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-2 months later-

It was dark outside yet it was 8:00 in the morning. The bedroom was dark and looked eerie. Kenma woke up with a horrible feeling. He felt nauseous and his throat felt itchy. Kenma saw that Kuroo was still sleeping so he decided he would get up and go start making breakfast. When Kenma got up he felt super dizzy. He collapsed but was still conscious. "Babe are you ok? What was that loud noise" Kuroo woke up from hearing Kenma collapse. He yawned and when he opened his eyes he saw Kenma half unconscious on the floor. "HOLY SHIT KENMA! BABY ARE YOU OK?" Kuroo rushed out of the bed to Kenmas side. "T-tetsurou. . . I dont feel good. . . I think I need to throw up" Kuroo quickly picked up Kenma and brought him to the bathroom. As soon as they got to the toilet Kenma almost immediately threw up. Kuroo jeld his hair back and rubbed his back while he threw up. After about 3 minutes of puking, Kenma had nothing left to throw up. Kuroo flushed the toilet and brought Kenma to the sink so he could wash up. "Kitty- you are never like this. Are you sick? Was it the food I cooked yeterday? Do I need to take you to the hospital?" Kenma nodded no as he brushed his teeth. He felt weak like someone punched his body over and over again. "Hun, I dont. . . think its your c-cooking. Im just sick thats all. . ." Kuroo still seemed super worried but listened to Kenma and brought him back to the bed. "Baby, I need you to rest and call me if you need anything. Im gonna go make you some soup ok?" Kenma gave a small nod and then fell asleep. Kenma awoke to Kuroo checking his temperature. "Oh goodafternoon baby" Kuroo kissed Kenma forehead. "Hi babe, what time is it?" "1:30" Kenma sighed but then his eyes opened wide and he groaned. "Im supposed to meet with Shoyo today because we couldnt be together for New Years" Kuroo took Kenmas hand and started rubbing it. "Dont worry, I already called him saying you were sick and he brought over some rice porridge. He said to reschedule with him when you feel better." Kenma gave a soft smile. "Thank you Tetsu, I love you" "I love you to kitten."

-1 week later-

Kenma still wasnt better. If anything, he felt worse. He had been carrying around this sickness for a week and it was draining him. Kuroo was taking care of Kenma the whole week but when he would go to work, Suga would come over with a mask and take care of Kenma. "Babe, Im home!" Kuroo heard retching and rushed to the bathroom. Kenma flushed the toilet and leaned against the wall. "H-hi hun. . . How was work?" Kuroo could see how physically drained Kenma was. "Who cares about work. Im taking you to the doctor, this is ridiculous. Youve been sick for a week and you havent gotten better at all. Cmon let me help you up we are going right now." Kenma was going to argue but felt so tired to and just let Kuroo pick him up and help him get ready to leave. Once they got their coats on, Kuroo picked up Kenma and drove him to the doctor. When they arrived at the doctor, Kuroo carried Kenma in and sat in the waiting room. "Hey baby so we will be seeing the doctor soon but right now we need to just wait ok?" "Mhm" Kenma leaned on Kuroos shoulder to try to sleep. "Um Kenma? Can I ask you something?" "Mhm" "Soo remember that talk we had like a month ago about if you were the type of male to get pregnant or not?" "Mhm" "Well, we are at the doctor so we could find out today if you could get pregnant because then we need to start using protection." Kenma thought about it. "Ok fine we can try to find out today because I dont want to get pregnant really soon. We arent ready." Kuroo nodded while smiling. He was hoping that Kenma was the type of male that could get pregnant just because he wants kids of his own with Kenma. Kuroo didnt mind adopting though either. A couple minutes pass and the doctor finally calls Kenma. "Kenma Kozume and Kuroo Tetsurou?" "Thats us!" Kuroo picked up Kenma and brought him into the examination room with the doctor. "So what seems to be the problem?" "Well Kenma has had a high fever for a week and it wont go down. Ive been giving him medication and taking care of him but his temperature just wont go down so we dont know what to do." The doctor took down some notes then turned to Kenma. "Can you describe to me how you are feeling?" "Well I feel very very weak and I throw up multiple times a day. My head hurts and my throat it hurting as well." The doctor took down some more notes. "Ok. . . Are you the type of male that can get pregnant?" "We dont know, we were actually gonna ask if we could find out today. Why?" "Have you ever experienced this before?" "No sir" the doctor took down some more notes. Kuroo was tapping his foot nervously. Kenma held his hand and smiled at him which calmed Kuroo down a little. He was worried about Kenma. "Ok and you are 24 correct?" "Yes sir" "Ok so these are symptoms of when a male is in the stage where he can get pregnant. You have to take the correct medication in order for it to stop or you stay sick for a while. Males usually find out about this around your age. We should do an ultrasound to see if uou have sperm eggs or not. Ill be back with the equipment. Here is the gown and please just lay right there." The doctor handed Kenma the paper gown and left. Kenma was shocked. He didnt know that he could get pregnant. Kuroo was smiling like an idiot. "Tetsurou why are you smiling so much?" "I honestly dont know. I just feel. . . really happy"

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu