Paint *Fathers Day Special*

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The Kuroo family was not one to celebrate mothers day. Even though the kids call Kenma mama, they still like to appreciate their parents on the same day of the year. Its makes everythinf simpler and more effcient. That happens to be Fathers Day.

It was a week before Fathers Day. Kenma and Kuroo were out grocery shopping while the kids were all at home watching over their little brother Kojiro who is now 5 months old. "Koji! Come on you can do it! Just eat your applesauce" Temari made a plane sound while bringing the spoon to Kojiros mouth. He opened his mouth and finally ate the last of his food after 3 tries. "Finally. God kid I love you but sometimes youre a pain" Tsu walked into the kitchen yawning. "Dont let mama hear you call him a pain. Or dad. You would probably get grounded" Temari rolled her eyes as she picked up Kai from his baby chair and put him on her hip.

"Your voice sounds good. Whatd the doctor say yesterday?" Tsu smiled as she poured some cereal into a bowl. "The doctor said my testosterone levels are steadily going down and the estrogen is working. Mama said when I get into highschool, I can get top surgery if I want. I think I will" When Kojiro turned 1 month, Kenma and Kuroo were finally able to get the doctors to start Tsu's hormone treatment. It took a while to get eveything checked out and ready but it finally started. Temari smiled and nodded. "Thats good. Im glad its working out fine. Are you still feeling really sleepy?" Tsu shrugged and ate her cereal as Kai walked in the kitchen.

"Hey we have a problem" Tsu and Temari raised an eyebrow as Kai sat down looking. . guilty? "Whats wrong?" Kai took a deep breath before he started talking. "Next Sunday is Fathers Day and I completely forgot. We all usually talk about a present together but nobody has brought it up yet so Im guessing you two forgot as well" Both Tsu and Temaris eyes widened. Everyone in the room looked at each other. Even Kojiro was looking back and forth between everyone. They forgot to plan something for Fathers Day.

Kojiro was asleep in his baby swing while Kai was pacing back and forth in the kitchen. Tsu and Temari were sitting at the table thinking. The 3 of them were trying to come up with ideas for what to do for their parents. After almost 30 minutes of silence, Temari gasped. "Oh my god I just had the best idea" Kai stopped and quickly took a seat at the table. "Well? What is it?" Temari looked at her hands and shrugged. "Well its not the best idea and it will take a lot of work. And-" Tsu cut her off groaning. "Oh my god. Mar. Spill it" Temari nodded and sighed. "Alright. What if we. . ."


Kuroo and Kenma came back home holding a bunch of groceries. Kenma was fully healed so he could carry just as many bags as Kuroo. They brought everything inside their home. "WE ARE BACK!" Kuroo yelled as he looked into the living room and saw nobody there. Footsteps thudded down the stairs and then the Kuroo parents were met by their kids covered in. . . paint?

"Hey uhm. . why are you guys. . blue?" Kai, Mar, and Tsu all looked down at themselves and started coming up with excuses. "Oh uh- Mar wanted help with a painting! And uh-" "And Kai was clumsy so he dropped the paint on us and then Tsu uhm-" "And then I helped the two clean up!" Kuroo nodded as he brought the groceries into the kitchen. "Well can we see the painting-" "NO!" All 3 said in unison. Kuroo and Kenma both jumped a little from being startled. The sudden outburst wasnt expected. "W-we mean no because uhm- iits not done! Yeah you can see when its done!" Mar quickly said hoping Kuroo or Kenma wouldnt keep preasuring them to look at the painting. "Oh ok thats fine. How about you 3 clean up and then help us put away groceries, ok?" Kenma said as he brought the groceries into the kitchen as well and kissed Kuroos cheek. "Ok mama" All the kids went up stairs with Kenma following them to go check on Kojiro.

1 Week Later

Kuroo and Kenma woke up to being shaken slightly. "W-what is it?" Kuroo and Kenma sat up to see the kids with smiles on their faces. "Happy Dads Day!!" At the end of the bed, Kai was holding a tray with two plates of beautifully made breakfast. "We made you breakfast in bed" Kenma and Kuroo looked at each other then motioned for the kids to come over. They did and all 3 were engulfed in a big hug. "Thank you guys so much. This is super sweet" Kuroo said with tears pricking at his eyes. He always got sentimental and emotional with these things. Kenma nodded in agreement with Kuroo and were soon eating their breakfast. Of course, Tsu was the mastermind behind the deliciousness of the food since she is practically the cook of the house, along with Kuroo.

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now