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Hey im making a part 3 to this as a filler and then we will get back into the actual fic!!


- Kenma hates snoring. Not snoring himself, but people snoring. Kuroo, with his bad sleeping postitions, snores because of them. Its not even a loud snore, more like very loud breathing. Either way, Kenma cant stand it. There has been MULTIPLE times where Kenma had 'accidently' pushed Kuroo in his sleep to get him to wake up and stop snoring.

- Before the kids were born, Kenma and Kuroo DID walk around the house naked and neither one of them cared.

- Kuroo is deathly afraid of roly-polys or pill bugs as you might call them. Why? Who knows but he is. He says they  bend to much. One time, Kuroo was outside sitting on the back porch while watching Kai play. All of a sudden Kai gasped and picked something up from the ground. "Daddy look!! Potato bug!!" Kai showed Kuroo and Kuroo freaked the fuck out. He ran into the house and had Kenma go tell Kai to throw it out while he hid himself in the closet, scared his child would bring him more bugs.

- Kenma has a fear of hights. Whenever they go on a plane ride, Kuroo and has to hold Kenmas hand at takeoff and then but a sleep mask on Kenma so he doesnt accidently look out a window.

- Kenma and Kuroo have NEVER spanked the kids of slapped them in any way. Their punishments were always groundings or timeouts when they were little.

- Kenma only ever wears strawberry chapstick. One day, he couldnt find it so he just used a different flavored chapstick. Kuroo kissed him and immediately noticed the change. This has now led to Kuroo hating any other chapstick that strawberry because he cant like the different flavors anymore.

- Movie nights are a regular thing at the Kuroo household.

- Kuroo always says Kenmas name in any conversation. Even at work he will say "my husband" and then say something about Kenma. He loves bragging about how cool and how lucky he is to have Kenma.

- Kuroo hates the winter. So does Kenma. They usually both stay inside the house and will cuddle. Kuroo purposely turns down the heat to make the house colder to Kenma will cling to him for warmth. Kenma learned about this fairly quickly but has never said anything.

- Kenma loves Kuroos thighs. He finds them sexy and very nice use as pillows.


Angsty Headcanons-

- There was a time when Kai told Kenma he hated him. It was for something fairly small but to Kenma it felt like his world shattered. Kenma stayed locked in the bedroom for almost two days while Kuroo had long talks with Kai and cared for Kenma who was constantly saying he wasnt a good parent. The two ended up making up at the end.

- Kuroo once twisted his ankle and never told Kenma about it. He didnt want to worry him so he walked on the hurt foot like normal. That caused the twisted ankle to turn into a sprained one and thats when Kenma found out. To say the least, he was both worried and pissed off at the same time while they were at the hospital.

- Kuroo and Kenma will bicker constantly about who is doing what chores. And its always about one person wanting to do more than the other.

- Kenma will sometimes have panick attacks in uncomfortable situations and Kuroo just has to hold and talk to him soothingly as he tries to calm down.

- In the beginning of the Kuroken relationship, Kuroo was always nervous that he would mess something up and Kenma would leave him. He still has the fear sometimes but never voices it.


Smutty Headcanons -

- Kuroo doesnt really bottom but when he does, he is LOUD. (I will make a chapter on this 😌)

- Kenma likes being spanked.

- Vibrators can make Kenma cum in less than 3 minutes

- Kuroo loves, and I mean LOVES when Kenma will cosplay. He always gets turned on.

- Kuroo likes to POUND Kenma when he says Kenma been 'bad'. Kenma (says he doesnt really enjoy it) when he actually does it enjoy it very VERY much. He told Akaashi that and Akaashi told Kuroo. Only reason Kuroo hasnt stopped.

- When Kenma is trying to be 'extra hot' (like he isnt already 🙄🤚) he will get facials from Kuroo and lick it up with a smirk. Kuroo ALWAYS gets hard immediately from watching this.

- Kuroo loves leaving hickeys on Kenmas neck right before he streams so that everyone knows Kenma is his. He had to stop, however, because the kids started noticing them.

- Kenma doesnt really like being tied up but you know who does? KUROO. He loves/hates being tied up while Kenma rides him and degrades him. He also likes being blindfolded. Theyve only done this a couple of times though because the process of actually getting tied up is tiring.

- Idk if Ive said this before but Ill say it again. THEY LOVE SHOWER SEX.

- Kuroo is always the one to ask if he can bottom. Kenma cant ask if Kuroo can bottom or Kuroo will take it as a challenge and fuck Kenma HARD


Hope you liked these headcanons i came up with off the top of my head. Did i make this filler chapter so I can have time to write the next one? Of course. Will I get the next chaoter done on time? God I hope so.

Thanks for reading and Ill update asap! - chaotic clown

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