Halloween Pt. 1/3

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3 months later:

Halloween was right around the corner. Kenmas favorite holiday was Halloween since he loved horror games. Every year Kenma would be the same thing. A ghost. It was simple so thats what Kenma was each year so he didnt need to put in the effort. This year, however, was different. Kuroo would not stop begging Kenma to go costume shopping with him but each time Kenma refused. He knew Kuroo was a kinky mf and didnt want Kuroo to pick out something like 'Sexy Cat Costume' for him. Yes, Kuroo was planning on making Kenma wear something that was sexy related but he also just wanted to spend a good Halloween with Kenma and their big group of friends. It was 3 days before the Halloween party Oikawa and Iwazumi were having and Kuroo still hadnt got Kenma to go costume shopping with him, until he got an idea. "Hey Kenma, I have to go run some errands, wanna come with?" "Sure" Kenma got in the passenger seat and Kuroo got in the drivers seat. He pulled out of the driveway and they were off on the road. Kuroo knew almost everything about Kenma now. I mean, they have been together for 7 months. Kuroo put on 'Let Her Go'

(In case you wanna listen to :3)

and kept driving. Kenma always fell asleep to this song, Kuroo doesnt know whether its because its a calming song or because Kenma finds the song boring but it always worked. Almost half way through the song, Kenma was out. Kuroo smirked to himself when he looked over to see his pudding head boyfriend snoring lightly, his game still in his hand. Kuroo made a U-turn. The plan was now going to commence.

Kenma woke up to Kuroo closing the car door. He closed his eyes again wanting to sleep more until he felt the door open next to him. "Cmon baby, I brought us somewhere and you can not refuse to buy anything for yourself here ok?" Kenma barely knew what Kuroo was talking about but nodded anyway hoping he would get more sleep. "Kitten, you promise to buy something for yourself here? Or do you want me to get it for you?" Kenma still barely heard Kuroo but just nodded and mumbled something like "you ge or me.." Kuroo was beyond delighted. "Okay baby Im gonna pick you up now and take you in the store." "mk" Thats what Kuroo did. He picked up Kenma and and took him in the store. Kenma was slowly waking up and the first thing he saw was a creepy doll. Kenma screamed and held on the Kuroo tight. Kuroo laughed and then Kenma realized where they were. "Kuroo NO" "Kuroo Yes" Kenma let go of Kuroo and wiggled out of his ams. "I told you I didnt want to come here!" They were at the Halloween store. Kuroo had been planning to trick Kenma into coming with him since the other night and his plan worked, and Kenma was furious. "Babe you wouldnt listen! This was the only way to get you to come with me. I just dont want to be the lame ones at the party. And you already said I could pick out something for you. You promised" Kenma smacked Kuroo in the side, not to hard, but hard enough for him to give a little 'oof.' "I didnt promise you shit. Im leaving right now and I dont care if you come with me or not." Kenma went to reach for the car keys when Kuroo pulled them up over his head. "No Kenma, you promised me when we were in the car. I get to choose what you are getting. If it makes you feel better, Ill let you have a say so in what you get to." Kenma was beyond furious now. He was so close the punching Kuroo in the gut and had to hold himself back. As much as he loved his boyfriend, he could be a pain in the ass sometimes. "You know what. Pick something for me then. I dont care. But you're wasting our money because Im not gonna wear it and Im leaving right now." Kenma proceeded to walk to the exit and out of the store. Kuroo followed Kenma sighing, knowing he had to apologize to his small boyfriend. "Baby Im sorry. Really I am. I just dont want to be lame at the party and you were never hearing me out about going so I it felt like the only option was to drag you here." Kenma stopped in his tracks. Its true, he had never taken into account how Kuroo felt about getting a costume. Even if it was something silly and dumb like a couples costume, it seemed important to him. Kenma sighed out of frustration and grabbed Kuroos hand. He dragged Kuroo back in the store all the way to the couples costumes. "Pick out what you want me and you to wear. If I dont like it though, Im not wearing it so be careful with your choice. Sorry I didnt listen to you before. I love you and want you to be happy I guess..." Kuroos face lit up. He grabbed Kenma and kissed him. As mad as Kenma was, he still kissed Kuroo back and was happy to see how excited Kuroo looked. "Baby I swear we are gonna be the coolest people at the party. But you are helping me pick out the outfit. I dont want you being uncomfortable." Kenma just nodded and walked up to the costumes. They started to go on the search for the costumes. Kenma wasnt having much luck but Kuroo looked like a little kid. He was going 'OH! This one' a lot and he had about 4 different costumes picked out already. Kenma sighed and went to the other side of the aisle. Kenma found himself in the 'Sexy Couples Costumes' section. He was about to go back when something caught his eye. Kenma walked up to the costume and picked in up. Inside was a red dress with a red hood. and the other was a vest looking top, and animal accesories. Kenmas eyes lit up. It was a Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf costume set. 'Why do I actually want this?' Kenma was about to put the costume back. Then, he had an image in his mind of how hot and sexy Kuroo would look in the wolf costume. Kenma almost had a nosebleed right there and quickly picked up the costume again. He walked back over to Kuroos aisle and saw Kuroo hold 3 more costumes. Kenma quickly grabbed a random Doll couples costume and covered the sexy one with it. "Babe, lets go try these on now ok. You picked out enough already." "Aww ok" Kenma grabbed Kuroos hand and walked with him to the changing rooms. They went into a couples changing room and closed the door. Kuroo layed out all the random costumes he picked up. While Kuroo was rambling on about a costume he found, Kenma quickly took off his shirt and threw it over the sexy costume he had so Kuroo wouldnt see it. "Cmon Kuroo I dont wanna be here all day." Kuroo nodded and they started to get changed.

After a bunch of stupid costumes later, It was down to a couples cat costume Kuroo found and the random doll costume Kenma picked out. Kuroo still hadnt noticed the secret costume hiding underneath Kenmas discarded shirt. " Uhh Kuro?" "Yes kitten?" Kenma gupled nervously. "Um, I-i uh... theres still a costume we havent tried yet..." Kuroo looked at Kenma with confusion. Kenma was over to the bench where their clothes were and lifted his shirt off the enclosed costume. Kuroos face turned from confusion to a surprised expression. Kenma was blushing and thrusted the costume into Kuroos hands. "Baby... did.. you pick this out?" Kenma gave a small nod but kept his gaze at the floor. "We are getting this one" Kenmas head shot up. Did he just hear that correctly? He didnt know whether to feel happy or embarrased or nervous. He decided he was gonna feel all those emotions plus some extras he couldnt figure out at the moment. Kuroo had a big smirk on his face and opened the costume bag. "Im guessing you would be wearing the dress so Im the wolf right? Did you just wanna see me in this because you thought I would look hot?" "You arent hot Kuro" Kuroo put his hands to his mouth and made an exaggerated gasp. "Kitten! How dare you! I guess Ill just have to show you how hot I can be~" Kenma gulped nervously. They both started to change into the costume. They were facing away from each other so they could be surprised as to how the other looked. Kenma fit perfectly into the dress. He smoothed out the apron that was on the somewhat poofy dress and put the hood around his shoulders. Finally, he put on the red headband. "Babe... Im done" "Me too. You ready?" "Yea" "Ok on the count of three we'll turn around. 1.... 2.... 3" They both turned around and stared at each other. Kuroo had his mouth hanging open and Kenma had a nosebleed. "Ahh wait Kenma dont bleed on the dress!"

"So anyway, what do you think?" Kuroo gave a little spin so Kenma could see the full outfit. "I think im gonna have another nose bleed. Why are you so hot." "I dont know baby, why are you so cute in that dress? You should wear dresses more often." Kenma turned red from the comment Kuroo made. 30 minutes later, they arrived back at their home with 1 item bought. It was the sexy couples costume. "Kuro where should I put the costumes?" "You can just put in it the closet... or you can wear it now and we can fu-" "No Kuroo, we would get the dress dirty... wait until after the party." Kuroo smirked and walked over to Kenma placing his hands on his waist. "Ok baby but right now we are gonna make out because I still cant get over the fact that you picked that out for us." "o-ok" Kuroo picked up Kenma and took him to their couch. They made out and watched Death Note the rest of the night. (YES DEATH NOTE CUZ ITS HALLOWEEN AND ITS PRETTY CREEPY) Kenma and Kuroo fell asleep on the couch cuddling.

Bruuh I hated this chapter so much. I did such a bad job lmaooo. My clownz Im sorry for this badness of a chapter. I promise Ill try to make the next chapters better lol 😭 Also, yes this is 3 parts cuz why not. I need to write until its actually Halloween cuz thats the kind of person i am. Hope you enjoyed and if you didnt then 🤷‍♀️ Baiiii - chaotic clown 🤡

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now