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-At the Bar-

Kenma took a sip the drink he ordered. Kenma doesnt like getting drunk but once in a while he will have a little bit of alcohol. Kuroo on the other hand didn't mind getting drunk. He loved to party and go out with his friends. And nonight was a special night because he got to be their with his cute little boyfriend. Kuroo did not want to get to drunk to the point where he might do something he regrets so he decided not to order a super alcoholic drink. In Kenma's mind, he wanted to celebrate this day so he ordered strong shots for himself. It wasn't everyday Kenma got drunk but when he did he turned into the opposite of himself. He was loud and energetic like Hinata when he gets really drunk. Thats what Kuroo found out that night.

"Kenma thats a lot of shots... are you sure you wanna drink that much?" Akaashi asked with a little worry in his voice. Akaashi was the first person to see Kenma drunk so when he saw what Kenma had ordered, he was not mentally prepared to deal with him. Kenma had already drank 3 shots and he was already almost drunk. Since he doesn't drink much, Kenma gets intoxicated very quickly. "I'll beEe fiiiIiiIIIiinnNEe AaaAkashIiiII!" Kenma was slurring his words and rocking back and forth in his chair with excitement. Kuroo was talking with Daichi and Bokuto at the moment and did not notice Kenma until he felt tugging on his shirt. Kuroo turned around and saw his kitten beaming with joy and smiling a lot. Kuroo immedietly turned bright red and his his face in his hands. 'WHY IS HE SO CUTE AHHHHHHHHHHH OMG KENMA YOU ARE GONNA KILL ME!!! uh.. wait Kenma is never like that so why is he smiling so much? Maybe he is just like that when he is really happy?' Kuroo was thinking all of this while looking at his hands and finally noticd his name being called by someone. "KUROOOOOOOOOO WHY WONT YOU SHOW ME YOUR FACEEE?!?!" It was Kenma. He was standing up now and pacing in place while tapping Kuroo. He looked up and saw his kitten looking at him with a huge smile and then Kenma kissed him. Kuroo was shocked but didn't mind and melted into the kiss. Kenma, being SUPER DRUNK decided to get a little more intimate. Kuroo felt a little bite on his lower lip and realized what Kenma was doing. Kuroo gladly complied and opened his mouth letting each others tounges wrap around each other. Kuroo not only noticed how cute Kenma was being, he also noticed that kenma tasted like alcohol. And a lot of it. Kuroo realized Kenma was just drunk and did not want to take advantage of that. Thankfully, Kenma pulled away first to catch his breath. He looked back at Kuroo, grabbed his hand, and dragged him from his seat. 'Where is he taking me??'

Kenma dragged Kuroo to the center of the bar where people were drunk and dancing. Kenma let go of Kuroo's hand and told him something which Kuroo could not understand for the life of him since it was way to loud. Then Kuroo witnessed the most sexy, cute, funniest thing in his life. Kenma started DANCING. Kuroo felt a harsh blush come up on his neck to the tip of his ears. 'Omg this is the best day ever!!' Is what Kuroo thought while just watching Kenma dance. Next to them also dancing was Hinata and Oikawa. There boyfriends were just stood next to them making sure nothing happens. Kuroo looked back at Kenma who had now grabbed his hand, whilst still doing this cute dorky dance matching the rythm of the music. Kenma grabbed the front of Kuroo's shirt and pulled him down. Kenma said loudly in his ear "DANCE WITH ME BABE!" Not only was Kuroo dying from how hot Kenma looked but he called him BABE?? Kuroo was dying from cuteness when he felt Kenma moving his arms to the music. Kuroo smiled and started to dance with his cute kitten. After about and hour of dancing, Kuroo was exhausted. Kenma, however still being really drunk, was still dancing and did not want to stop. Then the song changed to a more slow, sexy song and Kuroo could see couples start to dance including some of their friends. Kenma looked at Kuroo and smirked almost as good as Kuroo can. 'Oh shit Kenma what are you planning'

Just as Kuroo thought might happen, Kenma grabbed Kuroo's hands and brought them to his own waist. Kuroo was silent during all of this but watching Kenma's every move. Kenma then started doing something that made Kuroo lose all train of thought. He was grinding on Kuroo. Kuroo went a darker shade of red then before but slowly got into the dancing moving his hips to match Kenma's sexy movements. Kuroo was so worked up about this he didnt know what to think about besides Kenma. Kenma moved backwards some more and placed himself on Kuroo right where he wished he didnt. Kenma started to grind on Kuroo again making him have to hold himself back. Although Kuroo was enjoying the lap dance he was getting, he still knew Kenma was drunk and needed to get home. It was like Asahi answered his prayers and the song changed. Akaashi and Iwazumi were also taking Bokuto and Oikawa home since they were both about to collapse. This gave Kuroo the excuse to bring Kenma to Akaashi's car. After some struggle of Hinata and Kenma holding on to each other for dear life so they wouldn't have to leave, making suga step in and be a mom even though he was also very drunk, Kuroo got Kenma out of the bar and was walking with Akaashi and Bokuto. Once they got to Akaashi's car, he loaded Bokuto in the front passanger seat and closed the door moving onto Kenma. Kenma was stubborn and refusdd to go in the car. "I don't want to go hoooooome I wanna go with Kuro!" Kenma said in a super cute but drunk way while holding onto Kuro making him blush. Akaashi tried to pry Kenma off of Kuroo but their was no use. Akaashi looked at the time, it was 3am. He gave up and told Kuroo to take him home. That made Kuroo blush like a mad man. "IM TAKING KENMA TO MY HOUSE? WHAT WILL HE THINK WHEN HE WAKES UP??" "You will be fine Kuroo, just make sure his phone is next to him when he wakes up so he will seem my message explaining where he was and why. Now I need to get home for Bokuto and my sake. Goodluck." And with that Akaashi drove off leaving Kenma with Kuroo.

-Kuroo's House-

Kuroo was finally able to get Kenma inside the house. Kenma was mad because on the way to the house, Kenma saw a squirrle and thought it was a cat. He asked to pull over to get the 'precious little kitty cat' but although he was super cute, Kuroo told Kenma no. Kenma saw another squirrle when they were about to enter the house and he ran off to get it. Kuroo had to chase him down before carrying the small pouting boy into the house. "I could have had a cat Kuro!" Kenma was still pouting but becuase he was drunk it just looked super cute to Kuroo. "C'mon Kenma lets get you to bed. You drank way to much." Kuroo scolded Kenma for drinking to much the whole way to the guest bedroom, although Kenma was half asleep and heard none of it. Once they got there, Kuroo gave kenma some shorts that had strings so he could tighten them and a big shirt that had a cat one it. Kuroo left Kenma in the room to change, went to his own room and changed himself into a shirt and boxers. When he was done, Kuroo went to brush his teeth and get some water. On his way to the kitchen he passed by the guest bedroom, and his little boyfriend was sat just staring at the wall with his knees to his chin. "Whats wrong kitten?" Kenma turned his head to face Kuroo and his eyes were red and puffy. "Oh my god kitten whats wrong baby?" Kuroo went towards Kenma and wrapped him in a hug. "I- I dont want to sleep alone I wanna sleep with you." Kuroo turned red but seeing his kitten upset still made him sad. "Ok cmon I'll carry you to my room." Kenma just nodded since he has been crying and was now half asleep in Kuroo's arms. Kenma was carried to the room and laid down by Kuroo. Kuroo turndd off the light and climbed into bed. "Hey kitten wanna cuddle?" Kenma very sleepily nodded and shifted towards Kuroo so that they were now spooning. "Goodnight my precious kitten, I love you~" " 'Nigh babe i luh u to" Kenma fell asleep riht after leaving a blushing Kuroo to go to sleep. Kuroo held Kenma thinking 'I hope he doesnt freak out when he wakes up. God I love him so much.' Kuroo kissed Kenmas head and went to sleep.

Hey my clownz!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was the longest chapter I have done so far!!!!! Thats VERY EXCITING FOR ME LMAO. Anywayy thanks for reading this and i post every week at least 4 times a week or more. Once again hope uou enjoyed and see you 🤡 next chapter - chaotic clown

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now