"Im single guys"

920 19 12

Angstyyy hehe but some fluff at the end probs... :)

It was the afternoon and Kenma was doing a livestream. It was around 9:30 at night and the room was dark except for the light shining on Kenma from the screen. Kuroo, who was in the shadows in the background, couldnt be seen by how the camera was positioned. Kenma still hadnt made any announcement that he was dating Kuroo but whenever Kuroo asked Kenma about it, he would always say "They dont need to know about our personal life." Kuroo was watching Kenma play Final Fantasy XV. " Oh no no no no. . . dammit I fucking died. Oh well while Im waiting lets amswer some questions!" Kuroo loved seeing his kitten being so active on his channel. Kuroo had actually watched some of Kenmas videos before they dated and Kenma was always shy in them, but now he actually talked a lot while he was playing. "Ok lets answer KoduzkenFanClub's question! Btw love the username, thank you. But anyway lets see what their question is. . ." Kuroo waited for Kenma to read the question out loud but Kenma just stared at the question for about a minute. "Uh um... well the question is if Im dating someone." Kuroo stared at Kenma waiting for him to call over Kuroo or to say something like 'I'll answer that another time' but what Kenma actually said surprised him. . . and not in a good way. "Oh my god you guys want to know everything about my personal like dont you?" Kenma let out a little giggle. "Well you guys can stop asking those question. Im single guys." The words hit Kuro like a truck. 'Did he just say he was single?' Kuroo got up from the bed and walked out the door and slammed it behind him. Kenma jumped a little and his face turned pale. 'Shit I messed up' " Ok guys sorry that was just the wind but Im looking at the time and I forgot I need to go meet with Shoyo. Anyway Ill make another stream soon I promise!! Bye guys!!" Kenma quickly waved and ended the stream. He turned off the game and raced down the stairs. He saw Kuroo sitting on the couch looking at his phone. 'Maybe he isnt mad?' Kenma walked over and sat next to Kuroo. "Hey babe you ok?" Kuroo looked up from his phone and turned to Kenma. " Kenma who are you calling babe? I thought you were single?" 'Yep I messed up' Kuroo looked pissed. No, Kuroo looked infuriated. His face was starting to turn a little red and his fists were clenched. "Baby you know I only said that because I dont want my fans to get into my personal life." "Kenma we've been dating for 8 months and you still refuse to tell your fans about us dating. . . Am I that embarrasing?" "Tetsu no you are not embarrasing. I love you so much I just dont want my fans to see you and then who knows if some are homophobic and we are both gonna get hate because of it." Kuroo scoffed at Kenma. "So this is because you dont want to lose your fans? Are the fans that would degrade you for being in love really worth more than me?" Kuroo looked like he was on the verge of tears. "Tetsu. . . no those fans arent worth more than you. But-" "Kenma if you say but one more time to make an excuse why you wont admit on your channel that you are dating me then you can sleep alone tonight and Ill go to someone elses house." Kuroo was staring at Kenma intensly. He was forcing himself to hold back the tears that threatened to spill out. "Kenma you know I love you but what if I went to a job interview or something, and while making casual conversation the interviewer asked if I had a partner and I said no for "personal reasons," how would you feel?" "Well I would respect that because I would probably say the same thing. Not everyone in the world needs to know we are dating Tetsurou" Kenma was starting to get defensive now. He didnt know why he was but he started to argue back. "Babe, Its none of their buisness so they dont need to know about it. How about we just cool down and then go upstairs to sleep ok?" "No. Not ok Kenma. Im leaving." Kuroo got up from the couch but was stopped by Kenma who grabbed onto his wrist tightly. "Where are you going?" Kuroo pulled his hand away from Kenmas. "Im going to go to a friends house. If you cant understand how hurtful it is to hear the love of your life say that theyre single while you are dating them, then, like I said, you can sleep alone tonight." Kenma started to panic. He started raising his voice. "Tetsu! Why is it such a big deal? You know we are dating. I know we are dating. Whats the big deal if I told my fans Im single? Do you want to get a bunch of hate and be made fun of?! The internet is brutal, Im just trying to protect us from that!" Kuroo stopped in his track and turned around. He aslo raised his voice. "Ken. . . you arent protecting me! You are just protecting your stupid channel because you dont want to lose your fucking subscribers and followers! You shouldnt be telling anyone you are single because you arent! We are dating! Me and you! You kept us a secret for 8 fucking months! Why cant you just tell them!" The loud voices turned into yelling. The yelling turned into cursing. The yelling turned into screaming. The screaming turned into silence. Kenma was dead.

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang