Baby Shower!

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-1 month later-

It was the afternoon. About 2 months ago, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima called Kenma and Kuroo. They told them that Yams was 2 months pregnant. Today was the baby shower/gender reaveal for their soon to be child. Kenma and Kuroo knocked on the door. "I cant believe they are having a baby! Isnt that awesome?" Kenma nodded in agreement holding a present. The door was opened by Asahi who was called to help decorate the house before people got there. Of course, that meant Noya was at the house to so it was pretty chaotic even if Kenma and Kuroo were the first ones to arrive. They were instructed by Asahi to put the present on an empty table. Yams was seated on the couch, his belly bump showing slightly while instructing Noya to hang up blue and pink streamers. Tsukishima was in the kitchen preparing food. Kuroo walked into the kitchen followed by Kenma. "Yo bro Tsukki! Whats up? Oh congrats by the way your kid is gonna be super cute." Kuroo gave Tsukishima a side hug while Tsukki hissed at the sudden contact. "Get the fuck off me Kuroo. And dont call me Tsukki. . . But thanks for coming it means a lot. . " "No problem we wouldnt miss it unless one of us were dieing which I dont think we are." "Tetsu, everyone is slowly dieing so technically we are all dieing" Kuroo turned around and looked at Kenma. "Baby! Stop being smart and negative at the same time!" Tsukishima ended up giving Kuroo some work to do to keep him busy. "Soo Kenma, how are things going with Kuroo?" Kenma looked at Tsukishima while helping him prepare food. "They are going good. Next month is our 1 year so thats exciting." Tsukki nodded. The continued cutting vegetables and meats in a comfortable silence. The silence was eventually broken by Kenma. "So Tsukishima. . . how did you react when you found Yamaguchi was pregnant?" Tsukki stopp cutting. He lifted his head up to think then looked at Kenma when he got an answer. "I was speechless. For the first seconds, everything bad that could happen flshed through my eyes. . . then I looked at Tadashi and all my worrys went away. I just felt. . . Happy you know? I mean Im gonna be a dad!" Kenma had never heard Tsukishima talk like this before. He sounded genuinely happy and in love talking about himself becoming a father. Kenma listened to Tsukishima talk more about becoming a father when Kuroo walked back in the kitchen with Lev and Yaku behind him. "Kenma! Look whos here!" "Oh hi yaku" Kenma stopped cutting up food and walked over to yaku hugging him. "Hi Kenma howve you been with this rooster?" "Its been fine with the idiot. What about you with lamp post?" "Oh, string bean and me have been going good to" Kenma and Yaku continued to talk while Kuroo and Lev listened to their boyfriends insult them in casual conversation. Tsukishima put Kuroo and Lev to work since it seemed their boyfriends were busy making fun of them. "So Lev, how have you been? I havent seen you since the Halloween party." Levs eyes lit up. "It was amazing! We visted my family in Russia and then Yaku liked it so much we stayed an extra month! Even though he had so much trouble speaking the language, he said the area was beautiful. What about you?" Kuroo paused to think. "Well we have been good. We found out about a month ago that Kenma is able to get pregnant so thats big news since we both want to start a family with each other eventually. . ." Kuroo motioned Lev to bend down so he could whisper something. "and im planning on proposing next month on our anniversary" Lev gasped loudly. "REALLY! YOU ARE GONNA DO IT ON YOUR ANNI-" Kuroo covered Levs mouth quickly and looked at Kenma who seemed to not be paying attention, still talking to Yaku who yelled for Lev to shut up. "Dude! You gotta be quiet about it, he doesnt know im gonna propose then" Kuroo uncovered Levs mouth. "Oops sorry hehe. ." They continued talking while tapping ballons to the walls of the house. Noya had settled down and was now sitting on the couch talking to Yamaguchi and Asahi. Almost as soon as they got done decorating and preparing, people started to arrive.

