Kuroo Temari (Pt.1)

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Kenma was 9 months pregnant with his and Kuroos baby girl. Like his last pregnancy with Kai, he was having conrtractions here and there but they were all false. "Baby are you going to be ok watching Kai? I can always take him with me to work you know" Kenma sighed and started pushing Kuroo towards the door. "We will be fine. Just go to work already hun or youll be late" Kuroo sighed as he walked out the front door. Kenma followed him out and hugged him. "Have a good day at work, I love you" "I love you to kitten. Ill be home earlier though since today starts my parental leave. I just have to finsih up a presentation. Ok see you around one, bye baby!" Kuroo gave Kenma a quick kiss before running to the car and getting in. Kenma waved goodbye to Kuroo one last time before going back in the bouse to escape the cold of fall aproaching. Kenma looked at the clock and saw it was 8. Yea, Kuroo was most likely late. Kenma sighed and started walking to Kais room before having a contraction. Kenma leaned on the wall and waited it out until he could walk again. Kenma walked as steadily as he could to the room and went next to Kais bed. "Hey buddy, its time to get up. Grandma and grandpa are coming over around ten remember?" Kai shifted in his little bed and rubbed his eyes. "Ma. . ma?" "Yes baby its mama. Can you wake up for me?" Kai shifted around and slowly kivked the blanket off of himself shivering from the enclosed warmth he had now beiing gone. "Mama- c-cold" Kenma got up and grabbed one of Kais little hoodies and lifted him up. "Cmon lets get this on you and you wont be cold anymore" Kenma lifted Kai up and stood him up on the bed. Kai leaned against Kenma a little trying to gain balance but being just woken up, that isnt easy. "Arms up" Kai lifted his arms and Kenma slid the small hoodie onto Kai. "There now mama cant lift you because of the baby. Can you help mama out and walk with me?" Kai who was now pretty awake now nodded and held Kenmas hand as they walked out of the room and into the kitchen.

It was 10:00. Kenma was sat on the couch and Kai was sat next to him. Kenma was playing a game and he gave Kai a controller that wasnt plugged in so he thought he was playing. Kenma heard a knock at the door and paused the game. "I think grandma and grandpa are here!" Kai quickly threw the controller onto the couch and raced to the door. Kenma opened the door and saw Kuroos mom and dad standing with presents. "Hello hello! Where are my three babys!!" Kuroos mom walked in and immedietly went to Kai. "Grandma!! Hi!!" Kai raced into her arms and hugged her tightly. "Kai! Oh look youve gotten so big! Honey come here look how big Kai has gotten!" Kuroos dad walked in with a bunch of gift bags and a few balloons. "Hey buddy! Let me just put these away then you can give me a proper hug. Hi Kenma how are you and the babys?" Kenma smiled as he took some of the lighter bags and balloons from Kuroos dad. "We are all doing good although she is a kicker and like to give her mama lots of false alarms" Kuroos dad chuckled a little as they walked to Kais room where the crib was set up for the new baby. "Are you sure they are false alarms?" Kenma nodded a little andput down the bags and balloons. "Yea she just likes to give her mama a hard ti- owwww" Kenma held onto the crib and shut his eyes taking in deep breaths. "L-like now" Kuroos dad rested a hand on Kenmas shoulder to try and provide any type of comfort he could to Kenma. After the contraction passed, Kuroos dad secretly set a stopwatch on his phone just in case these werent false alarms. Kenma groaned as he walked out of the room with Kuroos dad and saw Kai and Kuroos mom playing with a small little minecraft pig plush. Kuroos mom stood up and reached out her arms to Kenma. "Kenma how are you sweetie? Come here give me a hug" Kenma smiled as he walked over to Kuroos mom giving her a little hug since he had a full on pregnant belly in the way. "Hi mom how have you been?" Kuroos mom scoffed as she helped Kenma to the couch. "Nevermind about us we just do old people things. How are you? Hows the baby?" Kenma leaned back on the couch and sighed. "We are all doing good. She is healthy so thats good but she also like to give her mama a hard time with false contractions and kicking lots at night. But of course thats just what babys do." Kuroos mom laughed knowing how much it must hurt having gone through that herself when she was pregnant with Kuroo. "Well how is Tetsurou? I figure he is at work since it is a Tuesday" Kenma nodded and leaned back on the couch. Kai was playing with Kuroos dad on the floor with plushies. "Hey I really appreciate all the presents but I thought me and Tetsu said-" "Yes yes I know you said only one for Kai and that you have enough baby stuff but I couldnt help it! First I walked into the store planning on going in and out with one item then I came out of the store with 200 dollars worth of stuff for you guys. And no I didnt include a receipt on purpose. I made sure everything I bought was correct so you wouldnt return it" Kenma started giggling when he felt another shock of pain go through him. "Shit- oww" Kuroos dad quickly pulled out his phone and stopped the timer. "Kenma you just ended your last contraction about 11 minutes ago. . . I think this might be the real deal" Kenma lifted his head up in pain shaking it. "No no nope Im not going into labor today Im fi- OW!" Kuroos mom held onto Kenmas hand while Kuroos dad timed how long the contraction was lasting. Kenma finally got through the contraction and Kuroos dad stopped the timer. "About 30 seconds that one lasted" Kuroos dad set the timer again in case Kenma had yet a nother contraction. Kuroos mom looked at Kenma worried. Then Kai came up and placed a hand on Kenmas stomach. "Is mama ok?" Kenma smiled at Kai and leaned down giving him a little kiss on the head. "Mamas fine. Go play with grandpa. And did you thank them for buying you the plushies?" Kai yelled a quick "Thank!" then went back to playing with the plushies. "Hey Kenma do you want me to call Tetsurou? I can ask him to come home from work just in ca-" "No he has a presentation meeting I dont want to bother him. Its probably just false alarms anyway" Kuroos mom still looked concerned but nodded and left it at that.

