Malfoy Manor

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Rose's POV
I walked down the streets of London about an hour after I departed the coffee shop not quite ready to return to Hogwarts yet. I'd had the nicest afternoon chatting a complete stranger, or at least that's what I thought, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew him. It was strange because I didn't recognise him but the feeling I had while talking to him was indescribable. I felt like I could be myself, at peace, like all my worried faded and the other time I felt the same feeling was from the smell of mint and cologne from my blanket. Was it normal to feel connection to a complete stranger? Because that was it felt like. I swear I had to know him from somewhere.

I was just about to turn to the corner when I heard the something that made my completely stop. I swear I had heard the words 'Harry Potter' being muttered. Without second guessing myself I rushed forward towards the noise, the sound of talking growing louder as I did. There stood a house elf looking rather panicked talking to another scary looking house elf who immediately shut the door when I came in site. Leaving the panicked house elf to stare up at me.

"Did you say Harry Potter?" I spoke up, startling the little creature
" have no idea who that is" The elf stuttered, lying was not a strong suit I see.
"You can trust me, I'm friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione" I tried
"What's your name?" The creature said looking at me cautiously
"Rose, Rose Nicholls" I smiled
"Show me your arm"
"What? You think I'm a de-" but before I could finish I rolled my sleeve up not wanting to waste time.

The house elf slowly made his way over to me, inspecting my hair even trying a number of spells to see if the mark was concealed or not. His face expression softened once he realised I was not one of them, he turned to me while panicked resorted back into his expression.

"I'm going to get Harry Potter, him and his friends went out along time ago and have no yet returned"
"So their alive?"
"Yes Miss, but I have to go now"
"Can I go with you Mr-?"
"I'm Dobby, Dobby the house elf"
"It's lovely to meet you Dobby" I smiled
"I like you" He beamed "Let's go" He said.
I told hold of his hand as the familiar feeling of being sucked through a long tube hit my body. Apparating was awful.

My feet landed firmly onto flat ground, still holding onto Dobby as we landed. I looked around to see we were in a cold cellar, the icy feeling penetrating my skin.

"Dobby? Rose?" I heard a voice gasp from the front of the echoing cellar. I looked up to see Harry and Ron standing right before me looking thin, covered in bruises and pretty much looking like hell. But they were alive.

"Harry! Ron!" I beamed as I raced forward and brought them into a tight hug
"Merlin someone's happy to see us" Ron said
"What are you guys doing here?" Harry asked with disbelief as he pulled away from the hug.

"Dobby has come to rescue Harry Potter of course! Dobby will always be there for Harry Potter"
"What he said" I smiled.

"Are you telling me you have apparate in and out of this room, could you take us with you? Harry question
"Of course sir I'm an elf" Dobby said innocently looking at Harry with admiration
"Right Dobby I want you to take Luna and Mr Ollivander" Harry continued.

At the sound of Luna's name I spun around to see her emerge from the darkness of the cellar with Mr Ollivander, both looking as bad as Harry and Ron if not worse.

"Rose is here, how lovely" Luna smiled in her dreamy voice
"Luna!" I smiled, pulling her into a tight hug hardly believing she was here "I'm so sorry we couldn't find you" I began
"It's fine's not been so bad really".

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