Kenmas Boyfriend Reveal

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"3. . . 2. . . 1"

"Hey guys! Today is not like my other videos. Today I am finally revealing my boyfriend!" Kuroo gave a little wave at the camera. They were dling a livestream so the comments were flooding in like crazy. A lot of the comments were 'Omg when did you guys get together' or 'We kinda knew already.' "So today we are just gonna be answering questions, maybe see how much we actually know about each other which is probably a lot but we will see. First I think you guys should know his name so babe you can talk if you want." Kuroo kissed Kenmas head and started talking to the camera. "So my name is Tetsurou Kuroo. Im 25 years old and actually Yesterday was my birthday. Kenma was super sweet yesterday and bought me my favorite type of cake and some stuff I talked about getting. Oh! And you guys will refer to me as Kuroo cuz only this kitten and my parents call me Tetsuro." Kuroo pinched Kenmas cheek a little making his face flush red. "Kenma baby, do you wanna answer questions now cuz I think I said the general stuff and they'll figure out more stuff about me later right?" "Yea sure lets get into the questions. . . Ok here is a good one, how long have you guys been together." Kuroo started laughing and Kenma started giggling to. "This is kinda embarrasing to say but we've been together for 8 months almost 9 now. Sorry I kept it from you guys for so long!!" A lot of the comments were saying stuff like 'Answer my questions Kenma!!' or 'You guys look perfect for each other!' "Ooo kitten what about this question, how did you guys meet. Should we tell them when we met or when we started talking?" "We can tell them both, so I was a fucking lonley loser before so I went on a dating app and made an account and just waited for someone to text me. A couple hours passed and then a checked my phone and behold this man texted me" Kenma dramatically pointed at Kuroo causing him to laugh. "Kitten how could I not text you? You looked so cute and I hadnt even met you yet." "Yea yea but pretty much we started talking and then after 3 months of calling and texting, we finally met." "Kenmaaa, tell them how we met though! You cant just say 'and then we met' give them the details" "How about you do it then?" Kuroo squeezed Kenma a little and brought him closer to his chest. "Fine I will. So my group of friends invited me to go have a little get together with them so I agreed. I texted Kenma asking if he wanted to come with but he said he was busy so I brushed it off and went to the restuarant my friends booked for us. I was waiting for my close friend Bokuto and his boyfriend to show up when I look and see them standing at the table with Kenma. We were shook, we hugged, we kissed, we became boyfriends. Im still salty that you declined me first and then went with Bokuto and Akaashi." Kuroo made a little pouting face. "Tetsu you know Bokuto pretty much broke into my house and Akaashi dragged me to that thing. I was planning on eating pie. Not meeting you although Im very happy I did." Kenma turned his head around towards Kuroo and gave him and proped kiss on the lips. When Kenma turned back towards the camera and computer, he saw the coments filled with people talking about them kissing. "Omg you guys are so chaotic, yes he is my boyfriend so Im gonna kiss him, duh." "Soon you wont be my boufriend though~" Kenma was about to get mad before he realized the tone Kuroo had and started blushing a lot. He covered his face with his hands. "Tetsu yes I know Im gonna marry you one day just. . . still dont mention it out of nowhere." Kuroo burst out into laughter. Kenma started to giggle to yet still a little embarrased. "Ok ok, lets answer one more question then we can see how much we know about each other. So last question will be. . . why did you keep your relationship a secret for so long if it seems so perfect. Aww thanm you first of all but second I wasmt planning on telling you guys because there are some dumbass homophobic people. I mean poor Shoyo got tons of hate from fucking homophobic hoes just for his boyfriend kissing him during a live. I didnt want you guys to target me or Tetsurou so I just never told you." "Yea and then when Kenma said last week that he was single we had a little arguement about it but of course I won and he agreed to tell you guys cuz I dont give a fuck about homophobes. Then today this cutie got pissed that some ugly ass lady was flirting with me at a cafe and now here we are." Kenma gave a playful punch to Kuroos arm and then leaned back and rested his head on Kuroos chest.

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now