Almost all their friends were at the party. Some people like Tendou, Ushijima, Semi, Shirabu, Yahaba, and Kyoutani couldnt make it because they were out of town. Kenma had sat down with Yams, Suga, and Oikawa on the couch talking to them. "So Yama, how is it being pregnant?" Oikawa stared at Yamaguchi waiting for an answer. "I mean, besides morning sickness and mood swings, Its great! Kei takes care of me and he so excited for this little one to come into our life that he already started working on the baby room." Suga gasped and grabbed Yamaguchis hand. "Can we go see!?" Yamaguchi laughed. "Sorry but I havent even seen it yet. Kei said he wants it to be a surprise before the baby is born so if he wont let me see, he definitly wont let you guys see either." Suga frowned a little starting smiling again when Daichi hugged him from behind. "Hi my angel~" Suga giggled and turned back towards Daichi and gave him a small kiss. "Hey handsome~" Kageyama walked over with Hinata and fake gagged looking at Suga and Daichi. "Kageyama Tobio! Do you want be to beat you with my shoe?" Kags quickly shook his head no and ran off towards Iwaizumi who was having an arm wrestling contest with Bokuto. Hinata stayed and sat down next to Kenma. "Hey guys! Yamaguchi congrats! You are gonna birth a little salty dinosaur just like Tsukishima!" Kenma and Oikawa laughed at Hinatas comment. "Well, lets hope this babys attitude takes after me and not after his father. But I really hope they look like Kei" Kenma giggled but decided to ask a question thats been bothering him. "Sooo Yams. . Uh how did you. . know you wanted kids? Or did it just happen?" "Well Kei and I talked about having kids and how cool it would be. Then his brother had a baby and when he held his niece, he cried and told me he wanted a kid of his own. I wanted a child to and here we are!" Yams held his baby bump and smiled at it. Oikawa, Suga, and Hinata continued to ask questions but Kenma just spaced out. He was staring at the floor thinking about having children. He started mentally panicking. 'Oh my god I think I want kids like soon. Is this just baby fever? What if Tetsu doesnt want that. If I talk to him about it will he hate me? Should I just forget the idea completely?' "Kenma!" He got startled from from sudden voice when Oikawa put a hand on his shoulder looking worried. "Are you ok? You were mummbling to yourself about something." Kenma nodded and went back to his thoughts. He was freaking out. 'Why am I being like this! I agreed with Tetsurou that we would wait a couple of YEARS! And im thinking of having a kid now?? What the hell is wrong with me? I cant tell him or he wont be ready and he might leave. But I want to tell him. But I fucking cant. Im moving way to fast if I ask him that. We arent even engaged or married! My stomach feels like it has butterflies but not the good kind and what if-' Kenma was interrupted by Kuroo tapping his shoulder. "Baby? Are you ok? I looked over and saw Oikawa point at you. You were just staring at the floor. Is something bothering you?" Kenma quickly shook his head no. "No no nothing is wrong my stomach is just kinda hurting. I think I might just be to excited or something. Im gonna go to the bathroom Ill be back." Kenma quickly got up and left. Kuroo was still pretty concerned put knew that if they needed to talk, it would have to be at home and not at a baby shower. He sat down next to Yams taking Kenmas spot and joined in with the conversation. "So whatcha guys talking about?" Yams turned to Kuroo. "Oh! I was just telling them how I told my Kei I was pregnant. His face was priceless. He almost fainted until I showed him a picture of a dinosaur it was fucking hilarious!" Everyone started laughing and it seems like Tsukishima heard Yams because he looked over with his face super red. Yams winked at Tsukki and started telling more embarrasing stories.

