Karaoke (2)

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This is a filler chapter and then imma do kenmas mom going bye bye 😃

This was when Kenma was pregnant with Temari.

Kuroo was at his job and just got done with a meeting. He was the boss on his floor and he was good at it to. "Alright good work today everyone. Go home, go to your familys, rest well, have a good night guys" Kuroos staff waved to him as they all packed up and left the building leaving Kuroo alone. "God today was so stressful. . ." Kuroo looked at the shelf on the wall in his office and smiled. On it were a bunch of pictures of Kenma and of Kai. There were 3 special pictures he kept on his desk. One of them was of Kai. One was a wedding picture of Kuroo and Kenma and the last one was an ultrasound picture of their baby girl.

The workspace was quiet as Kuroo typed away on his computer doing some last minute work things. "Aaaand done! Whoo!" Kuroo fell back in his chair and sighed as he put his hands behind his head. He started thinking and realized he hasnt been spending as much time with Kenma as he wants. He was either at work or Kenma was streaming. The only time they really got together was the weekends but on the weekends they liked to do all the house chores to get them done. Kuroo sighed as he felt a small pain in his heart. He just wanted to spend time with Kenma. He still got to sleep with him every night but as much as Kuroo loves cuddling with his pregnant husband, he also wants to see him when he is awake. Kuroo grabbed his phone and quickly dialed Terushimas number. "Hey boss bro! Whats up?" Kuroo chuckled. Ever since Teru started working for Kuroo, he refers to him as 'boss' anywhere they go. "Hey bro, do you think you can babysit Kai for me and Ken? I just want to spend some time with him and-" Teru gasped from the other side of the phone and clapped his hands together. "Kuroo of course I will!! Ugh Daishou hates you so much but damn does he love your kid. Hes gonna be sooooo excited!! Ill go tell him right now! What time do I need to pick him up??" Kuroo smiled from the other side of the phoen as he gathered his things and put on his jacket. "You can go pick him up from Mattsuns place. I would ask him to babysit longer but him and Makki have a date tonight. Thanks a lot bro, Ill take care of that client youve been complaining about alright?" "Ayyyy thanks man. Ill go get Kai right now. Noe go home to your hubby, I know youre still at work. Bye!" Kuroo said his goodbye to Teru before hanging up and walking out of his office.


Kuroo pulled up in the driveway and got out of the car. He walked in he house and as he suspected, Kenma was playing games. Kuroo could tell Kenma was home because he could hear him cursing from his gaming room. "KITTEN IM HOME!" Kuroo waited for a minute before he heard the game turn off and the steps creak. "Hi hun. How was work?" Kenma walked over to Kuroo planting a kiss on his lips and hugging Kuroo. "Work went well. It was stressful as always but other than that, a good day. How are my lovely husband and my baby doing?" "We are doing well, thank you" Kuroo smiled at Kenma kissing his forehead. "God I hate stressful days but coming home to you is the best feeling" Kenma leaned his head on Kuros chest before his eyes widened and he looked around. "I thought you were going to pick up Kai? Did you forget?" Kuroo shook his head and hugged Kenma a little closer. "I asked Teru to pick him up and watch over him tonight. I just- want to do something with you today" Kenma sighed knowing Kuroo has been really stressed lately. He wanted to help him but didnt know how. An idea popped into Kenmas head. It was like Kenma and Kuroo read each others minds because they both looked at each other and spoke in unison. "We should go out tonight" Kuroo chuckled as he kissed Kenmas head and picked him up. "Can we go to the bar? With the karaoke? I can invite some friends and of course you dont have to drink. Neither will I" Kenma nodded and put his head on Kuroos shoulder. "Who are we inviting though?" Kuroo shurgged and pulled out his phone while still holding the pregnant Kenma with ease. "Ill send a text to the group chat and see whos in"

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now