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Kai was sitting in his room playing games. It was a friday night so he didnt have school the next day. Kai was playing with friends when he heard yelling through his headphones. "Hey guys I think I gotta go. Family stuff you know?" He was playing with Akane, Hotaru (Daisuga child), and Kawai. They said bye to Kai as he turned off his console and opened his door a bit peeking his head out. From the downstairs there was yelling coming from his parents.

Kuroo and Kenma barely fight. When they do though, it usually blows up and then passes over in a day or two. This was one of those times and Kai hated it. He quickly made his way out to his little sister and brothers room. "Mar, Tsunage? You guys ok?" Temari nodded and was just drawing as if nothing was happening. She was 11 years old and already acted a lot like Kenma when he was younger, very anti social and quiet but in the house she was a fucking lunatic. In a good way though as she showed her true self and was very snarky and funny. Kai, who had turned 15 no more than a month ago, faced the other side of the room where Tsunage, their was cuddled up in blankets sleeping. Kai sighed and closed the door.

Kai made his way down the stairs very quietly hearing the yelling get louder and louder. He listened in and only heard a few words " . . .YOUR PROBLEM-. . . . IM TRYING TO HELP-. . . . KAI AND-. . . . FUCKING HELL!-. ." Kais heart hurt and his mind started racing. 'Are they arguing because of me? Did I do something? Do they not want me? Am I a problem? Are they both arguing about who should take me? Are they gettin divorced?!' Kai acted a lot like Kuroo but when it came to overthinking, he acted to much like Kenma. Kenma had a bad habit of overthinking situations and Kai adopted that habit as well. He hated when his parents fought. And if they were fighting about him? Well, he just wanted to leave. Leave.

Kais eyes widened as he thought of an idea. He quickly but quietly made his way back up the stairs and into his room. He picked up his jacket, phone, house keys, wallet, and made his way out of his room slowly closing the door behind him. He quickly had a horrible feeling wash over him as he listened to his parents yell at each other. Both of their voices sounding hurt as they talked over each other. Kai made his way down the stairs a peeked his head around toward the kitchen. Their house was large considering they moved into it when Tsunage was born to fit the family of 5. Kuroo and Kenma made sure to get a big house with a finsihed basement and many rooms so they could have gaming rooms, an office for Kuroo, and a guestroom. Kai looked to the kitchen where his parents where standing and yelling. Thankfully the living room stood inbetween the kitchen and the front entrance. Kai tiptoed to the entryway making sure his parents couldnt see him. He opened the door and looked back still hearing his parents yelling and not seeming to notice he was leaving. Kai closed and locked the door behind him then started walking down the street.

Kai continued wandering around aimlessly for a good 10 minutes when he finally decided on a place to go. He walked to the park and went to the very back where he and his two closest friends, Kawai and Haku, would hang out. There was a little passage way covered by leaves and small vines. Kai climbed his way through and entered the empty area where there was a lantern, pillows, and a blanket. Kai laughed remembering when he suggested they make the space more 'homelike' and Haku brought all this. Kai sat down on the pillow and wrapped the blanket around himself. He pulled out his phone and started playing games.

Before Kai knew it, he had been out for more than an hour and was getting really cold. "What time even is it?" Kai looked at the time and saw it was around 10:30. He still had no messages, no calls, nothing from his parents. Kai sighed as he layed his phone next to him and pulled the blanket closer to keep in any warmth. "I dont want to go home to mama and dad fighting. . .they probably dont even want me. . I KNOW!" Kai quickly got up and climbed back out of the little passage way then started walking the opposite way of his house. It took him a good hour and a half to reach his destination since he made a stop on the way buying strawberry pocky, chocolate pocky, and a bunch more other snacks. Kai finally made it and walked up the steps ringing the doorbell.

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