Sick (The Sequel)

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Theres always that time of year when you get sick. Everyones human, it happens. This however, did not happen often at all. Kuroo getting sick. Almost never happened. It was like his cells were invincible. In his and Kenmas whole marriage, Kuroo has only been sick 3 times to where Kenma had to really take care of him because it got so bad. This was now the 4th time and it had not happened it over 4 years. Kuroo got a fever and it was BAD.

Kenma woke up and immediately saw the bathroom light on. He squinted and groaned a little at the brightness as he opened his phone. 6:23 a.m. Kenma sighed as he got up to see why his husband was awake when he didnt need to get up for another hour. As he got out of bed, he heard puking.

Kenmas eyes widened as he quickly rushed into the bathroom despite being 6 and a half months pregnant, and looked to see Kuroo completely exhausted and bent over the toilet bowl. "B-babe what happened. . ?" Kenma asked looking at Kuroo. He looked very pale and his eyes were bloodshot and puffy. "Im f-fine I just-" Kuroos eyes widened as he threw up in the toilet bowl again. Kenma went over to Kuroo and rubbed his back soothingly while moving his fringe out of his face. Because Kenma is pregnant, he couldnt actually look down or he would probably throw up from the sight of throw up. Kuroo finished and flushed the toilet. He had been for the past 30 minutes.

Finally after waiting another 10 minutes, Kuroo decided his body was probably done emptying his stomach since there was nothing left. Kuroo slowly got up and leaned on the wall as Kenma looked at him with concern. "You were fine just before we went to bed. . . bend down a little" Kuroo complied and bent down a little while Kenma placed his lips on Kuroos forehead. Kenma pulled back with wide eyes and a scared look on his face. "Tetsu youre burning up. ." Kuroo lightly chuckled as he leaned back against the wall. "I know, Im really hot" Kenma lightly hit Kuroos arm while looking at him with a straight face. "Im serious. I think you have a fever" Kuroo shook his head no as he slowly made his way to the sink so he could brush his teeth.

"No I cant have a fever, I-i have a presentation tomorrow and-" Kuroo suddenly felt super dizzy and placed his hands on the sink for support as he felt his body become very weak. Why was he sick? Nobody in the hosue was sick so why was he sick? What if he got Kenma sick?? As Kenma was about to go over to help his husband, Kuroo put an arm out stopping Kenma. "Baby Ive got this just please go back to bed. You cant be near me if Im sick, I dont want to hurt you or the baby" Kuroo said before standing back up and brushing his teeth. Kenma knew Kuroo was absolutely right. He couldnt get sick right now. It wouldnt be good at all but he coudlnt just leave his husband to suffer. So what could he do?


Kenma stood there as Kuroo brushed his teeth. He didnt want Kuroo fainting and getting hurt if he was already very dizzy. Kuroo took a deep breath before taking a few steps and then already having take a break at the doorframe. Kenma sighed and went over to Kuroo. "Im helping you to bed. I dont care what you say, Im helping you. After this Ill go put on a mask if it makes you feel better" Kuroo sighed in frustration but nodding as Kenma wrapped an arm around his torso and helped him get back to bed. As soon as Kuroo got into bed, he felt the dizzieness fade away. "Ken please put on a mask. I dont want you getting sick. ." Kenma nodded and brushed back Kuroos hair with a sorry smile on his before leaving to get a mask.

Kuroo sat in bed wondering how he got sick. He was thinking when he realized how. A worker at the company was sick and went into Kuroos office to tell him he was leaving early. That dude accidentally got Kuroo sick. As Kuroo was crusing himself in his head for being stupid and letting the man into his office, Kenma came back in the bedroom with a mask on and he was holding pills along with a cup of water. "Can you take these Tetsu?" Kenma said as he handed Kuroo the pills.

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now