They continued to talk in the group until it was time for the gender reveal. Tsukishima went to Yams and helped him stand up. They walked over to a table that had a white cake on it with blue and pink writing saying 'Boy or Girl?' As Tsukishima went to grab the knife from the kitchen, Kenma walked out of the bathroom and sat next to Kuroo leaning on his shoulder. Kuroo spoke in a soft voice to Kenma so no one else could hear. "Hey kitten, you feeling alright?" Kenma nodded yes but he didnt look ok."Do you wanna leave after the gender reveal?" Kenma shook his head no. "I think when we get home I need to take a pill." "Didnt you take one 2 days ago? Its supposed to last for the week." Kenma shrugged and snuggled up to Kuroo more. Kuroo could feel Kenma heart beat on his arm going very fast. "Kenma Im serious are you ok? Your heart rate is going crazy fast" Kenma looked around the room then whispered to Kuroo "I want to talk when we get home please. . " Kuroo nodded and pulled Kenma in closer. Tsukishima came back with a knife and stood next to Yams. "Ok everyone! Me and Kei are gonna cut the cake and then we will find out the gender of our precious baby! By the way thanks everyone for coming. Now lets find out the gender!" Tsukishima went to grab for the knife before his head was brought down and smashed into the cake by Yams. Kuroo and Bokuto started cheering and other started laughing. Tsukishima came up with white frosting and pink cake on his face. "The baby is a girl!!" Iwaizumi started clapping followed by everyone else. Bokuto whistled but did it to excessively so Akaashi had to tell him to stop. Tsukishima wiped to cake off his face and spread it onto Yamaguchis face instead. "Kei!" "What? You look good in pink." Yams blushed before Tsukki grabbed more cake and put it on Yams face. Yams wiped the cake off his lips and kissed Tsukki. They kissed and everyone started cheering. Lev and Kuroo started making funny comments on how Tsukishima looked with cake all over his face. Yaku and Kenma werent having it so with Yams permission, they got up, grabbed a handful of the demolished cake and smeared it all over their boyfriends faces. Kuroo was shocked but instead he just took some of the cake off his face, put it on Kenma and licked it off his cheek. "Tetsu!! Dont do that its gross!" "What? Now you taste sweet pudding~" Hinata started going 'Ooooooooh~ Dont get freaky guys!' which made Kenma blush but Kuroo just smirked. Lev just started eating the cake followed by a dissapointed but blushing Yaku because in his mind, Lev looked super dorky and cute. Thankfully, Yams had asked Asahi to get an extra cake so everyone ended up getting a slice of strawberry cake.

After people were done eating, Yams and Tsukki opened some of the smaller presents on the table which included Kenma and Kuroos present. They got them a $200 gift card to a baby store and 3 pairs of unisex onesies. They were thanked a lot by the soon to be parents. Soon after the presents were done being opened, everyone said their last congratulations and left the party. Kuroo and Kenma were one of the firsts to leave since Kuroo was still worried about Kenma. The car ride home was silent with Kenma nervously tapping his foot on the car floor. Kuroo noticed and put his hand on Kenmas thigh and started massaging it calming Kenma down. They arrived home and got out of the car walking inside the house. Kenma grabbed Kuroos hand once they got inside and lead him to their bedroom where they both sat on the bed. "So Kenma, what did you wanna talk about?" Kenma was clearly nervous since he was looking at his hands and tapping his finger on his leg. "Baby. . Talk to me. Whats bothering you?" Kuroo slowly lifted Kenmas chin to see that he had tears in his eyes. "I-I cant say it. Its to early. No I cant" Kuroo pulled Kenma into a hug trying to calm him down. "Baby are you scared Im going to get mad or something? You know I wont. It would be better if you let me know whats on your mind so we can talk it out or so I can help you. Please?" Kuroo kissed Kenma head waiting for a response. In an inaudible whisper, Kenma spoke "i think im having baby fever or something. . ." "Im sorry baby but you have to speak up. What did you say?" This time Kenma spoke normally. "I think im having baby fever or something. . ." Kuroo giggled and kissed Kenmas lips gently. "Kitten, is that it? You know thats normal right? Everyone has baby fever sometimes. But I honestly dont think Im ready for kids at the moment. I need to at least propose first" Kenma giggled and looked at Kuroo. "Then propose idiot" "Well Im not gonna propose if you have that attitude with me" Kenma climbed onto Kuroo lap. "What attitude~?" Kuroo knew exactly what Kenma was trying to do. "Nope, nope nope nope I cant look or Ill get horny. You are to damn sexy kitten!" Kenma laughed and kissed Kuroo. "Cmon babe, we havent done it in like, two weeks. We'll use protection and it will help to relieve all that baby fever Im having~" Kuroo smirked and grabbed Kenmas waist. "Alright but just know you asked for it so dont complain when you cant walk properly for a week" Kuroo colided their lips together and started making out with Kenma.

Tbc. Hehe lol i still suck at writing. this chapter was ewww. Honeslty, I just cant wait until I can have Kuroo and Kenma have kids because thats soooo cute! They would be such good parents it makes my heart melt bbut anyway hope yall clownz enjoyed and if ya didnt then oh well oops I tried. K bai- chaotic clown 💅

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now