Blaise Zabini

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Rose's POV
Time moved so differently now, each day I felt like i was one of the Hogwarts ghosts just aimlessly drifting. One week had passed without me even really acknowledging since my detention with Draco, he hadn't tried to talk to me about it again he simply left me alone. Honestly, I think what he'd seen had shocked him so he just took himself out of the situation. Most days I just skipped classes and slept in all day, no matter how hard I tried some days I just couldn't get my body off the bed. However for the first time this entire week I was going to classes, determination to try and get back to my life and not be trapped in this never ending feeling.

My numb body carried me all the way to the great hall for breakfast, I wasn't hungry in any way I needed to try and force some food down because the the amount of weight I'd lost. I looked like half the person I was before which in tern only made me feel even more weak. The chatter and laughter from the hall rang out throughout the corridors getting louder and louder with every step I took.

But I wasn't expecting the next thing I saw, something that made everything feel even more darker, even more lonely. I walked into the great hall and headed to the Slytherin table to see Pansy and Draco in the middle of a deep kiss. His hands held onto the left side of her face as she played with his blond locks like I used to. I felt the air in my lungs get trapped as I watched her melt into him, there body's pressed up together. My heart was racing like it never has before after everything that had happened I was stood here watching the boy I loved practically eat the face of Pansy bloody Parkinson. I guess he had to move on eventually but it didn't make it hurt any less.

I took a seat on the Slytherin table next to Blaise with a full view of Draco and Pansy. I was shocked they were kissing so publicly, it was disgusting. Blaise rolled his eyes and shot me a sorrowful glance as we both watched them, both feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Are you guys maybe done yet I'm trying to eat" Blaise said with disgust making my smirk a little.

Draco and Pansy came up for air and the smile on Pansy face only grew more once she saw me sitting there having seen the full show.
"Hey Rose" Pansy smirked making Draco averted his eyes up to see me sat there, he looked shocked and a flash of regret flashed in his eyes but it was only there for a second.
"Pansy" I raised my eyebrows.


"Enjoyed the show?" Pansy continued
"Honestly I wasn't that impressed Parkinson, I'd give you a solid 4/10"
"Oh don't be so nice Rose, I'd say 2/10" Blaise smirked
"Can't argue with you there Blaise" I smiled.

"Oh fuck of Blondie" Draco spat
"You lost a good thing mate" Blaise said as he playfully nudged my shoulder making me laugh.
"Fuck off Zabini" Draco snapped
"I have to say Malfoy, Parkinson doesn't quite make you moan like I used to...just an observation".

Blaise suddenly burst out laughing as he tried to muffle his laughter with his hand only making me laugh along with him. Pansys face went bright red as she waited for Draco to say some snide remark back, but he didn't. Instead he just sat with his head down, I swear he was trying to hide his smirk which only made Pansy more angry.

"So Rose were having a party in the common room tonight, you coming?" Blaise asked
"A party? Erm I'm not sure"
"Come on Nicholls, it's not a party without you"
"If you buy the drinks then I'm there" I smirked
"That's a deal, I'll see you tonight hottie" He winked.

Draco's POV
I can't believe Rose actually saw that, honestly I didn't even know what I was doing with Parkinson she disgusted me. But I guess Pansy was just there...
I had to hide my smile at what Rose had said to me, she never failed to entertain. However it should have been me laughing along with her not Blaise. I wasn't planning on going to the stupid party tonight but after seeing Blaise and Rose flirt I had to be there, even if I had to bring Pansy along with me.

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