Wedding Part 1

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The birds were chirping and the room was filled with soft snores from Kenma. Kuroo woke up and found his kitten next to him. He put a hand on the side of Kenmas face and as he did so, Kenmas alarm went off. Kuroo quickly turned it off but Kenma was already yawning and waking up. "Oh goodmorning Tetsu~" Kuroo leaned over to give Kenma a usual goodmorning kiss but Kenmas hand blocked his lips. "No you cant kiss me until later. Remember what today is" Kuroos eyes widened as a big dopey smile apearred on his face. "We are getting married today baby! Oh my god by the end of tonight we will officially be married. You will be Kuroo Kenma. Oh my god or should I be Kozume Tetsurou?" Kenma laughed and got out of bed. "We already changed my name a week ago remember? It just becomes official strating today. We arent changing your name, well unless you really want to but I like Kuroo Tetsurou" Kuroo nodded in agreement while getting out of bed and picking up Kenma in one shift motion. "Tetsu put me down I need to check on Kai" "Baby we literally dropped him off with my mom yesterday remember?" Kenma made a little 'oh' face while Kuroo laughed and brought him down the stairs. "What do you want for breakfast? Ill make anything since its our special day~" Kenma thought about it before his eyes lit up. "Can we make an apple pie?" "For breakfast?" Kenma nodded his head excitedly and started getting out the ingredients with Kuroo. It only took about an hour since they were practically experts at making apple pie and ended up sharing a slice together. "Baby I know you want more but we are gonna eat later and we have to get ready. Remember, Suga is taking you and Daichi is taking me in an hour and a half. But for the mean time lets talk about what we are doing after the reception~" Kenmas face turned red and he walked away from Kuroo. Kuroo follwed after Kenma into their bedroom.

"Im going to take a shower" "Kenmaaa at least let me shower with youu~ i promise I wont do anything. Im saving that for tonight" Kenma was going to say no until he looked at Kuroos face. "Ugh fine cmon but only because we are getting married today" Kenma walked into the bathroom with Kuroo following close behind and started undressing. Kenma set up the shower while Kuroo got undressed and put their clothes in the laundry basket. "You want me to wash your hair kitten?" Kenma stepped into the shower with Kuroo and squirted a good amount of body wash onto the loofah. "Yea you can wash my hair" Kuroo grabbed the shampoo and squirted a lot onto his hand. He put half into Kenmas hair and half into his own. Kuroo massaged the shampoo into his own hair fairly quickly then moved onto Kenmas hair. Meanwhile, Kenma was washing his own body with the loofah. Kuroo made Kenmas hair full of suds and then formed it into the shape of his own hair, all spikey and up. Kuroo burst out laughing at how weird the hairstyle made Kenma look. "Babe just wash out my hair and stop messing around. Suga and Daichi will probably be here soon and we still have to get dressed" Kuroo whined a little but then washed out his and Kenmas hair while Kenma rinsed off his body. Kenma turned around to face Kuroo and looked him up and down blushing. "Want me to wash you?" Kuroo smirked as he looked at Kenma. "Like what you see kitten? If you wanna feel me up you just gotta ask~" Kenma rolled his eyes, although Kuroo was right, and started washing him with the loofah. Kenma washed Kuroo and had his rinse off while taking a swipe with his hand over Kuroos abs. "Kitten you do like my abs dont you. See, this is why I work out every other day, to keep these abs for my baby~" Kenma kept his composure and turned off the shower as Kuroo got done. "Cmon lets just change Tetsu" Kenma grabbed a towel and dried himself and Kuroo off then put on a robe. Kuroo just wrapped the towel around his waist and left the bathroom to see a pissed off looking Suga and Daichi sitting on their bed staring at them. Kuroo got startled and dropped his towel making Kenma have to move infront of Kuroo so Daichi and Suga wouldnt see anything. "We have been calling you guys for ten minutes. Next time you go in the shower, set a fucking alarm. Me and Daichi have to help you two to the wedding place so hurry the hell up" Kuroo picked up his towel and tied it around his waist rolling his eyes with a smirk. "Ok 'mom'" Suga got up and smacked Kuroo in the back of the head pretty hard. "Ow! Suga you arent supposed to hurt the person getting married" "That was the equivalent to a tap from me. Hurry up" Suga and Daichi walked out of their bedroom to let Kenma and Kuroo change while Kuroo looked scared for his life. Kenma walked over to the dresser and pulled out some clothes for himself and Kuroo. "You know better than to mess with Suga when he looks pissed babe. Thats your fault" Kuroo walked over to Kenma and slid his hands around his waist. "And you know not to mess with me tonight right kitten? Its gonna be your first time since we made Kai, think you can handle it?" Kenma turned around and gave Kuroo a kiss on the cheek. "Or we can just cuddle instead?" Kuroo chuckled a little before kissing the top of Kenmas head and then went to changing. "We'll see baby. Anyway get dressed or Suga might murder us"

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora