Bad Day

709 17 16

Kinda angsty but fluff at the end-

-time skip-

Kuroo opened the car door and slammed it shut. He roughly unlocked the door and stepped into the house kicking off his shoes and ripping off his coat. Kuroo was pissed as hell. He had a horrible day at work. First, he got blamed for a mistake is coworker made and had to go fix it himself including doing all the other work he had. Then, he was called into his boss's office and told that he couldnt take off work like he had planned the next week because they need him for some work project. Kuroo told his boss about wanting to spend time with his fiance who was 7 months pregnant but his boss refused. Finally, while he was driving back home, already fuming over his day, a guy decided to start speeding and almost hit him. It kinda set Kuroo over the edge and he was now mad as all hell. The only person that could help him calm down was Kenma. "Kenma! Im home" Kuroo heard nothing. He walked into their room and saw a note on the bed. 'Hey Tetsu, Yams wanted to hang out with me so I went over to the Tsukishimas place. Im also gonna be helping take care of the baby. Good practice. Anyway, I should be on my way home by the time you read this. Love you see you soon~' Kuroo groaned and fell face first into the pillow. He grabbed out his phone and sent Kenma a quick text.

Rooster Dad❤🐓: when are you gonna be home.

Kitten with baby🤰💕: Sorry babe I know I said I would be home around now but Mayumi wont stop crying. Im gonna help calm her down before I leave. I should be home in 20 minutes or so.

Rooster Dad❤🐓: k fine.

Kenma could already tell something was wrong. Kuroo usually added a baby or kitten when he texted but not this time. It was like Kenma was magic. "Yams let me hold her real quick" Yamaguchi nodded and gave Mayumi (thats tdukiyamas babys name btw) to Kenma and as soon as he did, she stopped crying. Yams was shocked. "Wow- Kenma you are a miracle worker I dont know how you just did that" Yams took back Mayumi and tucked her into the crib. "I dont know I just, kinda needed her to stop crying. Sorry that sounded bad I just promised Tetsu I would be home by now." Yams eyes widened and he quickly grabbed Kenmas small bag and tossed it to him, then tossed him a onsie. "Keep it. May grew out of it. You are gonna be an awesome parent." Kenma smiled warmly and thanked Yams for the compliment and the onsie. They said their goodbyes and Kenma got in his car to drive home. After 10 minutes of driving, Kenma arrived at home and quickly entered in the house. Kenma locked the door and took of his shoes and jacket. "Babe Im home!!" Kenma didnt get a response. He quickly made his way to the bedroom and saw Kuroo laying on the bed face down with his fists clenching the sides of the pillow. ". . . Tetsu are you ok?" Kuroo looked up a little and looked at Kenma. He placed his face back down in the pillow and made a little grunt. "Babe whats wrong?" Kenma sat down on the bed next to Kuroo but Kuroo immedietly got up and walked away from him. "Nothings wrong. I need a shower" Kenma was going to say something before Kuroo walked in the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Kenma sat there on the bed confused. 'Is it because Im home late? No I dont think Tetsu would get mad about that. Maybe he had a bad day at work? Thats probably it because he was happy this morning before he left. Ill go make us dinner. Maybe that will cheer him up a little' Kenma stood up from the bed smiling to himself loving his plan to make Kuroo happy. He walked into the kitchen and looked at what they had. Kenma found fish and decided he would make some for himself and Kuroo since they both absolutely loved it. Kenma cooked for what seemed like hours but was only a long thrity minutes. Kuroo walked into the kitchen with a towel wrapped around his neck just as Kenma finished setting up the plates. "Babe I made us food and look its one of your favorites~" Kenma had a wide smile on his face but it quickly turned into a frown. Kuroo just looked at the food and walked away saying "I already ate." Kenma stood there slightly stunned but brushed it off. 'Its fine, I shouldve figured he made himself some food when he got home. Ill just save it in the fridge for now' Kenma wrapped up the food and placed it in the fridge. He ended up eating his dinner alone at the table. When Kenma finished, he placed the plate in the sink and walked to their room to find Kuroo sitting on the bed scrolling through his phone. Kenma got in bed next to Kuroo and hugged his side. "Babe. . . did something happen today? You arent usually like this" Kuroo ignored Kenma and continued looking through his phone. "Tetsu Im talking to you. Cmon put your phone down I just want to hel-" Kuroo slammed his phone down next to him and looked at Kenma with rage filled eyes. Kenma let go of Kuroo and backed up a little. "Yes Kenma I had a shitty ass day. My fucking boss is a bitch and people on the road are shit drivers. And then when I come home hoping to see my pregnant fiance thinking 'oh this will make me feel better' I find out you arent even home. So yes Im fucking mad and no I dont feel like talking to you right now." Kuroo got up and opened the bedroom door walking out and slamming it behind him. Kenma was processing what just happened. Usually, Kenma would probably put Kuroo in his place and make him calm down but Kenmas emotions were everywhere. Tears started streaming down his face. Kenma wipped them away and grabbed his coat and wallet. He grabbed some shoes and slipped the on then walked out the bedroom. Kuroo was sat on the couch with his phone in his hand. He looked up to see Kenma grabbing the keys. "Where are you going?" Kenma opened the door and looked at Kuroo with tears running down his face. "Akaashi and Bokutos. Come get me when you stop being a fucking jerk" Kenma walked out and slammed the door behind him. Kuroos face color suddenly drained. 'Shit'

Kenma was in Akaashis arms crying while Bokuto rubbed his back. Akaashi was trying to comfort Kenma who had shown up at the house bawling his eyes out. "Shhh, Kenma its ok he is just being a jerk. Whem people are mad they tend to act out their emotions instead of exoressing them through calm serious words and that what Kuroo did. Dont worry you did nothing wrong." Kenma calmed down a little was sniffling. "B-but if I-I had just been at h-home then he wouldve been h-happy its m-my fault" And with that Kenma was crying hard again into Akaashis chest which was now soaked. Bokuto pulled Kenma away from Akaashi and gave him a gentle bear hug. Kenma really needed the hug so he just hugged back and cried into Bokutos chest. "Hey Kenma I know it seems like your fault but trust me its not. I know my bro and when he has a bad dau he will take it out on others sometimes. He is being a fucking idiot right now so dont worry about." Kenma wiped his tears and nodded inbetween some little hiccups. "O-ok. . . Im sorry for just showing up here like this I just-" Akaashi shushed Kenma and spoke saying "Nothing to be sorry about Kenma. If me and Kou were to have a fight, Id probably go to your house to." Bokuto nodded. "Same here, well unless Keiji was going to your house because then we would end up in the same place and that would probably be awkward." Kenma and Akaashi laughed at Bokutos comment before the doorbell rang. Kenmas eyes widened and he ran to the door Akaashi following close behind. He opened the door to see Kuroo who immedietly hugged Kenma tightly. "Im so so so so sorry. Im a fucking jerk. I shouldnt have snapped at you. I was just so fucking stressed from work but thats no excuse to take it out on you. I so fucking sorry baby" Kenma couldnt help but cry into Kuroos shoulder. Kuroo picked up the crying Kenma and held him close. Akaashi who was just standing in the doorway pulled Kuroo down by the hard but not hard enough to where he dropped Kenma. "Yell at him on more time and I swear to god I will rip out your voice box. Dont test me." Kuroo nodded. "I honesty hope you do. . . God im such an asshole. Im going to bring Kenma home and we will talk" Kenma was still crying into Kuroos shoulder not noticing the small conversation happening right in cront of him. Kuroo walked home with Kenma in his arms who had now stopped crying. "Kitten. . . I. . . Im sorry for acting like everything was your fault. I was just being a complete asshole to you for no reason." Kenma stayed silent, his face looking away from Kuroo. "I- ugh you know what" Kuroo placed Kenma down and cupped his face his hands making Kenma look at him with red eyes. "I love you so much Kenma. Im so sorry I hurt you, god Im such an idiot. Im so fucking sorry. You mean the world to me and that was a shitty thing for me to do. I promise that next time I have a stressful day Ill talk to you about it. I wont go off on you for no reason ever again" Kenma had tears running down his face again and he hugged Kuroo tightly. "F-fuck you idiot I-I thought I did something w-wrong" Kuroo held Kenma tightly. "I know Im sorry you did nothing wrong Im in the wrong here. You are perfect" Kenma stopped hugging Kuroo and motioned for him to be picked up. Kuroo picked up Kenma bridal style and started walking with him again. Kuroo left litters of kisses on Kenmas tears. "Your tears are to precious to be wasted kitten. Let me try to make it up to you" Kenma held onto Kuroos next and kissed his cheek. "Well first you could eat the food I made you. Then you can clean the house and then cuddle me" Kuroo kissed Kenmas forehead and nodded. "Ok kitten anything for you"

Kuroo had just finsihed cleaning the WHOLE HOUSE and was exhausted but he knew he deserved it. Kuroo couldnt get the image of Kenma crying and leaving out of his mind and it killing him. He quickly washed up and made his way to the room where Kenma was laying looking at different weird baby things he found on Amazon. Kenmas eyes were still slightly red but he had stopped crying by now. Kuroos heart ached and he knew it was his fault. He climbed into the bed next to Kenma and kissed his stomach. Kenma reached his hand down and ran his fingers through Kuroos hair smiling but stopped when he noticed Kuroo frowning. "A-are you still mad?. . ." Kuroos head shot up and he looked at Kenma with worried eyes. "No no no no no im not mad! I just. . . I hate seeing you cry, and it was because of me that you did. Im sor-" Kenma grabbed Kuroos face a kissed him to stop him from finishing his sentence. "Tetsu its ok I know you are sorry and I forgive you. If you still feel bad then you can do something for me like uhhh. . . Oh! How about you cuddle me like I asked?" Kuroo could sense the sarcasm in Kenmas voice. He let out a little laugh and moved up on the bed getting under the covers with Kenma. Kenma was facing Kuroo and cuddled his face into the crook of his neck. Kuroo kissed the top of Kenmas head and smiled. "I love you Ken Ken" Kenma looked up at Kuroo and gave him a soft kiss. "I love you to Tetsu" Kenma burried his face back into Kuroos neck and almost immedietly fell asleep. Kuroo hugged Kenma as best as he could considering his baby belly was now pretty big and rested his hand where he could feel their baby kicking slightly. "God I cant wait till you are born." Kuroo fell asleep with Kenma in his arms not letting him go the whole night.

Did i say kinda angsty? I meant ANGSTY. Yall gonna be like "oh it wasnt that much angst" but for me it was! My kuroken loving heart cant take arguements 😭 ok hope yall liked this. Bye puthys- chaotic clown 🐓👹

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now