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hellooooo!! I am making a part 2 to this because i just came up with like- a bunch of headcanons that relate to my story so here they are!!


-Kenma hates tomato. Why? Because he doesnt think it tastes good. On the other hand, Kuroo literally loves tomatos and so do the kids so if Kuroo is cooking something with tomato in it, he will always make sure to have a special plate for Kenma that doesnt have tomato.

-Kuroo sends Kenma titty pics (cuz we all know his chest is big😩) while hes at the gym hoping it will turn on Kenma. Most of the time Kenma will just call them man boobs and then leave it at that but sometimes it works in Kuroos favor.

-Kenma secretly loves the beach and going in the ocean. Kuroo was so happy when he found that out so he took Kenma to the beach for his birthday one year.

-Their cat, Mochi, got pregnant from a cat nextdoor. Kenma wanted to keep the kittens but Kuroo didnt want to. Instead, they came to the agreement to keep 1 of the kittens and Kenma could choose which one. Kenma chose a boy cat that was gray with green eyes and named him Matcha.

-When the kids are out, sometimes Kenma and Kuroo will blast music in the house and be complete idiots until the kids get back. When the kids come back, they turn back into responsible parents.

-Kenma and Kuroo will have dates at least 2 times a month. Occasionally, Bokuto and Akaashi will join them for a double date.

-Kuroo LOVES Harry Potter. He is a Slytherin. He forced Kenma to take the test to see what house he would be in. Kenma is Gryfindor.

-Kenma watches Adventure Time. He has a massive crush on Marshall Lee. Kuroo personally has a crush on the Flame Prince.


Angsty Headcanons

-Kuroo cannot stand it when Kenma makes plans without letting him know. Not small plans like going to hang out with Hinata or going to the store. Plans like taking the kids on a weekend getaway and completely forgetting to tell Kuroo. And yes, Kuroo literally came home to an empty house and thought everyone was kidnapped. He also got extremely pissed when he found out Kenma was two hours away. Kuroo refused to go meet with them that weekend and stayed home instead. (They worked it out in the end)

-(Spoilers for the next chapter!!)There was only one time where Kenma screamed (out of anger btw) 'I hate you' to Kuroo in the middle of a big arguement. Both went silent before tears quickly filled Kuroos eyes and he immediately left the house. Kenma freaked out because he obviously didnt mean it but it hurt Kuroo a lot. . .

-Kenma yelled at Temari once for buying something without permisson. Kuroo ended up getting mad because Kenma wouldnt talk to her so Kenma and Kuroo got into an arguement because of that. They all talked in the end though and worked things out.

-(last one!) Kenma can get really moddy while he is pregnant and will sometimes snap at Kuroo randomly. Kuroo understands Kenmas emotions are everywhere but he always gets an apology from Kenma within the hour of Kenma snapping.


Smutty Headcanons
*if they are having sex, the kids either arent around or not born yet!*

-Kenma likes getting choked. Not to much but right when he is about to come iykyk

-Kuroo has a virbator. For himself. . . Ill leave it at that 🙇‍♀️

-Tsukishima once walked in on Kenma and Kuroo having sex in a restaurant bathroom. Hes scarred for life. Kenma and Kuroo dont have sex in restaurant bathrooms anymore.

-Kuroo once had a wet dream and Kenma woke up from Kuroo moaning. Kenma woke Kuroo up by riding him. (They were married already btw)

-Kenma has a thing he does when he is horny but doesnt want to tell Kuroo. He will contantly drop things in front of Kuroo and pick them up slowly to tell Kuroo he wants sex. Kuroo always listens.

-Kuroo loves shower sex. Kenma doesnt absolutely love it but he does like it when Kuroo picks him up and slams into him so its a win-win.

-There have been multiple times where Kuroo has come home to Kenma being an absolute moaning mess from a dildo while screaming Kuroos name. Sometimes Kuroo will watch for a bit before literally destroying Kenmas ass or sometimes he will help Kenma with the dildo. (Its a 9 in.)

-When Kuroo is horny but knows Kenma is busy streaming or something, he will most definitely tease Kenma from the doorway of his gaming room by slowly stripping or sucking on a dildo until Kenma gets really hard and ends his stream early. The Kenma allows Kuroo to fuck him for as long as he can go.


Welp here are my headcanons!! Hope you enjoyed this shorter chapter! Byeee - chaotic clown

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now