Gender Reveal

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Today was the day. The Kuroo family was finally going to find out the gender of the new member of their family. The last time it was ruined by Kenmas deceased mother but this time, there were no obstacles in the way. Kenma decided to take the whole family to the doctor appointment. He was 6 months pregnant and he wanted this to be a family experience. Kenma and Kuroo already had a baby shower for their child. At the baby shower, however, they had everyone guess the gender of the baby and said they would make an announcement on Kenmas channel about the gender. Everyone at the baby shower who guessed the gender right would get a 15 dollar gift card to go wherever. (Kenma and Kuroo are rich rich so they got the money).

Kuroo helped Kenma put on his jacket and then tied his shoes for him. "Thanks babe. Where are the kids? I told them to be down here by now. . . GREMLINS GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE! IM NOT BEING LATE FOR THIS FUCKING APPOINTMENT!" Kai and Tsu ran down the steps with Temari following. "We're coming! We were just making some last minute name decisions!" Tsu yelled as she ran over to the door and slipped on her shoes. Kai and Temari also put on their shoes and then opened the front door and walked right out, not waiting for Kenma who was still grabbing his bag and wallet. "H-hey wait! Your dad hasnt even started the car yet!" Kai turned around with a emotionless expression. "So we were yelled to come downstairs because you were going to be late for nothing?" Kenma rolled his eyes and tossed Kuroo the car keys. "Start the car babe, Im going to put my stuff in the car" Kuroo nodded and gave Kai a small smile. Kai sighed and got in car with his other siblings.


The family finally arrived at the doctors office. All the kids got out of the car and so did Kuroo. Kuroo went over to Kenmas side and helped him step out because their car was a van so it was kinda higher off the ground. Kuroo noticed Kenmas hands were really sweaty and his face was a little pale. "Hey kitten you feeling ok? Do you need water?" Kenma took a deep breath and shook his head. "N-no Im just nervous. ." Kuroo smiled and leaned down kissing Kenmas lips softly before pulling back. "Dont worry about it. We are just finding out the gender. Its exciting, isnt it?" Kenma nodded and squeezed Kuroos hand with a small smile. "Alright kiddos! Lets go find out this babys gender!" Tsu and Kai both said "YEA!" while Temari cringed as the family walked in the building. "Dad, never EVER say 'kiddos' again" Kuroo huffed but brushed it off and led Kenma to the front desk. "Hello! What can I help you with?" "Hi, my husband has an appointment today for an ultrasound? We are going to find out our childs gender" The man at the front desk looked at her computed before nodded and smiling. "The Kuroo's, right?" Kuroo smiled and nodded. "Alright! The doctor will call you shortly. Would you like to do all the paperwork now or after the appointment?" Kuroo looked at Kenma and then back at the man. "Ill do it now. Kids, go find a seat in the waiting area with mama. Ill do this as fast as possible baby" Kuroo leamed down giving Kenma a small kiss before turning to the man at the front desk to get the paperwork.

Soon, Kuroo got done with the paperwork and then went to the waiting area where the rest of the family was. Kuroo sat in a seat next to Kenma and put an arm around him. "What?" Kuroo raised an eyebrow at Kenma. "What do you mean 'what'? Am I not allowed to hold my husband?" Kenma sighed with a smile on his face and leaned in closer to Kuroo. "You are, I guess" Kuroo giggled and wrapped his other arm around Kenma so he was hugging him. "What do you think the baby is going to be?" Kenma hummed for a minute before a smile formed on his face. "I think we are having a boy. I can just feel it" Kuroo kissed Kenmas head and looked over at the door where a nurse was holding a notepad and scanning the waiting room. "Well I agree with you but lets go find out for sure now" Kenma looked over at the nurse and then the nurse walked over to the family. "Hello, are you Kenma?" Kenma nodded and the nurse smiled at him and Kuroo.

"Well lets get you to the room so we can do the ultrasound. Are these your children?" The nurse said looking over at Kai and Tsu who were both playing minecraft on their phones and Temari who was reading a book. "Yes those are our kids. They are allowed to come with, correct? Sorry for not asking beforehand" Kuroo said rubbing the back of his neck. The nurse gave him a smile and waved it off. "No no its perfectly fine. Ill just bring you to a bigger room so everyone can fit. So you can follow me and Ill lead you to your room" Kenma nodded and Kuroo quickly helped Kenma stand up and then walked with him following the nurse. "Kai, Mar, Tsu, cmon" The kids quickly stopped what they were doing and followed their parents and the nurse down the hall and into a spacious room.

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora