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-Little bit of angst cuz I mean why not?

Kuroo woke up Kenmas soft snores. He stared at Kenma and how cute he looked sleeping. His baby bump was resting on Kuroos side a little. Kuroo held Kenma close and closed his eyes. He started drifting bacm into sleep before Kenma woke up. "Ngh. . . Hi love. . " Kenma yawned and kissed Kuroos nose. "Hey baby. . ." Kuroo hugged Kenma and laid his hand on Kenmas baby bump. "You sound really tired babe. . . You know what, you continue to sleep. Every morning youve been caring for me so Im gonna go make us breakfast this time." Kenma went to get up but Kuroo pulled him back down. "No Ill do it. I want you to relax." Kuroo went to get up before Kenma quickly got up and jogged to the kitchen. Kuroo groaned and walked after Kenma. "Baby I know you wanna be nice but can you please not run? I dont want you to hurt the baby" Kenma frowned and turned towards Kuroo. "Tetsu Im fine. A little 5 second job isnt going to hurt him. Anyway can you go feed Mochi. Im getting breakfast ready." Kuroo sighed in defeat and left to feed the cat. After doing so, he came back into the kitchen to find Kenma standing on small step stool reaching for sugar. "Kenma what the hell you could fall! Call me for help goodness" Kuroo quickly lifted Kenma and placed him on his feet gently. "Tetsu Im not incapable of doing stuff. The is a step stool. Calm down." Kuroo grabbed the sugar and handed it to Kenma. "I know I just want you to be safe." Kuroo kissed Kenmas head and sat down at the table. Kenma made breakfast and they both ate. Kenma had two plates of breakfast whkle Kuroo only had one. "Oh hun by the way Im meeting Shoyo at the cafe later so Im gonna walk there. Do you want me to bring you back anything?" Kuroo looked up at Kenma. "No Im good but do you want me to go with you? What if you trip on the sidewalk or something and you need me?" Kenma reached over and grabbed Kuroos hand. "Babe stop worrying so much. Im fine its a short walk down the street. And besides Shoyo said he wanted to tell me something private so sorry you cant come with. But I will give you something to do while Im gone." Kenma got up from the table and grabbed a paper that was stuck on the fridge. "Can you get these things at the store or something if you have time? Its just baby stuff like a crib, bottles, diapers, you know the essentials since we dicided on no baby shower." Kuroo looked at the list and smiled. "Sure I can get this done in no time. Anything you need though? This is all just baby supplies." Kenma shook his head no and walked away to the room. Kuroo followed and found Kenma picking out clothes. "Im going to go take a quick shower then head out." Kenma picked up his clothes and headed into the bathroom. Kuroo decided to go check out his work so far in the babys room. He walked and opened the door. Inside, the walls were painted a pastel green with an assortment of different animals on the wall. In the corner was a white crib. There was a small sofa in the other corner and a changing table. Kuroo loved knowing he was going to be a dad. The room for the most part was still pretty empty. Kuroo knew what he was going to do today while Kenma was out. He was going to decorate and reveal the room to Kenma when he got back. As soon as Kuroo thought this, he heard the bathroom door open. "Tetsu whered you go?" Kuroo quickly slid out the door and closed it behind him then made his way to Kenma. "Right here baby, need something?" Kenma shook his head no. "Im just leaving now. Ill see you around 4." Kenma gave Kuroo a quick peck on the lips and then grabbed his coat. "Wait kitten are you sure you dont want me to walk with you? Just in case" Kenma gave Kuroo and warm smile a shook his head no. "Im fine babe. Love you see you later" And with that Kenma left. Kuroo sighed and went back in the baby room to do some planning.

Kenma arrived at the local cafe and immediately saw Hinata. "KENMA OH MY GOD LOOK AT YOU!" Hinata quickly jumped out of his seat and ran over to Kenma. Thank god the cafe was pretty empty except for a old people. "Hi Shoyo. Cmon lets sit down my back is killing me" Hinata quickly led Kenma to their booth a they took a seat. "Kenma its honestly so good to see you. I havent seen you since Bokuto and Akaashis wedding. Hows the baby?" Kenma smiled and looked down at his stomach. "Babys good. We felt the first kick about a week ago and now he hasnt stopped moving. Its honestly the most tiring, amazing thing ever. How about you, you said you wanted to tell me something?" Hinatas face changed from a wide smile into a frown. "O-oh um. . . Well I uh. . I-im pregnant as well" Kenmas jaw dropped. "Oh my god are you serious?? Congratulations! I didnt even know you could get pregnant! Oh my god how was Kageyamas reaction?" Hinata bit his lip and look down at his hands with sad eyes. "H-he doesnt know yet. . ." Kenma could see tears falling from Hinatas eyes. His parental instincts kicked in and he went to Hinatas side to comfort him. "Shoyo its ok but. . . Why havent you told him yet? How long have you known?" Hinata wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "I-Ive known for 2 weeks now but Tobio told me something and now I cant tell him." Kenma was worried and almost mad. 'What did Kageyama do that Shoyo cant tell him he is pregnant?' Almost like Hinata knew what Kenma was thinking, he shook his head. "He didnt do anything wrong he just- we were on a walk and I was going to tell him when we saw a mom holding a baby that was crying like crazy. He started saying stuff like how thats why he isnt ready for kids. A-and now im pregnant and I just cant tell him" Kenma felt bad for Hinata. He didnt know what to do. Neither Hinata nor Kageyama were in the wrong here. Kags just expressed his opinoin without knowing about Hinata. "Well Shoyo, I think even if he says that. . . You should still tell him because he will find out eventually. Unless you dont want to keep the baby but it seems like you do." Hinata shook his head. "I know I have to tell him but what if he gets mad and leaves me Kenma? I cant live without him" Kenma hugged Hinata and just held him in comfortable silence. Hinata was his best friend and Kenma couldnt stand to see him sad. "You know what Kenma Ill figure it out just, can you distract me?" Kenma had a worried look on his face but nodded anyway and let go of Hinata. "Uh well lets see umm . . . Oh! Tetsurou is worried about every little thing I do like no joke. I went on a stepstool today and he freaked out over it." Hinata giggled. "Well he just wants to make sure you are safe. But I agree that is a little excessive" Kenma leaned back and held his stomach. "Yea but its cute. I cant wait until this baby comes out because right now he is killing my back." Hinata laughed. "Oh by the way have you chosen a name for him yet?" Kenma looked at Hinata as if he had two heads. "I forgot about that. . ." Hinata burst out laughing. "Oh my god Kenma! I mean its fine since you still got about 3 or 4 months to go. Have you thought of any names though?" Kenma shook his head no. "Oh my god Kenma cmon we are going to brainstorm right now off names and then you can suggest them to Kuroo! Knowing him Im sure he thought of like 30 already." Kenma nodded and grabbed a pen and paper that was on the table. "Ok lets do this"

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now