Big News *Special BokuAka Story Mostly*

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The phone was ringing. Kuroo picked up the phone. "Yo brooo! Whats up? . . . WHAT?! OH MY GOD CONGRATULATIONS MY MAN!! KENMAA! IT HAPPENED!!" Kenma rushed down the stairs. "Did he do it?! Did it happen?!" Kuroo nodded excitedly. Kenma grabbed his coat. "Cmon babe we gotta go celebrate with them!!" "Ok ok Im coming! Hey bro! We are coming over so be ready!!" Kuroo hung up the phone and got his jacket. The two rushed to the car and started driving to Bokuto and Akaashi's house. Less than 10 minutes later, the doorbell rang. "Coming!!" Bokuto opened the front door and was greeted by Kuroo pulling him in a big hug. "MY BROOOO CONGRATS!!" "Heh, thanks bro!" Kenma rushed in the house. "Where is he? I WANNA SEE THE RING!!" Akaashi came out of the kitchen. "Oh hey Kenma" "SHOW ME THE RING!" Akaashi laughed and showed him his hand. On the ring finger, it had a sparkly silver ring with a sapphire on it. "Oh my god its so pretty! Im so happy for you my baby!! You are an engaged man now!" Kenma pulled Akaashi into a hug. "Thank you Kenma" Akaashi leaned to Kenmas ear. "Now its your turn~" Kenma blushed but laughed it off. Once everyone calmed down, they sat on the couch and started getting serious. "Ok guys, tell us how it happened. We want to know all the details right kitten?" Kenma nodded excitedly and stared at the newly engaged couple. "Ok ok, we will tell you. So it was yesterday morning. . ."


"Keiji!! I made you breakfast in bed!!" Bokuto entered the room with a large tray of food. Akaashi sat up straight in the bed yawning. "Goodmorning Kou, aww thats very sweet, thank you babe" Bokuto walked over to Akaashi and placed the tray down in front of him. Akaashi grabbed Bokutos face and kissed him. Bokuto enjoyed the kiss but pulled back in excitement. "Keiji!! Try the food not meeeee!" Akaashi giggled a little but started eating the food Bokuto made him. Many people would be surprised about this, but Bokuto is actually a very good cook. He might not be good when he first trys out a recipe, but after some practice he becomes a master at cooking the dish. Of course, Bokuto made something he knew how to make so it was delicious. "Kou, this is so good. Thank you" Bokuto got super excited and sat on the bed next to Akaashi to watch him eat. "Baby, do you want some or have you eaten already?" "No Keiji! This is food for you only its special!!" Akaashi laughed at his boyfriends behavior. Akaashi didnt find himself getting breakfast in bed to odd because Bokuto had surprised him like this on many different occasions, but this somehow seemed. . . different? Akaashi brushed the feeling away and ate the rest of his food.

When he was done, Bokuto told him to get changed because they were going out somewhere. "Where are we going?" "Youll see beautiful, but dress in warm clothes!" Akaashi didnt bother asking any further questions as to where they were going and just went with the flow. 20 minutes later, Akaashi and Bokuto got out of their car and walked into building. "Koutarou, what is this place, weve never been here before" "Well look for yourself" Akaashi looked and saw an ice skating rink. While Akaashi was in his surprised state, Bokuto when and got them each ice skates. "Cmon Keiji! I know how much you like ice skating so you can teach me!" Akaashi smiled at his Bokuto and follwed him. Once they got their skates on, Akaashi slowly led Bokuto onto the ice. "Ok baby, I need you to hold onto me so you dont slip ok?" Bokuto nodded, biting his lip in concentration. Slowly, they both walked onto the ice together and Akaashi showed Bokuto how to skate around without falling and how to stop. Once he got the hand of it, Akaashi let go of Bokuto so they could actually skate. "Hey beautiful, can you still do tricks like back in highschool?" Akaashi shrugged and went off. He skated faster and faster and then he leaped. He gracefully landed and skated back to Bokuto whos jaw was dropped. "Does that answer you question?" He grabbed Bokuto and kissed him. "Why does today seem different. . . but like in a good way?" A sly smile crept up on Bokutos face. "I dont know~" Bokuto jokingly smacked Akaashis ass and tried to skate away but of course Akaashi caught him. "Nope, you arent getting away with that Koutarou" Akaashi dragged Bokuto to the center of the ice rink then left him. Yes, Bokuto could move around, but he wasnt very good so he pretty much felt stranded. "Keiji!!! Dont just leave me here!" He looked to his boyfriend to find him not paying attention and doing tricks and spins on the ice. Instead of complaining like Bokuto would normally do, he just stared at Akaashi. 'Wow. . . He really is an angel. Thats why Im going to do it today!!' Bokuto didnt notice Akaashi sneak up behind him to scare him since he was off in his own little world. "BOO!" "EEEK!" Bokuto jumped and slipped on the ice. He fell straight on his ass and slid a little groaning in pain. Akaashi burst out laughing while tryjng to help Bokuto up. "A-are you HAHAHA O-ok? Hahaha!!" Bokuto pulled Akaashi down with him so Akaashi was now pretty much on his lap. Their lips met. They kissed softly until Akaashi felt a little tug on his lip. Akaashi opened his mouth and Bokutos tounge met with his own. They made out on the ice for who knows how long until they got yelled at. "HEY! YOU TWO! STOP MAKING OUT ON MY ICE RINK! ITS DISGUSTING THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE HERE HAVE SOME DECENCY!" Akaashi pulled back, his face flushed. "Oops. . ." Bokuto giggled. "Its ok Keiji, anyway, we should get up. . . my ass is kinda getting numb." Akaashi laughed and got up, helping up Bokuto as well.

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now