The 'Breakup' Challenge

563 9 15

-4 years later-

We Get Our Asses Demolished🍑

Hi bitches~~ 😚

tiny demon:

crooked bangs:

hey oikawa!

bokutos whore:
hi oikawa

not hisoka:

I have two kids to care for what do you want

where is everyone else??

kitty prego:
Idk but im pregnant and have a four year old what do yall want??

everyone else muted this chat 💀

bokutos whore:
Well what did you want?

wait i got to go, Akane needs her mommy 🥺

yea same my children need me sorry :/

daichi is taking care of them but idc what you have to say unless its really that important so bye 😙

Ok who can actually stay??

bokutos whore:
Well im not busy rn. Kou took the twins to daycare and he went to buy something for them.

crooked bangs:
im leaving just cuz

not hisoka:
Im free until wakatoshi gets back and he is planting right now

kitty prego:
tetsu took kai to the park so I could rest so whats up?

tiny demon:
Lev left to go buy food so ig im free 😒

ok good! Well i wanna do a challenge on our husbands~~

bokutos whore:
Oh god oikawa

not hisoka:
Im in

kitty prego:
Me too
I need some entertainment from tetsu

tiny demon:
^but from lev
Whats the challenge?

its the 'breakup' challenge!
Basically, you gotta tell your husband 'i want to break up' and see how they react

bokutos whore:
Oikawa you know Kou is going to go into emo mode and I dont want him crying in front of the kids

kitty prego:
That sounds kinda mean. . .

tiny demon:
Even to me that sounds mean
I dont want to hurt lev emotionally, only physically

not hisoka:
wakatoshi will just say something like
'We cannot break up. We are married Satori'
So im in

Cmon guys if they actually think, they will realize if yall wanted to split up you wouldve said divorce. And if something bad happens you can blame it on me

bokutos whore:
Fine. .

kitty prego:
Ig . .

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now