Home Pt.2

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Kenma now had his epidural with the help of Tsukki and Yamaguchi calming him down. He was napping a was about to be woken up by Yamaguchi. "Kenma. . . Kenma. . !" Kenma slowly opened his eyes and saw Yamaguchi with a sad face. "Whats wrong. . ?" Yamaguchi opened his mouth to speak but stopped. He then took a deep breath and spoke. "K-kuroos plane isnt going to be here for another hour and they have to do the c-section in a half hour. ." Kenma felt panic rise in him. Half hour? That meant he would have to do the c-section without Kuroo being there? "N-no tell the doctor Im not doing it for another hour. Not until Tetsu gets here" Yams bit his lip and looked at Tsukishima for help.

Tsukki sighed and pulled up a seat next to Kenmas hospital bed. "Listen Kenma. . . they cant wait. Because the baby is early, they have to do the c-section earlier as well. Its not like the other times. This is to ensure your babys safety and Kuroo understands that" Kenma felt tears quickly well up in his eyes. Of course he wanted his childs safety over anything but he still wanted Kuroo. "T-theres no way to delay or-" "No Kenma, the doctor told us they will perform the c-section in a half hour before anything bad happens to the baby. Me and Tadashi will me here for you though. We can even keep checking on Kuroos flight if you want" Kenma wiped his eyes a took a deep breath before nodding. He had to do this. It wasnt necessary for Kuroo to be there during the delivery but it was mecessary for the baby to be born. "O-ok. . thank you. ."

Yamaguchi and Tsukishima left the hospital room to give Kenma a little bit of time. As soon as they walked out, a smile appeared on both of their faces. "You think it worked? I dobt think hes been checking the time" Tsukishima nodded. "Yeah, as much as I hate lying to him, it will be amazing to see his reaction when Kuroo gets here. His plane lands in 20 minutes so Im gonna head out to go pick him up. If Kenma asks where I am, just tell him that Mayumi called me and asked me for help with something" Yamaguchi nodded and kissed Tsukishimas lips softly. "Alright Kei, go pick up Kuroo" Tsukki nodded and walked out of the hospital.


Kuroo landed and was first to get off the plane. He quickly made his way to the baggage claim and lucky enough, he got them within 5 minutes of waiting. Kuroo walked out and immediately called Tsukishima. "Pick up pick up pick- hey Tsukki! Can you pick me up-" Kuroo heard the phone beep and he looked at his phone. "This bitch just hung up on me. ." Kuroo scoffed and looked up to see Tsukishima standing in front of him with an eyebrow raised. "What bitch are you talking about? The one who came to pick you up?" Kuroo sighed in relief and hugged Tsukki before putting his phone away. "Thank god youre here. Hows Kenma??" Tsukishima led Kuroo to the car and helped him put away the luggage. When they got in the car, Tsukishima quickly drove off, startling Kuroo. "Hey dont speed, my god. Is Kema ok? Did they do the c-section already?" Tsukishima shook his head no and drove down the epmty highway. "Nope, but he will be getting the c-section in about 5 fucking minutes so Im rushing you to the hospital. Your welcome" Kuroo felt himself suddenly become very excited. He was gonna be there on time for the birth of their baby. Their 4th and (last) child. He made it.

The doctors came in the room and Kenma felt himself feel unwell. The fact that Kuroo wasnt with him made his feel uneasy. "Yams. . I dont know if I can do this. ." Kenma had hot tears running down his face as the doctors set up teh barrier so Kenma didnt have to watch the procedure. "Its ok Kenma, trust me. You can do this. You have to" Kenma started crying more and shook his head. Yamaguchi felt really bad but suddenly got a text from Tsukishima.

Picked up Kuroo. We should be there in 10 minutes.

Yamaguchi sighed a breath of relief and took hold of Kenmas hand. "Hey doctor, can you give us just 10 minutes? That wont hurt the baby, right?" The doctor looked at the monitor and nodded. "The baby should be fine. We can wait another 10 minutes. It will also give us time to set up more equipment" Yams thanked the doctor as they told some nurses to go get certain supplies while he went and gave them time. Yamaguchi squeezed Kenmas hand and smiled. "Dont worry Kenma. 10 minutes and youll be ok. Trust me" Kenma was confused but thankful he had more time to mentally prepare. Maybe thats what Yamaguchi meant?

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now