Broken Pt.1

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Little bit of fluff... lots of angst tho :p
Dont worry next chapter is barely any agnst and mostly fluff hehe

Kenma POV:

"Morning my kitten~" I woke up from the feeling of a peck on my forehead. I look up a little to see a smiling Kuroo. God I love him so much. I try to wiggle up a little to give him a kiss on the lips but I feel a sharp pain in my back. "ugghh... ow.." "Awww kitty? Did I go to rough last night? Im sorry." I feel a blush creep up on ny face from remebering the'event' from the other night. I nuzzle close into Kuroos chest to try to hide my embarrasment. Kuroo just chuckles and lightly grabs me, trying not to hurt me and bring my face up to give him a kiss. The kiss lasted a while but it didnt get to intimate. "I love you so much Kenma." "I love you to babe~" Kuroo blushed which I thought was super cute but it was interrupted by a small growl from his stomach. "Do you want breakfast." "Nope still full from last nights meal" I said in my head. But... I guess I said it out loud due to the red, shocked Kuroo I was laying on. " I-i thought I said that in my head.. sorry." I said mumbling the last part. " No no baby its fine I just... didnt expect that from you." Kuroo then burst out laughing and saying stuff like 'omg kenma you need to say more stuff like that' or 'kitten when did you get dirty humor?' through his laughs. Kuroos laugh is very contagious so of course I started giggling as well. Finally after we both calmed down, Kuroo shifted a little and got out of bed. "Kurooooo where are you goinggggg???" I whined. The bed was suddenly cold and I didnt have my human pillow anymore. "Unlike you, Im actually hungry and going to make some food." I blushed a little but quickly brushed it off as I saw Kuroo start to walk towards the bedroom door. " Wait can I come with you? I wanna help make breakfast" "Sure kitten." Suddenly I was lifted into the air by strong arms and carried down the steps into the kitchen. Kuroo placed me down on the counter so I could get ingredients for our breakfast while Kuroo walked to the fridge. Every morning we made Blueberry pancakes and today was no different. I got out the flour, vanilla, and sugar while Kuroo got the blueberrys, eggs, and butter. I grabbed a bowl and saw Kuroo mixing in the wet ingredients in a seperate bowl so I mixed the dry ingredients. " Ok kitten is it ready to be added into this bowl now?" "No there are still flour clumps can you help me?" "Sure baby" Kuroo walked over and grabbed the whisk and started to mix. " Kenma there are no flour clumps what do you mea-" I threw flour in Kuroos face and started laughing hysterically. Kuroo started to cough with flour puffs coming from his mouth which made me laugh even more. " Y-you shouldve seen you f-face" " No you should see your face kitten" Suddenly I had a face full of flour as well. Kuroo joined in on my laughter and coughing fit. By the time we were done with the flour fight, half of it was gone and most was on me, Kuroo, and the floor. " Ok baby that was fun but I think I should punish you for being a bad boy~" Kuroo smirker and walked over to me putting his hands on my hips while I was still sitting on the flour covered counter. "You wont punish me Kuroo." " And why not?" "Because Im still in pain from last night." " Who said thats stopping me?" Kuroo suddenly picked me up and pushed me against the wall, my legs wrapped arojnd his waist. 'Im gonna mess with him hehe.' " Oww ow ow Kuroo that hurts stop" Kuroos face changed from horny to worried in a second. It was hilarious. " Omg baby im so sorry I was just playing around are you ok? Did I hurt you bad?" Kuroo carried me to the couch, put me down and started to inspect me for any injuries. " Told you you wont punish me. Dont worry you didnt hurt me at all I just faked it to prove my point hehe." " Kenmaaa dont do that you worried mee!"

Nobodys POV (cuz thats easier lol):

When Kuroo and Kenma where done eating, they couldnt think of anything to do. 'Ding' Kuroo looked at Kenma to see if he knew who had rung the doorbell. Kenma just shrugged and got up to check who was at the door. Kuroo walked close behind Kenma for protection in case of anything. (WE LOVE A PROTECTIVE KUROO ❤) Kenma opened the door and to their surprise, Bokuto was standing on their doorstep carrying a blush pink Akaashi who was cuddled into Bokutos chest. "Hey guys uhh what are you doing here?" Kuroo looked confused as well. "Oh well there is this arcade that Akaashi suggested to go to last night with you guys so we are here to bring you to the arcade!" Kenma eyes lit up at the word arcade but Kuroo just had a smirk on his face. "Hey bro why are you carrying Akaashi?" Akaashis face lit red again and he nuzzled more into Bokutos chest. "Broo dont do that to Akaashi you know he doesnt like when you make jokes like that!... even if they are true." Bokuto got a jab in the side from Akaashi but managed to still hold him. Kenma just looked confused. "Bro its ok, we did it last night to watch." Kuroo suddenly touched Kenmas lower back which led him to yelp a little from the pain. Bokuto just laughed and let himself inside while Kenma was trying to hit Kuroo on the head. Akaashi and Kenma ended up talking on the couch while Bokuto and Kuroo went to do something else. "So Kenma, you finally lost your virginity. Took you long enough." "Yea well im not a whore." Akaashis eyebrows furrowed. "Im only a whore for Bokuto." "Still a type of whore." Akaashi and Kenma started to laugh from their weird exchange. " Ok but for real Kenma, how was it?" Kenma blushed red "Uhmm... it was good.." Akaashi laughed again. "Omg Kenma, when you say good you always mean amazing. Was it really that good?" "uhh uhm.. yeah?" Kenma looked up at Akaashi who now had tears rolling down his face. "Akaashi are you ok??" "Yea im fine I just didnt expect you to grow up so fast" Kenma hit Akaashi lightly on his back causing him to wince. "Ok now you tell me 'how was it' you whore" Akaashi smiled. "You me a whore, fine ill spare no details!" Akaashi gave a VERY descriptive talk about his night with Bokuto. Kenma was mortified. "Thank god he used a condom this time or my ass would have been torn to shreds." "Oh my god Akaashi I get it you can stop now. . . . OH SHIT" Kenma yelled and hit his head with his hand. Akaashi jumped from the sudden yell and looked at Kenma. "Uhh Kenma? You ok?" "NO IM NOT OK!! WE DIDNT USE A CONDOM! MY ASS IS PROBABLY TORN SO MUCH ;-;" Akaashi burst out laughing. He gave Kenma some ointment to help with his ass incase he was actually torn up.

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now