"Im Pregnant"

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-2 months later cuz Im super impatient -

Ever since that day, Kuroo and Kenma told everyone about them getting engaged. They already started talking about plans for their wedding, which they thought would be a good idea to have during the next spring. It was a Friday morning. Kuroo had just gone off to work that morning, leaving Kenma sleeping. Kenma awoke about an hour after Kuroo left feeling horrible. He quickly got out of bed and ran into the bathroom. Kenma threw up. That had been happening every day for the past week. Every day, Kenma would wake up with no Kuroo and then go throw up. He hasnt told Kuroo so he wouldnt worry him because for some reason, he only really threw up around the morning time. After that, he would just go eat. Kenma flushed the toilet and brushed his teeth. He walked into the kitchen to find a little note next to some apple pie. 'Hey Love! I feel awful for having to go to work super early this past week so to make up for it, I made you an apple pie this morning before I went to work! I hope you like it! I promise we will cuddle and spend time this whole weekend. See you after work baby' Kenma smiled at the note. Kenma took the apple pie which was honestly HUGE and started eating it. He left one slice which would be for Kuroo when he got back home. Kenma was still slightly hungry after he ate all the pie but decided to ignore the hunger. Akaashi was coming over later to talk to him about wedding stuff. In just 3 months, Akaashi was getting married to Bokuto and wanted to talk to Kenma about the 'experience of being a engaged man.' Kenma went to check on Mochi. She was sleeping on her cat tower. Kenma checked the litter box which was empty. The food bowl and water bowl were both full as well. 'Tetsu must have taken care of it this morning. God I love him' Kenma pet the kitty cat and opened the door so she could wander around the house. Kenma walked into the bedroom and picked out some clothes to wear. As he was changing, he looked in the mirror. "Am I getting heavier? Huh. . . I guess thats a good thing though since I am pretty skinny" Just as Kenma put on his shirt, the doorbell rang. He wuickly ran to the door and opened it. Akaashi walked right in like he owned the place holding a big binder. "Come Kenma. Sit down while I teach you the steps of being engaged" "Well hi and goodmorning to you to whore" Akaashi and Kenma started giggling. Kenma locked the door and sat down next to Akaashi giving him a hug. "Hey Kenma have you gained weight? And not that its a bad thing its actually really good! You have always been super skinny" Kenma nodded. "Yea but anyway go on and lecture me before I change my mind and kick you out." Akaashi nodded and started talking about djfferent things Kenma has to consider about getting married. After 2 hours of explaining, joking, and shopping, Kenma couldnt ingore his hunger any longer. "Hey Akaashi, you hungry? Im starving." "Actually yea I am pretty hungry as well. Here lets go make some food. Ill help you" Kenma nodded and walked to the kitchen with Akaashi following him. "So what do you want to eat?" Akaashi thought about it and decided on just some simple sandwiches. Kenma started gathering the food when Akaashi spotted the note on the counter and read it. "Kuroo made you a whole fucking pie this morning? Damn he must really love you Kenma" Kenma giggled. "Yep he does. You know if you want you can have some of the pie and I can make another one for Tetsurou before he comes home." Akaashi walked over to the fridge. "Well im not going to eat the whole pie. Ill leave him a slice or two" "There is only one slice left" Akaashi was left speechless. He opened the fridge door quickly and looked until he spotted the pie. "Kenma how the fuck did you eat all that pie just this morning. Its like youre pregnant or something" Realization hit Kenma like a truck. The morning sickness, being overly hungry, gaining weight. It all made sense. Kenma dropped the bread that was in his hand. "Uh Kenma you ok? You literally just dropped perfectly good bread on the floor" "I think Im pregnant"

