Drunk #2

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In this chapter, its before Kenma and Kuroo were even engaged. Right now they are only dating.

Kuroo was sitting on the couch not knowing what to do. Its been awhile since he and Kenma got in an argument like this. One where there was a lot of yelling. They have only had this big of an arguement one or twice before in their 10 month relationship. And it always started from the littlest things which is what really made Kuroo upset. He just needed to get his mind off things as Kenma cooled down.

Like a godsend, Kuroos phone rang. He quickly looked at rhe caller ID and saw it was Bokuto. "Hey bro Im not really in the mood to talk right now but whats up? You need something?"

'Oh sorry man. I was just gonna ask if you wanted to go out for some drinks but if youre not up for it I understa-'

"Drinks sound perfect right now. What time?"

'Oh uh, ok then! Can i pick you up now or you need time to get ready?'

"Right now is great. See you in 10" Kuroo hung up the phone and stood up from his seat. A drink of two wouldnt be so bad. He walked into the bedroom seeing Kenma on the bed scrolling through his phone. Kenma just looked at Kuroo without saying a word. Kuroo walked to their dresser and got out some jeans and a hoodie.

As Kuroo got changed, he could feel Kenmas eyes practically piercing through his back. "Bo invited me for drinks. Ill be back home later tonight" Kuroo said as he grabbed his wallet and made his way towards the door. "I love you Ken" Kuroo said stopping by the doorway. He waited for a minute, hoping for a response. For some reassurance that his worst fear wasnt coming true. But he never got a response from Kenma. Bokuto beeped the car horn, and with that Kuroo left.


Bokuto pulled into the parking lot of some local bar and parked there. "Why do you look so down bro? Did something happen?" Kuroo sighed and put his head on Bokutos shoulder. "Im sorry. Kenma and me just got in a little fight before you called but its fine. Im here to try and forget about that until I get back home" Bokuto smiled and placed a small kiss on the top of Kiroos head. "Well then cmon, lets have some drinks"

Kuroo and Bokuto have always been close like this. Cuddling, kissing each others cheek or forehead, it was all normal. Even holding hands was incredibly normal for them. Both Akaashi and Kenma knew about their weirdly touchy friendship but got used to it very quickly. Its just how they show their bromance for each other.

Kuroo and Bokuto entered the bar holding hands. The took a seat and a bartender came up to them. "Hello lovebirds, what can I get ya tonight?" Bokuto and Kuroo quickly let go of each others hands and shook their heads. "No no we arent together. He has a fiance and I have a boyfriend. We are just good friends" The bartender nodded slowly, obviously not having interest in their bromance story so Bokuto cleared his throat and ordered a drink. "Ill just get a spritz. What do you want Kuroo?" Kuroo thought about it then ordered. "Lets try something new. Ill get the. . Long Island Iced Tea? Yeah Ill get that" The bartender nodded and started mixing up the drinks. Kuroo smiled at his choice. How alcoholic could iced tea be?

Bokuto and Kuroo were drinking their drinks and talking. "And then Keiji told me I was an idiot! Can you believe that? Just because I thought baking a cake at 650 degrees would speed up the time. How was I supposed to know it would burn the cake and almost burn down the house??" Kuroo laughed and wiped his eyes. "Bro I agree with Akaashi. Youre a total idiot" Bokuto huffed and drank the rest of his drink. He got a lighter drink and has a high alcohol tolerance so he didnt feel drunk. However Kuroo was getting buzzed.

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now