Kuroo Temari (Pt. 2)

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Kuroo was in the car driving while Kenma was sitting in the back seat to have more room. "Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck!! Oww" Kenmas contractions were still about six minutes apart but for a 20 minute drive thats about 3 contractions that hurt A LOT. "I know it hurts love but as soon as we get there you can have the epidural and then you will feel much better" After a bunch of beeping and yelling at drivers who cant hear him, Kuroo was able to get Kenma to the hospital. "Ok cmon lets get you inside then Ill come back out to get the things." Kuroo got out of the car and went over to Kenmas side. He helped him out of the car and lifted him up. "No babe Im heavy I can walk" Kuroo kissed Kenma forehead and walked to the front doors. "You werent heavy before you were pregnant and you arent now. Im carrying you with ease love" Kenma rolled his eyes as they entered the hospital. Kuroo carried Kenma with him to the front desk and started talking to the receptionist. "Hello my husband here is having our second baby. His water broke already and his contractions and 6 minutes apart" The lady typed in a few things, asked for their information, then called some nurses to lead them to the room. Once they were in the room, Kenma got in the hospital gown and layed down. "Ill be right back with our stuff baby and then we can get you the epidural" Kuroo went back to the car, got the bag and carrier, then came back to Kenmas room. "Ok Im back, want me to call the nurse now?" Kenma nodded as Kuroo pressed the little button calling the nurse. "Hello! Is there something you needed?" "Yea my husbands contractions are now about 4 minutes apart. We were wondering if he could get the epidural now?" The nurse nodded and went to get anoter one more nurse to help him. "Uh Tetsu. .  Remember last time I had a epidural I had the contraction during it? Can we wait for my contraction to happen again so I dont feel it?" Kuroo frowned as he helped Kenma sit up. "Baby I know what you mean but there is still a risk of you making a sudden movement or jolt from the pain. You have to be very still when you get the epidural and I just dont want you getting hurt" Kenma nodded, still hoping his contraction would come during the epidural. The nurses came in and had Kenma lean against Kuroo for support while Kuroo made sure Kenmas body was secure and still. "Ok you ready?" Kenma gave a little nod and felt his gown getting untied. "Tetsu. . do I have to get the epidural?" Kuroo held Kenma tighter and laid Kenmas head so his face was burried in his neck. "Yes baby because you need to have a c-section and you dont want to feel them cutting you right?" Kenma let out a little whine and burried his face in Kuroos neck more. "Its ok love it will be over soon. Just think of me and Kai and how happy we will all be when she gets here. We can put her in that cute onsie Tsukki bought us for her. You know, the little koala one." Kenma smiled as he started thinking of their soon to be family of four when he felt a sharp pain in his back. "Ow-" Kuroo held Kenma tighter keeping him in place until the epidural needle was fully in Kenmas back. "Ok all done you can lay back down now and we will start the surgery when your contractions are 2 minutes apart" Kenma sat back up with little tears in the corner of his eyes from the pain of the needle. Kuroo kissed the sides of Kenmas face then gave him a little kiss on the lips. "Its all done you can rest now. Good job kitten" Kenma layed back down and closed his eyes. "Soon she will be here. . . I wonder how Kai is doing"


"Kai do you want to eat?" Kai shook his head no and sat in the corner of his room with the little plush he got. Kuroos mom was trying to get Kai to spend time with them but ever since Kenma and Kuroo left he has been upset. "Hey sweetie wanna tell grandma whats wrong?" Kai shook his head no and continued to burry his face into his knees avoiding looking at his grandma. "Ok well when you want to talk you can come to me and grandpa ok?" Kai huffed and looked down more fidgeting with the plush in his hand. Kuroos mom stood up and walked out of the room making sure to leave the door open if he wanted to come out.  She isnt the type of parent to make you spit out what you are feeling. If you need space, she will give you space. Kuroos mom went back to the couch sighing and sat down next to Kuroos dad. "Im getting to old for this" Kuroos dad looked at his wife a put on arm around her shoulder. "Hes only four. Probably misses Tetsurou and Kenma. Arent they perfect for each other?" "Yes they really are soulmates" Kuroos parents continued to talk about Kenma and Kuroos amazing relationship and how its similar to theirs when Kai came out into the living room. "Hey sweetie. . . wanna talk about it?" Kai nodded as little tears started to drip down his face. "Aww my poor sweetheart come here" Kai ran to his grandma practically jumping in her arms and started crying into her shirt. Kuroos dad started rubbing Kais back as he cried into his grandmas shirt. When he stopped crying, Kuroos mom lifted Kais head  so he was looking at her. "Can you tell grandma and grandpa whats wrong now?" Kai nodded and moved around to get comfortable next to his grandma then started talking a little. "D-daddy came home den he left a-and baby b-better now" Kuroos dad looked at Kai a little confused. "What about baby?" "B-baby better to d-daddy and mama" Kuroos dad picked up Kai and brought him onto his lap giving him a hug. "Your mama and daddy love you so so so so much. Baby and you are both loved the same" Kai nodded as he burried his face into his grandpas chest. "Kai you wanna know who you remind me of?" Kai turned to his grandma who was looking at him and talking to him. "You look just like your daddy when he was four. But you have your mamas hair color and eyes." Kais eyes lit up. "I look like daddy and mama??" He jumped out of his grandpas arms with excitement and started running around the living room yelling "I LOOK LIKE DADDY AND MAMA! WOW!!" Kais grandparents laughed at how silly he was being. The rest of the day went by smothly until they got the call to come go the hospital, the baby was born.

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now