"Ok so let me get this straight. The night Kuroo proposed to you, you and him agreed you wanted to start a family and he didnt use a condom. You have been getting morning sickness and putting on weight quickly?" Kenma nodded while pacing around the room. Kenma stopped and lifted his shirt. "Akaashi do I look pregnant to you?" Akaashi stared at Kenmas stomach. "I dont know Kenma, if you are I can barely tell. But Kuroo proposed about 2 months ago so I mean if you are pregnant you woudlnt have a big baby bump. Honestly, if I were you I would take a test." Kenma nodded and grabbed his keys. "Im so sorry Akaashi but I need to know now. Feel free to do what you want. You can make yourself food, you can go home, It doesnt matter to me but I need to go buy the test. Tetsu comes home in 2 hours." Akaashi nodded and got up from the couch. "I need to get home anyway. Kou is probably burning down the house as we speak trying to cook pancakes. Its like the only food he cant cook but he always tries to and fails. Alright goodluck Kenma. See you later" Kenma hugged Akaashi got in his car and left while Kenma walked down the road to the corner store. He got inside and grabbed 6 different pregnancy tests. He arrived home shortly and went straight into the bathroom. "Shit shit shit ok so what do I do. Umm. . . Pee on it? Ok whatever lets do this." Kenma grabbed a plastic cup and peed into in. He put in all the pregnancy tests and took them out. He set them down on the counter, emptied the cup, and threw it out. Kenma looked at the tests and they suddenly started blinking. They looked like they were loading. Kenma waited patiently on the cold floor of the bathroom. Kenma fekt tears well up in his eyes. Him and Kuroo have been waiting for this moment to find out if their attempt worked. After about 10 minutes of waiting, Kenma grabbed and random pregnancy test and looked at it. Positive. Kenma felt tears streamint down his face. He couldnt help but smile. Kenma grabbed another one. Pregnant. Kenma grabbed all of them. They all either said 'Yes! Pregnant' or had two red lines. Kenma was crying from pure joy. He felt rihht under his stomach where a little bump was. Kenma felt so happy in that moment before he realized who he needed. Kuroo. Kenma quickly texted Kuroo that he needed him home. Almost immedietly, Kuroo texted back 'Omw' Kenma ran into the bedroom and grabbed a small gift box. He placed some tissue paper inside and laid the pregnancy tests on it. He then laid even more tissue paper on the tests and waited for Kuroo to get home. Within 10 minutes, Kuroo ran inside the house looking worried as all hell. "Im here what happened! Whats wrong are you ok?" Kuroo ran up to Kenma and started looked at him up and down as if checking for any injuries. "Babe no Im fine I just- babe listen I have a big surpirse for you" Kuroo looked super confused. "Just sit down trust me it really worth it." Kenma got up from the couch and closed the front door which had been left wide open and rushed into the bedroom. He grabbed the box and rushed back out to Kuroo who looked really curious but confused at the same time. "Ok I want you to open this" Kenma handed Kuroo the box. Kuroo looked at Kenma who was smiling brightly. He opened the box carefully and saw a much of different colored tissue paper. He looked back up at Kenma who motioned him to keep looking through the box. Kuroo removed the tissue paper until very little was left. He saw a bunch of weird stick looking things sitting at the bottom of the box. "Kenma. . . Your joking" Kuroo pulled out the tests and looked at them. They all said positive. Kenma was now crying again and Kuroo felt tears come up in his eyes. "Y-youre pregnant?" Kenma nodded quickly and was smiling from ear to ear. Kuroo quickly stood up and grabbed Kenma kissing him. Tears were running down their face as they kissed and embraced each other. Kuroo pulled back and lifted Kenmas shirt up and little. He felt around til he felt a little bump and started laughing in shock. "Oh my god. . ." Kuroo quickly went on his knees and kissed Kenmas stomach causing Kenma to laugh. "Kenma we are going to be parents!!" Kuroo stood up excitedly and picked up Kenma bridal style. He brought Kenma to their room and laid him down on the bed. Kuroo quickly took off his jacket and shoes and climbed into the bed but laid his head next to Kenmas stomach so his feet were hanging off. Kuroo kissed the small baby bump. Kenma was running his fingers through Kuroos hair just enjoying this amazing moment. "Kitten, im going to be a dad. You are going to be a dad. Or wait but what will they call me? I like dad. Dad sounds good. What will they call you though? Maybe papa or something. I dont know whatever you like but oh my god we are going to have a kid!" Kuroo moved up in the bed and kissed Kenma. Kenma put his arms around Kuroo and kissed him back. "I love you so much Tetsu~" "I love you my world. Well now I get to say my two worlds since we have a child on the way now!" Kenma buried his face in the crook of Kuroos neck. "I cant believe Im pregnant with our child. . . Its amazing" Kuroo placed a hand on Kenmas baby bump. The rest of the day was perfect. Kuroo would just ramble on and on about what him and the child would do together. He even started to try and think of names. Kenma loved every second of it. First, Kenma was feeling very proud that he had a child growing inside of him. Second, his emotions were all over the place. Any little cute thing Kuroo said made Kenma want to cry from joy. Kuroo would not let Kenma get out of bed though. If Kenma needed something, he got it for him. "Babe Im very much capable of moving. Let me get myself some water" Kuroo quickly got up from the bed and gently laid Kenma back down on the pillow. "No no no, what if you trip and fall and the baby gets hurt. What if you run into something and the baby gets hurt. Whar if-" "Ok ok I get it fine I wont get up." Kuroo let out a sigh of releif and left to get Kenma water.

-3 months later cuz im lazy-

Kenma was 5 months pregnant. Akaashi had just gotten married and Yams had his baby girl. Oikawa had been talking about adoption with Iwaizumi. Suga and Daichi have been trying for a baby. Pretty much, a lot has happened in 4 months. Also, Kenma and Kuroo found out they are having a baby boy. When Kuroo found out he literally fainted. Kenma was just really excited. The day so far was. . . well chaotic. Kuroo had been painting the guest room which would be the babys room and he would not let Kenma see it. Kenma had just gotten back from a doctors appointment. "Tetsu Im home!" Kuroo quickly ran out of the guest bedroom covered in light green paint. "Baby! And baby!" Kuroo rushed to Kenma and hugged him the bent down and kissed his stomach. "Well now I know what color the room is" Kuroo looked at his clothes and groaned. "You werent supposed to see!" Kenma giggled and kissed Kuroos nose. "Anyway how did the appointment go?" "It went well. Only thing is the doctor said I should eat a little more." Kuroo picked up Kenma. "Well then I will cook you all the food you want love." Kuroo carried Kenma to the couch and sat him down. "Im just going to go change. Want me to grab your pillow?" Kenma nodded and layed down on the couch. He had a pregnancy pillow that help him sleep comfortably without Kuroo. As Kuroo left, Kenma rubbed his belly feeling the pretty big bump that he had. "You little one are sure gonna be chubby. And the doctor said to eat more. I guess that means you are hungry to?" Kenma always talked to the baby. Kuroo would sometimes catch Kenma just muttering little things to his stomach and Kuroo thought it was the most adorable thing. Kenma never got answer, well until now. Kenma felt a kick. He hadnt felt a kick before. Kenma gasped loudly causing Kuroo to rush into the room with his shirt half on. "Did something happen? Are you ok babe?" Kenma was shocked. He sat up and was just pointing at his stomach. "I- the baby- first time- oh my god!" Kuroo pulled his shirt on and rushed to Kenmas side. "Did something happen to the baby? Do I need to take you to thw hospital!?" Kenma shook his head no. "The baby just kicked Tetsu! I just felt his first kick!!" Kuroos worried face turned into a wide grin. "Really? Thats amazing! Wait, Kenma is he still kicking? Can I feel?" "I mean you can try but he only kicked once" Kuroo excitedly put his hand on Kenmas stomach and felt around for any sign of movement. No more than 3 minutes later, the baby kicked again. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" Kuroos eyes were sparkling. Kuroo kissed Kenmas stomach and then kissed Kenma. "Im so happy we are going to have a family together" "Me to Tetsu. Hey babe. . . Can I have some food please?" Kuroo kissed Kenmas forehead and ran into the kitchen to make Kenma food. Kenma laughed. 'My life is going to be a good one for sure. Im so lucky to have found you Tetsurou'

This was rushed. Its bad but cute? Idk Im not a big fan. I am just super super super excited at the thought of Kenma and Kuroo having kids together that I rushed into it sorry not sorry 😋 anyway hope yall enjoyed so bai- chaotic clown 🙈

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now