Valentines Day Gamble

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PLEASE READ THIS! This occurs when Kai is only 2 years old. The other kids are not born yet but Kenma and Kuroo are married. Also sorry this is like almost two days late. Ty 🙇‍♀️

Kuroo woke up to his alarm going off. He groaned as he turned it off quickly not wanting Kenma to wake up any time soon. It was only 7:30 in the morning. Kuroo turned to Kenma and looked at him. Kenma was sleeping peacefully and drooling on the pillow a little. 'Cute' Kuroo got up from the bed slowly and made sure to put the covers back on Kenma so he wouldnt wake from the cold. "Alright. Time to start planning" Kuroo made his way out of their bedroom and walked down the hall to Kai's room. He opened the door and saw Kai was, thankfully, still sleeping. 'I have to call 'kawa. He might be able to babysit today' Kuroo wanted to celebrate Valentines Day with Kenma. They never made a big deal out of it but he felt like doing something special for Kenma since they havent gotten to go on any dates lately. Kuroo quickly got his phone from his room and went into the living room while calling Oikawa at the same time. "Kuroo-chan~ why are you calling so early? Shouldnt you be in bed with Kenma?" Kuroo scoffed at the phone. "And why are you up so early, hm?" Oikawa giggled. "Kuro-chan you know I wake up this early for my job. The cafe needs me and I need to look good so Im doing my morning routine. Anyway, what do you need?" Kuroo sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "So you have work today? I was going to ask if you could babysit Kai but its fine Ill ask-" "Hajime can babysit! He has a free day today and we already celebrated Valentines Day yesterday so we could have more time. Thats what this is about right? Trying to do something cute for your hubby~"

Kuroo blushed a little as a small smile formed on his face. "Y-yeah we havent gotten to go out lately so I thought today would be a perfect opportunity to go on a cute date. Are you sure its no trouble for Iwaizumi though? I dont want to bother him if-" Oikawa once again cut off Kuroo not giving him the chance to speak. "Hajime will babysit. We have been talking about adopting anyway so he wants practice on how to take care of a kid. Let me go ask him just to make sure though. . . Hajime~. . . Kuro-chan is asking if you can babysit Kai toda- wow ok thats a definite yes. Ok thank you bubs! Mwah" Kuroo chuckled hearing how Oikawa talked to his husband. "Hajime said yes. It was really funny. He like, shot up from the bed and had the dopiest face on- 'TOORU STOP EMBARRASSING ME' Oops- sorry baby! Anywho, what time do you need him to get picked up?" Kuroo looked at the time and saw it was already 7:50. "Uh- can I drop Kai off around 8:30? Kenma doesnt wake up until 9." Oikawa hummed into the phone telling Kuroo yes. "Thank Oi'awa, you and Iwa are the best" Oikawa giggled and kissed his phone making a 'mwah' noise. "I know. We are the best. When you drop him off though, dont be surprised if Hajime says thank you to you. He has been really liking babys right now" Kuroo chuckled from hearing Iwa groan in the background from embarrassment. "Alright. Tell Iwa I said thank you. Bye 'Kawa" Oikawa said a small bye and hung up the phone leaving Kuroo to go wake Kai.

"Kai. . wake up baby" Kuroo put his hand on Kais chest and shook him lightly to wake him up. Kai yawned and stretched his arms. "D-da. .da?" Kuroo smiled as he reached in the crib and lifted out Kai. "Goodmorning buddy. How would you like to go to Oikawas place? Iwa will be watching you" Kai didnt respond but just rested his head on Kuroos shoulder drifting back to sleep. Kuroo walked over to the dresser full of baby clothes and pulled out two outfits. One was a regular outfit to wear during the day and the other was a clean orange onsie Hinata got Kai for his second birthday. Kuroo decided not to change Kai but to just take him to Iwaizumis place in his pajamas so he could sleep more when they got there. Kenma and Kuroos home wasnt to far away from their place, only about a 15 minute drive. Kuroo walked around the room picking up things and putting them in a small bag where all the baby things were going. Diapers, a pacifer just in case he got fussy, and some extra toys and clothes. Once Kuroo packed everything, he put a coat, hat, mittens, and some boots on Kai since it was chilly outside. Kuroo put his coat on and made his way out the front door with Kai n one arm and a small bag full of things in the other. Kuroo buckled up Kai in the carseat and then drove them to Oikawa and Iwas house.

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu