Dresses and Names

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Kenma was sitting down in the living room with Kuroo. Kuroo was typing away on his computer for work while Kenma was editing a video. "M-mama?" Kenma looked up and saw Tsunage peaking his head around the wall. "Do you need something baby?" Tsunage stepped out and Kenma looked at what he was wearing. He had a floral blue dress on and his hair was put into a ponytail. Kenma leaned to Kuroo while taking out his phone whispering "Babe look at Tsunage" Kuroo looked up from his work and saw Tsunage. "Aww you look so cute!" Kenma took a quick picture then put his phone away. "Sweetie why are you wearing a dress? Isnt that your sisters dress" Tsunage nodded and walked over to Kenma who picked him up and sat him on his lap. "Do I look pretty? Mar said I look pretty! Did you see my hair mama?" Kuroo chuckled as he patted Tsunages head. "Of course we saw buddy, you look so cute" Tsunage frowned at Kuroo. "Daddy Im a girl. Im not 'buddy'" Kuroos mouth fell open as he looked at Kenma who was also in shock. "W-wait Tsunage. Do you want to be a girl?" Tsunage got down from Kenma and excitedly nodded his head and spun. "I dont want to be a girl. I am a girl! Look how pretty I look!" Kenma and Kuroo didnt know what to do. Of course they would totally support Tsunage if he was a trans girl but did he even understand what he was saying or was he just playing dressup like he does sometimes with Mar. Kuroo got up from the couch and squatted down so he was eyes level with Tsunage. "Hey Tsunage. . are you a he or a she?" Tsunage smiled proudly as she held up two fingers to say the second option. "She!" Kuroo felt a smile form on his face as his eyes softened and he looked at Kenma who has tears in his eyes. "Ken ken. . if Tsunage wants to be a 'she' then we gotta support her. You want us to call you a she, right Tsunage?" Tsunage nodded excitedly as she looked at Kenma. Kenma wiped the tears from his eyes and nodded. "Yea I know I was never planning on not supporting Tsunage its just- a lot to take in suddenly. Baby if you want to be called a she then we will call you that" Kuroo nodded as he kissed Tsunages head and looked at her. "If you wanna be a she you can be a she. It doesnt matter what you are, we will always love you ok?" Tsunage nodded as she plated a small kiss on Kuroos head. It was a thing she and Kuroo did. Kuroo would kiss Tsunages head when telling her something and if Tsunage understood, she would kiss Kuroos head to. Kuroo called down Kai and Temari to have a talk with them.



two weeks later-

The day Tsunage told them she wanted to be a 'she', Kuroo and Kenma had a family discussion with Temari and Kai telling them about what Tsunage told them. Kai and Temari support Tsunage and call her a she as well. After a week, everyone started getting used to calling Tsunage a she. Occasionally, someone might mess up but then they would apologize and say her pronoun correctly. Tsunage is only 7 so Kenma and Kuroo havent thought about any major changes yet to her body or voice or anything of the sort. They want to wait for when she understands what it is to go through all of those changes and if she wants that.

Tsunage walked into the kitchen rubbing her eyes to be greeted by Kuroo cooking an omelette. "Daddy can I help!" Kuroo chuckled as he turned around and squatted down opening his arms for a hug. Tsunage ran to Kuroo hugging him tightly. "Goodmorning princess" " 'Morning daddy! Now can I help make breakfast?" Kuroo nodded while picking up Tsunage and sitting her next to the stove on the counter. "Can you hand me the scallions?" Tsunage looked at the ingredients laid out next to her and pick up the small bowl of scallions and handed it to Kuroo. "Hey you remembered what they are from last time! Good job Tsunage" Tsunage felt proud of herself as she continued handing ingredients to Kuroo. Finally, Kuroo finished cooking breakfast for everyone and helped Tsunage down from the counter. "Daddy?" Kuroo crouched down and looked at Tsunage. "Yes princess?" Kuroo could tell something was bothering Tsunage. She was fidgeting a lot and moving her feet. "You can tell me anything Tsunage. Whats wrong?" Tsunage looked at Kuroo very hesitantly and then finally spoke up. "S-some kids at school t-told me Im not a g-girl. Am I n-not a girl?" Kuroo sighed knowing kids her age dont understand what it means to be trans but he still couldnt help but feel pissed off at them. "Princess. . . you are a girl. I told you before and Ill tell you again, if you want to be a girl, a boy, both, or none, it doesnt matter to me. As long as you are being you; me, mama, Temari, and Kai will always support you. If they ever say that to you again, I want you to go to the teacher. Ok?" Tsunage nodded while Kuroo kissed her head and smiled at her. "Ok daddy" Tsunage left a small kiss on Kuroos head making him smile even more. "Ok now cmon, why dont you go wake up Kai and Mar, Ill go wake up mama" Tsunage nodded as she ran off up the stairs. Kuroo heard Kais door room open and then Kai groan loudly. Kuroo laughed as he walked up the stairs seeing Tsunage jumped onto Kais bed to wake him up. Kuroo quietly walked into his and Kenmas bedroom closing the door behind him.

Kenma groaned as Kuroo lifted the covers and slipped in next to Kenma. "Baby~ its time to get up" Kenma turned so he was facing away from Kuroo and pulled the cover over his head. "Kitten dont make me get the kids to wake you up. Tsunage and me made breakfast" Kenma didnt move. Kuroo sighed as he got out of the bed and opened the door. "Kids! Operation 'Wake Up Mama'!" Tsunage ran into the room jumping onto Kuroo and Kenmas bed giggling. Temari walked in the room tired and just plopped down next to Kenma trying to go back to sleep as well. Kai walked in and just sat at the end of the bed rubbing his eyes trying to wake up. Kuroo chuckled as he walked over placing a hand on his hip. "I think the mission failed. Everyone is almost back asleep and mama is still sleeping" Kenma groaned while turning onto his back and rubbing his eyes. "I hate you Tetsu. ." Kuroo walked over to Kenma placing a small kiss on his lips. Kenma kissed back before Kuroo pulled away. "Yea, I can really tell you hate me. Cmon, lets all go eat breakfast before it gets cold. Tsunage and I made everyone an omelette" Temari, Tsunage, and Kai all got up and ran down the stairs into the kitchen. Kenma sat up stretching and then got out of bed. "Carry me. Im tired" Kuroo sighed as he picked up Kenma bridal style and carried him out of the room and down the stairs into the kitchen.

Everyone was at the table eating when Tsunage raised her hand. "Baby you dont need to raise your hand to talk, whats up?" Tsunage looked at Kenma with a thinking face. "Is 'Tsunage' a girl name?" Kenma looked at Kuroo who was thinking about the question. "You know princess. . . I dont know. We just chose the name when you were born but I cant tell you if its a boy name, a girl name, or if it can be both" Kenma got up and walked to the counter where his phone was. He quickly searched up Tsunages name and frowned a little. "Its a boy name baby" Temari gasped a she clapped her hands together. "Tsunage! Do you want a girl name?" Tsunage nodded excitedly with a smile on her face. Kuroo smiled as rested his face on his hand while looking at Tsunage. "Well, did you have any other names in mind that you perfer?" Tsunage hummed as she looked up thinking. "Hmmm. . . I dont know" Temari raised her hand high in the air practically jumping out of her seat. "Yes Mar, do you have an idea?" Temari nodded quickly as she turned to Tsunage. "Ok what about Tsu? Its still part of your name so it wont be a huge change but its also a girls name" Kai gasped as he set his fork down and pointed at Temari. "Thats a great idea! Its just the first part of her name but it still sounds natural! Like a nickname, but not. Get what I mean?" Her eyes lit up as she listened to her siblings talk about her new name. 'Tsu' it was perfect. Tsu turned to Kenma and Kuroo who were smiling proudly at how enthusiastic Temari and Kai were about it. "Mama, daddy, can my name be Tsu! Pleeeeaaaseee" Kuroo turned to Kenma smiling and then looked back at her. "I dont see why not. If you want us to call you Tsu then we will call you Tsu, ok princess?" Tsu nodded quickly as she finished up her food and got up from the table jumping up and down. "I have to tell 'Taru!" Kenma giggled as he got up and grabbed his phone to call up Suga and Daichi so Tsu could talk to their son, Hotaru.

This was a shorter chapter but I really liked it. Ive had the idea since the wedding about Kenma and Kuroo having a child who is trans. Tsunage is now Tsu! Pronounce 'Tsu' like Tsu from MHA. I will from now on refer to Tsu as a she/her. I will start making chapters where the story is more about the kids. Their will still be kuroken but I want to introduce new ships with the kids. Such as kaihaku and hotsu. Dont worry, Temari is going to get shipped as well with her friend Rei, Oikawa and Iwas daughter. Sorry if I got something wrong about being trans. Im going to be doing some research on it so I can be more accurate. For right now though, this is my knowledge about it. Tell me if I said anything wrong please so I can correct it or if there is anything I should add! Anyway, hope you enjoyed this and thx for reading! - chaotic clown 🌚

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now