I Hate You (Pt.1)

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(This is when Kai is really little. He is 3 years old in this and is currently staying with Kuroos parents for the week)

Kuroo definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He felt groggy and had a headache almost immediately. "Ugh I need medicine. ." Kuroo got out of bed and went straight to the medicine cabinet to grab a pill. Just Kuroos luck, there was no headache medicine so Kuroo just had to deal with it. He walked back into the bedroom and plopped down on the bed next to his husband. Kenma shifted around and groaned. "Tetsu dont do that. ." Kuroo sighed and said a small sorry before going silent again. Kenmas soft snores filled the room once more.

Kuroo smiled as he ran his hands through Kenmas soft hair. Kenma had just gotten the tips redyed and got a haircut so his hair was just beneath his shoulder. Kuroo absolutely loved it. He continued to do that, which Kenma usually loved, but this time Kenma groaned and swatted Kuroos hand away. "Stop it. ." Kuroo laid there shocked for a moment before shaking his head a little. "I just want to hold you. Can I do that?" Kuroo asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice but Kenma wasnt paying attention. He was half asleep after all. "No just stop and let me sleep for fucks sake Tetsu. . ." Kenma said and he scooched away from Kuroo a little. Kuroo scoffed and got out of bed while leaving the room without another word.

Kenma would be completely lying if he said he didnt want Kuroo in bed next to  him. Even if he didnt want Kuroo to touch him, he still liked knowing Kuroo was there. Kenma woke up shortly after Kuroo had left the room. He got out of bed and went down the stairs to find Kuroo laying down on the couch staring at the blank TV. "Tetsu what are you doing. .?" Kuroo looked at Kenma and then back at the TV. "Trying to get rid of my headache Kenma" Kenma nodded and walked in the kitchen. He yelled from the kitchen "Have you taken any medicine?" Kuroo, whos headache was now being affected by Kenmas volume, just groaned in reply.

Kenma didnt get an answer so he went to check the medicine cabinet himself. Kenma saw there was no medicine and closed the cabinet. "Are you gonna be ok Tetsu?" Kuroo grunted and then looked at Kenma. "Can you run to the store real quick and get me medicine please?" Kenma looked at the time and sighed. "Babe I told Sho I would meet him around now, remember? I have to get ready and then leave. Cant you go?" Kuroo sat up rubbing his temples with his fingers. "Kenma my head is literally killing me. Can you please just doyour husbnad a favor and get him medicine?" Kenma looked at the time again. He had to meet up with Hinata in 10 mintues and the stoee was 15 minutes away. He promised Hinata he wouldnt be late. "Just uhm- drink water or something and it will go away eventually, right?" Kuroo stared at Kenma for a minute before shaking his head and scoffing.

Kuroo got up form the couch and walked into the kitchen while pushing past Kenma. "Cant even be fucking help to your husband but you can go visit a friend you literally saw a week ago. ." Kuroo grumbled as he got a glass and went to fill it with water. Kenma turned to Kuroo and put a hand on his hip. "Why the hell are you so moody today? I get you have a headache put that doesnt give you the right to act like a jerk towards me. You knew I had plans today babe" Kuroo looked at Kenma and his jaw dropped a little. "Are you kidding me right now? Im the one whos being a jerk? What about the guy who cna even run to the store and get a fucking pill for his husband who has a horrible headache right now? Or is that not being a jerk? But whatver, I dont have the patience for this. Go get ready for chibi-chan"

Kenma wasnt done though. I mean, Kuroo just called him a jerk when he did nothing. . right? "What the hell is your problem?? If you have a fucking headache go to sleep or something! There are others ways to get rid of a headache Tetsurou!" Kuroo groaned and rested his elbows on the counter while he put his eyes on his palm and rssted his head. "Kenma I cant deal with this right now. ." "No, listen! Im allowed to have plans with my friend alright!? Your mom took Kai for the week so we could actually go and do shit!" Kuroo rubbed his eyes and then looked up with a sigh. "Kenma-" "No! And do you know how many times I have been late to meet with people because people gave me last minute shit to do!? So many times!! And-" "oh mY GOD KENMAS JUST PLEASE BE FUCKING QUIET!" Kuroo yelled now super pissed off and his head was in pain. Kenma stared at Kuroo for a moment before continuing to yell.

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon