Reception Part 2

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This is what the reception looked like except probably less tables

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This is what the reception looked like except probably less tables. Not my picture-

After the wedding, all the guests had to go into the banquet hall for the reception. Inside was a table that had the guests names with it along with the table number they were sat at. Suga, Daichi, Hinata, Kageyama, their baby, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, their baby, and Natsu were at table 1 which was a bigger table. Bokuto, Akaashi, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Yaku and Lev sat at table 2. Tendou, Ushijima, Semi, Shirabu, Goshiki, and Kogane sat at table 3. Table four was Kuroos family. Kita, Aran, Osamu, Suna, Atsumu, and Sakusa were at table 5. And lastly at table 6 was Makki, Mattsun, Kunimi, Kindaichi, Aone, and Futakuchi. At the head table was where Kenma and Kuroo were going to sit along with Kai. All the guests were seated except for the groomsmen, groomsmaids, Kenma, and Kuroo. Everyone was waiting for them to come in when suddenly the DJ started playing music. The doors to the banquet hall opened and the DJ started speaking on his mic. "First we have the best men Bokuto and Akaashi!" Akaashi strutted down the walkway to his seat with Bokuto next to him the whole time wearing some stupid sunglasses. "Next is Hinata and Kageyama!!" Kageyama just walked to his seat and sat down while Hinata tried to dance his way to his seat but was dragged by Kageyama. "Daichi and Suga!!!" Suga and Daichi just held hands and waved to their friends as they walked to their seats. "Oikawa and Iwaizumi!!" Iwa walked in with Oikawa holding him by the waist and walking with him to their seat so Oikawa wouldnt try to do something to look 'fabulous'. "And of course we have our grooms! Kuroo Kenma and Kuroo Tetsurou!!" Everyone started cheering as Kuroo walked in still carrying Kenma bridal style. In Kenmas arms was Kai wearing a little baby suit and he had little headphones on so the music wasnt to loud for him. Kuroo carried the two all the way to their seats and then let Kenma down carefully. Kenma walked over to the baby seat and sat down Kai then him and Kuroo sat in their seats. The DJ finsihed with the music and then left everyone to start socializing. Kenma and Kuroo were giggling and kissing each other the whole time until Kuroos mom walked up to their table. His mom took Kenmas hands and looked him striaght in the eyes. "Kenma, what you said as your vows made my heart melt in a good and bad way. If you are comfortable, I would like for you to start referring to me as mom. That woman deserves no right to be called the mother of such an amazing person like yourself." Kenma smiled and nodded. "Ok mom. She was a bitch anyway right" Kuroos mom laughed and gave Kenma a little hug from across the tabel the went over to Kuroo. "Tetsurou . . ." Kuroos mom went around the table to give him a proper hug and kissed his cheek. "Im so proud of you. I know I always joke around about how you are a reckless child but I love you so much. You found a good one." Kuroo hugged his mom back. "Thanks mom, I love you to" Kuroos dad came up and gave Kenma hug as well. "Im very lucky to have you as my son-in-law. Please if you want, call me dad, if not then just refer to me as grandpa because of this cutie here" Kuroos dad patted Kai's head as he smiled at Kenma. Kenma looked up a little then smiled back at Kuroos dad. "Ok dad, thank you" Kuroos dad had a huge smile on his face very similar to Kuroos smile then went Kuroo. "Tetsurou my son, Im so proud of you. And we thought you would be lonley forever!" Kuroo faked an offended look. "Dad! Im not that hopeless!" Kuroos dad laughed and very hugged him. "No you arent hopeless. Youve clearly proven that and me and your mother are very happy for you." Kuroo hugged his dad back while thanking him. The parents ended up going back to their seats to socialize with family leaving Kenma and Kuroo together again. "I love you so much babe" Kenma leaned by Kuroo and placed a soft peck on his lips. "I love you to Ken Ken"

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now