He's the one for us

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A/N- My dog is trying to write this with me smh

Summary- Tony and Steve have always wanted a child, and now might be the time for them to find the right child. 

-Third Person P.O.V- 

"Steve, I'm not sure about this. What if I'm not good enough, and I turn out like Howard did?" Tony asks, pulling on Steve's hand to make him stop in front of the orphanage. 

Steve stopped and turned to Tony, a sad smile on his face as he looked at his husband. "Don't say that Tones, you'll be nothing like him. You have to believe in yourself, I know you'll be the best father ever." Steve proclaims, making sure Tony looks in his eyes to see the truth within them. 

A defeated sigh is released from Tonys lips, but hope seems to fill his eyes as he thinks over what Steve said, he grips onto the words tightly, willing himself to believe it and be better then his father. 

"Okay, let's do this." Tony says, his confidence slowly coming back. 

Steve smiles and nods, feeling the excitement of maybe having a child filling his veins and taking over all of his thoughts. 

Tony and Steve walk towards the door, hand in hand, ready to start a new family. 


As Tony and Steve began to speak to all the children, they couldn't find anyone who felt would fit in with their family.

Tony's eyes scanned the room until they landed on a head of brown curls, the young boy was sat in the corner reading a book and seeming to be very invested by it. Tony smiled and moved away from his husband and towards the young boy. 

"Hi." Tony greets quietly, not wanting to startle the boy. 

The boy looks up and his eyes widen in surprise and shock, although he tries to hide it, not wanting to be like everyone else and freak out. 

"Hi Mr Stark-Rogers." The little boy greets, his brown bambi eyes shining brightly. 

Tony can't help but smile at how adorable he looks. "What's your name?" Tony asks, while moving to sit beside him. 

"Peter." The boy- Peter- replies, trying not to allow his voice to waver in shock and excitement. 

"Nice to meet you Peter, I'm Tony. And him over there," Tony points to his husband talking to a young girl across the room, "is Steve." 

Peter nods and dares to speak, "I- I know. I've always like your work, and Bruce Banner's. Although I'm still trying to understand it all." 

Tony's eyes light up, "how old are you Peter?" Tony enquiries, shocked that someone so young understands, or mostly understands his work along with Banners. 

"I'm seven." Peter replies, feeling proud at being so young and knowing of their work. 

Tony looks over at Steve, who catches his eyes and Tony gives him the look to say he might have found the kid for them. 

As Tony continues to talk to Peter, Steve soon comes over and joins them, talking to Peter about his life. What he likes, and what he dislikes. 

When Peter leaves to go grab some things to show the couple Steve turns to Tony with the same look in his eyes. 

"What do you think?" Tony asks, already knowing what he thinks. 

Steve thinks for a moment, before looking at his husband and nodding. "I think he's the one for us Tones." Steve replies, making Tony nod in agreement, unable to wipe the smile from his face. 


"Welcome home Peter." Tony says, holding his hand as they stand in front of the tower. 

Peters eyes were wide as he looked at the building, having always wanted to know what it looked liked inside, and all the work that took place in there. And now, he lives there. 


A week later the small family were watching a show when a spider was shown on screen. 

"I hate spiders." Peter mumbles, moving closer to Steve in fear. 

Both parents frown and look down at Peter, "why's that?" Tony asks. 

"A spider once bit me." 




A/N- I liked this one ya know

- M xx

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