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"HEY, DADDY. I KNOW it's been a while since we last talked. A long while, actually and I'm sorry for not visiting as I usually would, but I feel like the more I come here, the more I want to stay and I know you don't want me to. But I'm here now. And I want you to meet somebody very important to me." Aliyah glances over to her boyfriend who is standing a respectful distance away, allowing her time with her dad.

"He has been here for me through everything - he's held me throughout the nights, been a shoulder to cry on - and I know we never got to the 'boys' talk but you would've loved him." She continues, a smile growing on her face as she sees Eli begin to pace nervously, Oreo following him around. "I know it."

ALIYAH BURSTS OUT IN laughter as she recalls a moment from her childhood that involved her father

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ALIYAH BURSTS OUT IN laughter as she recalls a moment from her childhood that involved her father. Elijah watches her in interest, a smile on his face too.

"This was when we were still in Jamaica - we had parent-teacher conferences at my prep school and I kid you not, this man walked up into the building with a cowboy hat and was telling everybody he saw 'howdy.'" She shakes her head, "My friends were looking at me like - is he okay? I'm like 'I don't know anymore.'"

Elijah laughs at the story, imagining his girlfriend with the weirdest look on her face because she thought her father was crazy for acting like a cowboy.

"He sounds hilarious." He comments, running a hand over Oreo's belly seeing as he was laying on his back.

"He was." Aliyah laughs, caressing her stomach gently. The two were sitting on the grass, Aliyah between Elijah's legs with her back to his chest and Oreo laid up beside them. "Y'all would've gotten along. You're both weird as hell."

The doctor gasps in fake offense, "Aye, don't offend your pops like that. He probably got it from you."

Aliyah slaps his thigh gently, "I know you're not calling me weird, Mr. I Wanna Teach Our Newborn To Set A Bone."

"You're the one that said I had nice nails when we were about to get the house."

"It wasn't weird - it was an observation."

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