Grandma Pt.2

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Kai and Temari stood in the living room before Kai sighed and started walking away. "W-where are you going?" Kai looked at Temari with sad eyes. "Well, we cant just stand there forever. . . we should go apologize to Tsu" Temari stared at Kai for a minute before nodding and following him up the stairs. They silently walked to Tsu and Temaris room and knocked on the door. "Hey Tsu. . . can we come in?" Kai heard a small grunt from the other side of the door and then opened it. There was Tsu sat on her bed and she had out her computer. "Hey. . . whatcha doing?" Tsu looked up at Kai and Temari. She looked really mad. "Im looking up how to beat up your grandma without getting in trouble with the police. Im not going to let anyone, and I mean ANYONE step all over me. No sir I will not have it!" Kai and Temari looked at each other and gave each other a weak smile. Tsu was fine, but they still needed to apologize. "Hey Tsu. . .we are really sorry. We shouldve kicked her out when she first called you that" Tsu looked up and gave Temari and Kai both a smile. "Its fine, I already forgave you two. But I dont think mama or dad is happy with you two at all. I heard dad from up here. Did he really yell at you two?" Kai and Temari both looked at the ground and nodded. Tsu sighed and closed her laptop. "Alright, Ill make sure Im done there with you guys when dad and mama gets home so they wont yell as much" Temari and Kai both said a small thanks to Tsu. "Im going to go text Haku real quick. Im almost positive we are getting grounded" Temari nodded. "Yea Ill tell Rei not to expect to hear from me for the next two weeks. Ill still see her at school anyway so its not a big deal but still" Temari and Kai quickly went to search for their phone before they got grounded. Tsu sighed and leaned back on her bed before smiling to herself. "Im a girl in the wrong body. . . ha, and that lady thought I didnt know what I was talking about" Tsu smiled knowing she was going to start her transitioning soon and waited for her parents to get home.


Kuroo was in the car with Kenma and was absolutely pissed. They couldve found out the gender today but because of the circumstances, Kuroo and Kenma decided to find out a celebrate at another time. Kuroo drove on the highway before he ran into traffic. "Oh you got to be fucking kidding me!" Kuroo groaned and looked behind him. Cars were already stopping behind the car so they couldnt try to go on a different exit. They were officially stuck in traffic. "Out of all the fucking days it had to be this one!" Kuroo leaned forward leaning his head on the steering wheel fuming. Kuroo felt a hand be placed on his back and he instantly calmed down a little, but was still mad. "Dont stress hun. Please? We will get home eventually and then we will talk to the kids. Please try to calm down" Kuroo turned his head to Kenma and glared at him. "And how in the world are you so calm about this?" Kenma sighed and moved his hand to Kuroos cheek rubbing soothing circles on it. "I cant stress. It would be bad for the baby. And also, I know my mom. She might have tried hurting me when I was younger but I know for a fact she would never, ever try to hurt her grandchildren. Maybe mentally and verbally but not physically. And yes, its still bad but I know what you were worried about. She isnt going to go and try hurting the kids, they are strong. They are fine" Kuroo let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes enjoying Kenmas touch. "How can I be so in love with you even when Im pissed off?" Kenma shrugged and leaned over go Kuroo placing a small kiss on his lips before pulling away with a small smile. "Dont worry. Im mad to. It was still completely dangerous and they should have listened to us. Im just waiting to let it all out at home during our talk" Kuroo let out a small laugh before placing his hand on Kenmas. "So whats the plan? How are we doing this?" Kenma hummed before looking out the window. "Hmm. . . maybe good cop bad cop?"


Kai just got done texting Haku when he heard the front door open. He took a deep breath before placing his phone down and walking out of his room. Temari walked out of her room with Tsu and the 3 kids all looked at each other before nodding snd walking down the stairs. Kai was first to reach the bottom of the stairs and saw Kuroo helping Kenma take off his coat. Kai silently walked further into the living room and sat down on the couch with Temari. Tsu sat in a chair and waited for Kuroo and Kenma. Kuroo looked at the 3 and. . . smiled? Kai and Temari looked at each other and there faces paled a little. They knew what was about to happen. Good cop bad cop.

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now