Kuroo Kai

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-little time skip-

Kenma woke up at 4 am to a puddle of wet surrounding him. 'Shit did I piss myself?' Kuroo was sound asleep next to him. Kenma got up and suddenly felt a horrible pain in his back and stomach. He knew it was contractions since he was been getting contractions here and there over the couple weeks. Kenma leaned on the bed trying to get through the contraction,  breathing in and out slowly but this time the pain feels unbearable. Kenma lets out a groan in pain causing Kuroo to shift in his sleep. The pain stops and Kenma goes and gets other pajamas. He went in the bathroom and slipped off his pants. Kenma realized that the front of his boxers werent wet, it was the back. 'What the fuck why is- oh OH SHIT-' Kenma quickly got out of the bathroom and went over to Kuroo. "Babe! Babe wake up!" Kenma was now shaking Kuroo roughly casuing Kuroo to jolt up in his sleepy state. "Huh? What whats wrong. . " "I think my water broke" Kuroo nodded and muttered a little "ok nice babe-" before jolting up with his eyes wide. "-WAIT WHAT! YOUR WATER BROKE?" Kenma nodded and Kuroo quickly jumped out of bed examining the wet sheets. Kuroo ran to the dresser and grabbed some clothes and started undressing. "Babe get ready we gotta go to the hospital!" Kenma calmly walked over and pulled out a towel along with some clothes. "Im gonna go take a shower" Kuroo stopped midway of putting his pants on and stared at Kenma. "No we are leaving right now" "Babe its been at least 8 minutes since I had a contraction. I promise if I get another contractuon while Im in the shower Ill finish up quickly and we can go." Kenma went into the bathroom leaving Kuroo a little worried and surprised at how calm Kenma was. He still got ready quick, grabbed the hospital bag they thankfully packed a few weeks prior and took them downstairs. Kuroo got a baby carrier ready in the car while Kenma was taking  a shower. After a 10 minute shower, Kenma had another contraction. He groaned in pain and held the side of the door as it felt like someone was throwing bricks at him from the inside. Once the contraction stopped, Kenma quickly got dressed and grabbed his stuff before heading downstairs to find Kuroo pacing back and forth. "Ok Tetsu we can go now" Kuroo nodded and picked up Kenma bringing him to the car. "I couldve walked myself you know" "Kenma you are literally going into labor. No." Kuroo drove Kenma and him to the hospital quickly and brought them inside along with all the supplies they needed. Kenma sat down on a waiting chair while Kuroo quickly set the bags down and walked up to the counter where he was greeted my a younger lady. "Hello sir how can I help you?" "My fiances water broke and he is about to go into labor." The woman quickly typed something on the computer and called some nurses. They helped Kenma up and led him to a room, Kuroo following holding all the bags. They entered a pretty large room. There was a side table with a bunch of needles, something that looked similar to a knife, and a lot of bags. Kenma looked over and internally freaked out. On the left side was where Kenma figured they would clean the baby since there were many towels and little tubes waiting to be used. The nurses helped Kenma lay in the bed and asked him to call them when his contractions were 7 to 5 minutes apart. They nurses left leaving Kenma and Kuroo. "Oh my god babe this is actually happening. Did you see that big needle? Is that going in me?!" Kenma was starting to freak out. He knew what the process was. Because he is a boy, he had to have a c-section. Kuroo helped Kenma out of his clothes and into the hospital gown while saying comforting words to him. "Kitten you are gonna be ok. Im staying by your side the whole time so theres nothing to worry about right?" Kenma nodded as Kuroo helped him lay down on the hospital bed. "Good. You are so brave and when this is over, we will bring home our little baby boy. I love you so much and we will go through this step by step, together" Kuroo gently put his hands at the side of Kenmas face and kissed him, their soft lips touching and dancing together in harmony (lol not me trying to sound smart). Kenma had calmed down a lot and was actually doing good. Kuroo sat down on a chair next to Kenma and was holding his hand when the doctor came in. "Hello Mr. Kozume! I will be the doctor performing your c-section today. I just came in to check on you, set up some tubes and all." Kuroo felt Kenma suddenly tense up and started rubbing his hand whispering soft loving words in Kenmas ear while the doctor talked. Kenma calmed dowm a little but was still a nervous wreck. The doctor ended up giving Kenma a shot which was supposed to help with the pain of the contractions but still make them noticeable. The doctor asked Kenma some questions on how he was feeling, if he needed to eat something, if he was comfortable, just the usual. The doctor then informed Kenma on the epidural which freaked Kenma out but he kept his cool. The doctor left and said she would have nurses come in and check on Kenma every so often. The doctor left leaving a shaken up Kenma and a worried Kuroo. Kuroo was worried for Kenma, in that he would probably endure a good amount of pain. Kuroo rubbed Kenma hand to calm him down which surprisingly worked again. "Tetsu. . . Im really scared but. . happy right now" Kuroo felt a grin form on his face and ge kissed Kenmas cheek. "I am to baby. If you get scared just remember Im here with you and after this, we are getting a baby" Kenma nodded and smiled.

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now