I Love You (Pt.2)

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Suga sat there for a minute, completely dumbfounded before coming back to his senses. "Y-youre- oh my god Kenma" Suga held Kenma tight as Kenma sobbed into his shirt. Suga finally pieced it together. Why Kenma was so irritated. Why he was so quick to snap at Kuroo before actually trying to talk to him. "W-when did you find out?" Kenma shook his head. "I havent taken the test yet" Suga pulled back from the hug and raised an eyebrow. Kenma then stood up from the couch and lifted his hoodie. He had a small bump that definitely felt and looked like a pregnancy bump. "Y-youre pregnant. . Oh my god Kenma congratulations!!" Then Suga gasped and looked at Kenma. "S-so Kuroo doesnt know??" Kenma shook his head no. Thats when Suga grabbed Kenmas hand and pulled his towards the door. "H-hey where are we-" "We are going to get you a pregnancy test"

Kenma stopped Suga from pulling him and pointed to the bedroom. "I already have them. Thats why I was going to Shoyos, so that Tetsu wouldnt find the tests in the trash" Sugas face fell. He now realzied why Kenma was so eager to go meet Hinata. Also, why Kenma had been balling his eyes out all day. And the fact that he just had this big stress filled arguement? It wasnt good for the baby. "Alright lets have you take it to make sure, yeah?" Kenma nodded and led Suga to the bedroom. In the room, Kenma opened his bedside drawer and reached in the very back. He pulled out 4 different pregnancy tests and took a deeo breath. "A-alright, lets do this" Kenma walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him while Suga sat on the bed waiting for the results.


10 minutes later, Kenma came out of the bathroom crying and nodding as he held up the 4 positive pregnancy tests. "O-oh my god Kenma. ." Kenma climbed on the bed and laid his face in the pillow while sobbing and gripping the tests. "H-hes gonna b-be s-so mad. ." Suga frowned and reached his hand out, placed it on Kenmas back, and rubbed it soothingly. "Hes not going tk be mad. The opposite most likely. J-just, wait to tell him until he gets back from spending time with his parents and Kai" Kenma nodded and out the tests down, then grabbed Kuroos phone from the table. "Here, take it. Youve been here for over 2 hours and you were just supposed to get a phone" Suga took the phone but had a sad look on his face. "Kenma are you sure you will be alright being alone? I could go drop off the phone and then stay here witb you tonight" Kenma shook his head and gave Suga a weak smile. "N-no just- please tell Tetsu I love him. So fucking much. ." Suga nodded before kissing Kenmas forehead and heading back out.

Suga arrived at the house to see and very confused Daichi and Kuroo sitting on the couch. "Hey sugar. . . why were you out for 2 hours? I thought you went to just go get Kuroos phone?" Suga nodded and tossed Kuroo his phone while taking off his jacket. "Yea well Kenma is there so I spent some time talking with him and uh- yea. I just talked to him before coming back" Suga took off his coat and Kuroo and Daichi both immediately noticed the big wet spot on Sugas shoulder and chest. "S-suga. . w-was that-?" "Kenma? Yep. Oh, he also told me to tell you that you two really need to talk when you get back with Kai and to know that he does indeed love you- and in his words- very fucking much" Kuroo felt the smallest wave of releif flow over him snd he gave Suga a small smile. "Thanks for the message and the phone. I really appreciate it" Suga nodded and then took Daichis arm. "You got a big trip ahead of you tomorrow so why dont you get some sleep. Today has been extremely tiring for you. Kenma was already out by the time I actually made it out the door" Kuroo let out a small faint laugh and the nodded. "Alright Ill sleep. Thank you two again, so much" Daichi smile at Kuroo and hugged him tight before letting go. "Anytime you need help, we are here. No need to thank us" Kuroo nodded and said his goodnights before almost instantly falling into a deep, uncomfortable sleep.

4 days later

Kuroo was finally heading back with Kai. When he was with his parents, he told them everything and they gave him some advice and told him some people say things they dont mean. Kuroo knows that, but he still had this empty feeling in him that was created by the 'i fucking hate you' Kenma yelled at him. Who knew getting your heart shattered into a million pieces would take such a toll on a person. What Kuroo didnt know is that the person who said those hurtful words was actually having a harder time. Well, he was literally pregnant and alone.

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora