Nightmares and Cupcakes

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Timeskip back to before any of the children were born. Kenma and Kuroo are only dating.

Kuroo is not one to have nightmares often. Usually when he has a nightmare, he wakes up from them and shrugs it off. Why should be actually be scared of a nightmare? Its not like he ever remembers them anyway. Its always a little blur in his mind that made him jump and then he was right back to sleep.

"Tetsu are you ok?" Kenma asked as he paused his stream to look at Kuroo who was laying on the couch behind him. Kuroos eyes were closing and opening again very slowly. "Huh? Y-yeah Im- *yawn* - fine" Kenma took off his headphones and grabbed Kuroos arm. "Cmon. Youre going to bed" Kuroo groaned as Kenma dragged him off the couch, despite his weight. "But baby! Im not even tired. I was just resting my eyes. And I dont wanna be in bed without you" Kenma frowned and kissed Kuroos head. "I know but I promised everyone I would stream tonight. Ill be right next to you when you wake up. Just please go to sleep if youre tired" Kuroo sighed and nodded as he got up and hugged Kenma. "Alright I wont keep you from your stream any longer. Have fun but come to bed when youre done. I love you" Kuroo said as he placed a small kiss on Kenmas lips. Kenma smiled and leaned in for a slightly longer kiss, rubbing Kuroos cheek before letting go. "I love you to. Now get your ass to bed" Kuroo chuckled and nodded. "Yes sir"

Kuroo walked out of Kenmas gaming room and to thier bedroom. As soon as he got comfortable in bed he fell asleep.

'"KENMA!!!" Kuroo yelled as he ran through a field of brightly colored flowers. The scenery was beutiful but fear was flooded in his mind. He took a glance behind him and the once beautiful flowers were turning into thorns. "KENMA!!!" Kuroo yelled again as he ran. Ran for his life. In the distance he could see a figure staring at him. Then Kuroo could see his face. It was Kenma. But Kenma was already being drowned by thorns. Kenma was gone. Kuroo still ran. He ran to Kenma and tried to break him free from the sharp thorns. Everytime he broke a thorn ten more would replace it. The field was no longer beautiful. It was lifeless with him being the only one standing. It was like the thorns couldnt harm him. But he had to stand and watch everyone he loves get torn apart by the thorns.

Kuroo looked at where Kenma had been standing. Suddenly the scenery changed. Everything around him was pitch black. Then a light in the distance. He walked towards the light but a wall kept him from it. He could see people be loved being happy. Standing there. Without him. He was all alone. Kuroo yelled for help. Yelled for someone to remember him yet no one turned to look at him but one person. Kenma turned to look at him. Scoffed at him and turned away. He was alone.'

Kuroo woke up with a gasp as he shot up from the bed. He sat up panting, replaying everything in his mind over and over. Tears started flowing from his eyes. Kuroo looked around. He was in his room. He looked next to him. No one was there. He was once again alone. Kuroo started panicking. He got out of bed, trembling and shaking as he silently sobbed and made his way to the door. Kuroo felt dizzy. His mind was racing. He had never had a nightmare like that. Not one that seemed so real and so terrifying. He needed Kenma. Where was Kenma? Kuroo slowly made his was across the hall to where Kenmas gaming room was. He was shaking and crying. He just wanted to forget what happened in the nightmare. He didnt want to be alone.

Kuroo reached a hand out and slowly opened the door. Kenma jumped from his seat and looked at the door. "Jeez Tetsu you scared me. I thought you were-" Kenma looked at the door and saw Kuroo who had tears running down his face. He saw how Kuroo was shaking. Kenmas face fell. "Stream end here guys." Kenma immediately ended the stream and took off his head phones. "Tetsu what happened?" Kenma said as he got up from his chair and walked over to Kuroo. Kuroo immediately held onto Kenma and started sobbing into his shoulder. He couldnt keep it in any more. Seeing Kenma just made Kuroo cry. He knew Kenma cared for him. He knew Kenma was right there in his arms. Yet he was still freaking out in his mind that he would be left alone at any moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now