Kenma has been having contractions and the time has gone down to eight minutes between each one. It was now 11:30 and Kenma felt exhausted. "Sweetie I think I should call Tetsurou. It down to eight minutes. I think you are going into labor" "No Im not going into- shit shit shit oww" Kenma was leaning against the wall and almost fell but thankfully Kuroos dad caught him. "Ok Kenma I know you are saying you arent going into labor but Im calling Tetsurou either way" Kenma was gonna protest but his contraction started hitting him even harder. "What wrong with mama?" Kuroos mom and dad helped Kenma to the couch and sat him down. "Your mama is going to have your baby sister! Isnt that exciting?" Kais jaw dropped. "Baby is coming??! YAY!! IM GONNA DRAW BABY!" Kai ran away to his room picking up a pen on the way. Kuroos dad went to watch Kai while Kuroos mom sat next to Kenma and called Kuroo. "Cmon pick up pick up pick- Tetsu! Hi sweetie you need to come home. No nothing bad happened. . . Listen to me. Kenma is going into labor and he needs you here with him. Your dad and I have to stay at the house with Kai so we need you to bring Kenma to the hospital. . . ok I will see you soon" Kenmas contraction stopped and his breathing got pretty even again. "I-is Tetsu coming?" "Yes he is coming home now. He told me to tell you he loves you and that I need to help you get ready to go to the hospital so cmon lets go. Your water will probably break at any-" As soon as Kenma stood up, his water broke. "-moment. Ok cmon do you wanna take a shower? I can get the tub ready for you while you get clothes ready ok?" Kenma nodded as he walked with Kuroos mom to the bedroom. Kuroos mom started the shower for Kenma while Kenma pulled out a hoodie, boxers, and some stretchy sweatpants. "Kenma water is ready! Sorry I dont want you falling in the shower so I made you a bath instead is that ok?" Kenma smiled and nodded. "Thats perfect, thanks mom. If Tetsu gets here while im still bathing can you just tell him to come in here?" Kuroos mom smiled and walked out the door. "Call me if you need anything!" The door closed and Kenma started stripping of the damp clothes. He tossed them in the laundry hamper and carefully stepped into the tub, lowering himself down and sitting. Kenma felt very relaxed but still one thing was on his mind. 'I want Tetsu. . .'

Kuroo quickly got out of his car raced to the front door. He took out his keys and unlocked the front door bursting into the living room. "Wheres Kenma?" Kuroos mom was cleaning the floor where Kenmas water broke and pointed up the stairs. "Hes bathing. His contractions are seven minutes apart" Kuroo started freaking out. First, when Kenma was pregmant with Kai, his water broke at around 15 minutes inbetween contractions. Second, they left a lot earlier the last time and now Kenma was down to seven minutes. Kuroo raced up the stairs and walked into the bedroom. "Kenma?" "In here!" Kuroo walked into the bathroom and saw Kenma sitting in the tub with his head leaned back on the wall. Kuroo went over and squatted down next to the tub. "Hey baby. . you know you are seven minutes apart? I thought we agreed to tell me when you were at least 10 minutes apart." Kenma had a frown on his face as he turned to Kuroo. "I know but you talked about your presentation and I didnt want to bother you if they were false alarms because I know how important-" Kuroo connected his lips with Kenmas then pulled back. "Whats important is that my husband is having our second baby. I handed the presentation over to my partner Terushima so he is taking over. Dont think you are ever bothering me ok?" Kenma nodded and leaned his head back again on the wall. "Can you wash my hair please?" Kuroo chuckled and grabbbed the shampoo. "Sure mama" Kuroo ended up washing Kenma because he was already feeling exhausted from them contractions. Kenma got changed with the help of Kuroo and grabbed his phone and coat. "Ready to go babe?" Kuroo grabbed the hospital bag and baby carrier. "Yep lets go" As Kenma and Kuroo were walking down the stairs, Kai ran up to them. "DADDYS HOME!!" Kenma giggled a little before kissing Kais head and making his way past him. "Mama going to go have a baby so grandma and grandpa will watch over you ok buddy?" Kuroo said as Kai hugged his leg when he reached the bottom of the stairs. "B-but daddy just got home. . " Kuroo placed the things down and kissed Kais cheek. "Mama and daddy will be back tomorrow ok? I know I just got home but its because mama needs to have your baby sister. I love you my little champ" Kai stood there looking down at the floor with a pout on his face. "Love you to daddy. . " As much as Kuroo felt bad, he also needed to take Kenma to the hospital now so he picked up the stuff and headed out the door with Kenma saying their goodbyes to everyone. When Kuroo and Kenma left, Kai walked to his room and sat on his bed. 'Daddy likes baby better, thats why he left. . . I hate the baby'

Haha not me making Kai act like a cliche child when they get a new sibling. Lol of course not 👀 anyway hope you liked this chapter and watch for part two! K bai- chaotic clown 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now