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- 2 weeks later -

Kenma and Kuroo were walking hand in hand together around the mall. Ever since their last game night, Kuroo has been begging Kenma to call him babe. Every time Kuroo asks, Kenmas answer is no. To Kenma, its embarrasing to call Kuroo that. To Kuroo, its literal heaven if Kenma called him babe. But Kenma still refuses. "Hey kitten I have a ques-" "No Kuroo Im not going to call you babe." "Disappointing but not what i was going to ask." Kenma turns his head to Kuroo in curiosity. "Then whats  up?" Kuroo's face turned into a smirk. "Daichi invited me and you out tonight. Other people will be their to. I dont know how many people but I do know that its a karaoke bar we would be going to. I wanna go but how do you feel about it?" Kenma looked back down at the floor. He was slightly biting his lip and his head was tilted to the side a little. Kuroo knew this meant Kenma was thinking, which he found absolutetly adorable because it made Kenma look like a cat even more than he already does. " I guess that sounds fun and we dont have any plans tonight so sure we can go." Kenma looked back to up to see a very excited Kuroo. His face was lit up and Kuroo looked like Bokuto whenever Akaashi gave him a hug. Kenma giggled a little thinking about how childish his boyfriend is but brushed it aside quickly when he saw the game store. At one moment Kuroo was beaming with joy and the next he was being dragged to the game store by his boyfriend.

Kenma ended up buying 2 new games, some clothes, and apple pie. Kuroo bought mostly clothes, a cute cat plush he thought looked like Kenma, and a piece of apple pie as well. They went back to their house and put away the stuff they bought. "Hey Kenma!" No response. "Kenma?!" Kuroo was calling for Kenma from downstairs and Kenma was in their bedroom upstairs. What is he doing? "Kenmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?" "OH MY GOD BABE WHAT DO YOU WANT!" Kenma called from upstairs. Kenma realized what he said. 'Oh shit'  He heard quick footsteps coming up the stairs and before he even got the chance to get up from their bed and lock the door. Kuroo had barged in the room. He was out of breath, panting and talking at the same time with a shine in his eyes. " D-did you j--ust c-call me 'WHEEEZE, LMAO WTF IS THIS A/N'  b-babe again?" Kenma was sitting on the bed wide eyed staring at Kuroo with flushed cheeks. 'Omg right now? Why did I have to say it righ-' Kenmas thoughts were interrupted by Kuroo pulling him in a tight hug. Kenma was shocked but eventually hugged Kuroo back. They stayed like that for a minute or two enjoying each others warmth. Kuroo finally pulled back a little to look Kenma in the eyes while still holding him. " Kitten~ I know you think its embarrasing to call me babe but it just sounds so.... perfect coming from you. I love you so much so please call me that? If I didnt like it I would not be asking you to call me that right now would I?" Kenma was now bright pink again and just nodded still looking at Kuroo. " Um o-ok fine ill call you b-babe..." Kenma cursed at himself for stuttering but Kuroo didnt even notice because he was to busy trying to keep himself from bouncing off the walls with happiness. Instead, he just kisses Kenma and he immedietly kisses Kuroo back. Their kiss was sweet and full of the love they had for one another. When they pulled back, Kuroo went to the drawer and started pulling out clothes. " Uh... what are you doing?" "Thats what i was calling you for kitten, we need to get ready to leave soon its already 7pm." "OH FUCK!" Kenma grabbed some clothes and started to change right away.

Luckily, they got to the karaoke bar on time thanks to Kenmas reckless driving habit when he is late for something. By the time they got to the bar, Kenma was dragging Kuroo inside and Kuroo felt like throwing up from the car ride he just had. "Kitten~ remind me to... never, ever let you drive when we are in a rush again.." Kenma just giggled, said a quick sorry, and made his way inside with his sick boyfriend. The place wasnt that crowded which Kenma was thankful for but the only place that was crowded was big table where he saw all of his friends. There sat the couples, (Im going by ship name to make it easier) daisuga, ushiten, iwaoi, kaghina, and bokuaka. Kenma went and greeted people and so did Kuroo. Once everyone was settled in people the karaoke started. Random people were going up and all of a sudden, Bokuto, Kuroo, Daichi, Oikawa, Kageyama, And Ushijima got up and started walking over to the karaoke stage. Everyone left at the table was looking at their boyfriends with expressions of either fear, love, or anger. The group of guys went up on the stage, whispered something to the man playing the music, and then everyone got handed a microphone. Kenma was looking at the table with embarrisment. So was Iwazumi and Hinata but Suga and Tendou were looking at their boyfriends with love. Akaashi was acting like this happened with Bokuto all the time. Which it probably did. Then music started playing and the group started to sing.

Please replace futakuchi with kageyama thx lol

The song ended and everyone was clapping except for the boyfriends of the singing group. They were all in shock. Suga was the only one clapping for his boyfriend and yelling 'I LOVE YOU DAICHI!!' to him making daichi blush and tell Suga to quiet down a little when they got back to the table. All the boys ended up getting kisses or hugs or 'WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT' from their boyfriends. Although Iwa was the only one who yelled at his boyfriend and then made out with him. Kenma just made out with Kuroo for a bit then made room for Kuroo to sit down. But Kuroo didnt sit down which confused Kenma. But he saw Oikawa grab Kuroo and Tendou and take them up the stage steps. Kenma looked at the stage and saw Kuroo wink at him. Then the music started playing.

Kemma was shooketh. So was Ushijima and he barely showed emotion. Iwa acted like he expected this. The boys came back from the stage and Ushijima took Tendou and left. Probably to go fuck or something is what Kenma thought. Iwazumi looked like he was about to do the same thing. Although Kenma remembered the text he got from oikawa before he got to the bar and thought 'Its time'. Just as Kuroo was about to go talk to Kenma, Kenma got up and took Akaashi with him. Oikawa was running up the stage with Suga and Kuroo just sat down in confusion. 'Is Kenma going to sing??' Oikawa told something to the DJ, got microphones for everyone, and the music started playing.

Now it was Kuroo's turn to be shooketh. He was surprised at how well Kenma could sing. Bokuto right after Akaashi came back to the table, took him home. Suga did the same with Daichi. It was just the couples Kuroken, Kagehina, and Iwaoi left at the table. They all agreed to just go home for the night since most of their friends already left and it was around 11 at night anyway. This time Kuroo drove since he did not want to feel like puking again. Although Kuroo had... plans for when they got home. Kenma planned on going straight to sleep but that wasnt going to stop Kuroo. They finally arrived home and Kenma opened the car door, unlocked the door to their home and went inside with Kuroo. Kuroo right away locked the door and slammed Kenma up against the wall making him gasp. " Uhh b-babe what do you think youre doing?" "You~" Kuroo had a smirk on his face and Kenma just turned red and looked at Kuroo in shock. Was he serious right now? Were they about to have sex for the first time? Then Kuroo slammed his lips on Kenmas and they started a heated make out. Kuroos pants were getting tighter and same with Kenma. Then Kuroo broke the kiss which made Kenma whine a little. Kuroo picked up Kenma bridal style and brought him to their room. He placed Kenma on the bed and by the time Kenma look back over to Kuroo, he was shirtless and locking the door. "Ok kitten~ lets have some fun now~~"

WHEEWWWW THAT WAS QUICK LOL. BTW IDK IF IM GOOD AT WRITING SMUT OR NOT SO IF YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT READ THE NEXT CHAPTER. I WILL PUT A WARNING STILL BUT THIS IS ALSO A WARNING. hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and next chapter gonna get sPiCy 🌶 lmao k bai my clowz! <3 - chaotic clown 🤡

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now