Lupin? You're a werewolf?"

"Yes," he admitted, breathing heavily. "Why are you up in a tree?"

"Er," she began, unsure. "I was out looking for...someone and I...Er..."

"I know you're an animagus," Lupin interrupted. "You're not allowed to leave the castle and yet you've left just as frequently as you did before. Come on down."

"I can't," she replied, holding her bloodied and broken arm.

"What happened?" he asked, guilt suddenly flashing across his face.

"I flew into your face without meaning to," Nic lied. "It was just instinct, I'm sure." Lupin groaned, running a hand through his hair. "It's not your fault."

"Yes it is," he retorted.

"No it's not," she countered. "Here, I'm going to change back and try and fly down. Please catch me." Before he could protest, she changed and dropped down to the ground. Lupin caught the large bird carefully as it let out a pained cry at the contact on her arm. Carefully he set her on the ground and she changed again.

Lupin drew his wand, explaining, "I know a bit about healing spells. I can do what I can." She nodded and he tried. He managed to set the bone back in place, but it still hurt and her grip was weak.

With a groan, she said, "I won't be able to play tomorrow."

"I'm sorry," Lupin replied, looking embarrassed.

"Again, not your fault," Nicki snapped. "Professor, this isn't your fault. You can't control the fact that you're a werewolf and you can't control what you do while you are one."

"No one's every seen it that way before," he admitted. "They always see me as a...a danger to everyone around me."

"I don't think you're a danger," Nic retorted. "The way I see it, everyone comes with baggage. This just happens to be yours."
"Not you too," Cedric groaned, spotting the sling around my arm as the team gathered around.

"What happened to you?" Nicki retorted.

"Concussion," he explained. "Freak accident in transfiguration."

"So our seeker and our best chaser are out," Charlotte groaned. "There's no way we can win this now." It turned out she was right. Hufflepuff was flattened by Ravenclaw. December came, dawning bright and cold. Snow blanketed the grounds as Nic flew out into the forest in search of her godfather.

"Siri," she called, landing on her feet.

"Nicki," he replied, wrapped his arms around her tightly. Before pulling away, he gently kissed her forehead. "How are you?"

"I'm okay," she replied. "Here's your food for the next two days. Also, I have something for you."

"Nic," he protested, trying to hide the fact that he was shivering in the cold.

"Siri, you're freezing out here," she retorted. "I got you a coat, that's all. Think of it as an early Christmas present." When he still looked reluctant, she snapped, "Take it." With a sigh, he took the warm coat and bundled up in it.

"Stubborn one, you are," he muttered irritably. "Course James had to pass on that trait." Nicki laughed, tears coming to her eyes at the thought of being like her father. "I wish you could have known him. He loved you more than I've ever seen a father love his daughter."

"Well," she replied, blinking away her tears. "At least I have you."

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