First Name

890 18 4

2 weeks later-

It was a rainy day outside. The water was pouring down hard just when a couple made plans to go to the park and have a cute autumn picnic. Kenma sighed and put down the basket full of food on the table and started to unpack it. "Kenma baby? What are you doing?" "Im unpacking the food Kuro, we cant go anymore its pouring outside" The room stayed silent. All you could hear was the pounding on raindrops hitting the house. Kenma looked to Kuro who was stood at the kitchen doorway staring at the ground. "Uh Kuro? Is there something on my feet? What are you staring at?" Kuro didnt respond but just looked up at Kenma and stared into his eyes. Honestly, Kenma at first felt comfortable but then started to get the feeling Kuro was staring into his soul. "Stop unpacking" Kuroo finally spoke still staring at Kenma directly in the eye. Now he understood what was happening to Kuro. Whenever Kuro was lost in thought, he would always look into Kenmas eyes and just think. Sometimes, this case for example, Kenma would forget and just stare back feeling his soul being stared at until Kuro spoke and would shift his eyes to something else. "Kuro, um... why should I stop unpacking? We cant go anymore and Im not sitting in the rain." Kuros face lit up and he clicked his tongue. "Ive got the perfect idea!! Just pack everything up again I promise you wont regret it baby, Ill be right back to get the supplies!" Kuro dashed away up the stairs and left Kenma confused. 'supplies?' Although Kenma was already half done unpacking, he packed up the basket again and waited for Kuro to come back down the stairs.


'Kenma will love this! Now where did those poles go?' Kuro was rummaging through the closet for supplies. What for you may be thinking? Kuro was gonna have a picnic with Kenma inside a blanket fort inside the house. Kuro already stacked 3 different sets of blankets and pillows on the bed to bring into their living room but now he just needed to get the wooden poles that were unused from a set of old furniture Kuro and Kenma took apart. Their closet however was a complete mess. Clothes on the floor that had fallen of hangers that they neved bothered to pick back up. Some boxes and bags from buying things were also on the floor of the closet. "We really need to clean out this closet..." Kuro thought outloud. After a minute or two of rummaging around the piles in the spacious closet, Kuro finally found the poles. He grabbed a box of fairy lights he found on the closet floor as well to use as decoration. Kuro grabbed the assortment of items and made his way back dowm the stairs.

"Kemma!! I got the stuff!" Kenma could already tell what face Kuro was making. Whenever Kuro sounded like he wanted to scream from excitement, he always had this dopey grin on his face. Kuro comstantly complained about how stupid he looked and although Kenma would always agree with him, Kenma found it super cute. Just as suspected, Kuro came in the kitchen holding a bunch of things and having a stupid grin on his face. "Kuro let me help you. Also, what are we doing? Whats this stuff for anyway?" "Baby, we are gonna make a fort in the house then have a picnic in the fort. Isnt that the best idea Ive ever come up with??" Kenma took some pillows and a blanket from Kuroo. "Hmmm... no the best idea youve ever come up with was to message me on that dating app." Kuroos face turned pink and he looked away. "Kenmaaaa, you gotta prepare me for when you say stuff like that!" Kenma just rolled his eyes at Kuro and walked into the living room. Kuro followed behind and set the supplies for the fort on the table where Kenma set his. "Ok lets get to work!"

"KURO GET AN EXTRA BLANKET WHILE YOURE IN THERE, ILL SET UP THE MOVIE MK?!" "KAY" Kuro changed into some pajamas even though it was only 5 but he and Kenma wanted to cuddle after eating. Kuro put on a loose shirt and grabbed Kenmas fluffy blanket and brought it down the stairs. They had finished the fort and it was huge. It took up the whole living room and was decorated with fairy lights and decorative pillows. Kenma had set up the food on the coffee table and put down pillows for them to sit on since the couch had colorful pillows on it already. Kuro walked into the living room and entered the fort to find... not Kenma? Kenma wasnt in the fort. "Kenma?" No answer. "Kenmaa!" Still no answer. "BABY!" "Yea?" Kenma walked into the fort which some plates. "I was calling you why didnt you answer me?" "Oh I didnt hear you sorry babe" "Its ok" Kuro grabbed a plate and put some food on it. Kenma grabbed some food to and they started to eat. "Hey Kenma" Kenma ingnored Kuro and continued to eat. "Kenma" No response was given. "KENMA!" Kuro snapped his fingers in front of Kenmas face but no answer. "Kitttttennnn" Kuro complained. "Yea?" Kenma finally answered him. Kuro sat there just staring at Kenmas face trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. "Babe did you need something?" "Why didnt you answer when I called your name the first 3 times?" "I dont know what youre talking about. You only called me once." Kenma couldnt keep in his laughter anymore after he looked at Kuroos face. Kuroo looked like a confused scared cat. Kenma burst out laughing. "Y-you should see t-the look on your f-face HDHHSKSBSIJW" Kuro was just frozen. "Babe did I break your brain? Let me explain." Kuro slowly nodded his head. "Kay so Akaashi texted me while you were upstairs and asked to do a challenge with him where I would only respond to me if you called me by a nickname. Akaashi is doing the same challenge with Bokuto but I guess I lost because your face was priceless." Kuro just nodded his head a mummbled something stuffing his face with more food. "What did you say?" "I said you guys are really weird kitten" "Tetsu!! how mean" "Well now you just sound like Oika- wait what did you just call me?" Kenma blushed and look down. "Tetsu..?" Kuroo started choking on his food and Kenma had to get him water. "Are you ok??" "Say it again" Kenma stopped and stared at Kuro. "Are you ok..?" " No not that. Say my name again" Kuro gave Kenma a deadpanned look but his eyes were sparkling. "Tetsu?" Immedietly Kuros face changed and he started to cry and went and hugged Kenma. "B-babe are you ok? Why are you crying Kuro??" "No, you arent allowed to call me Kuro anymore." Kenma pulled back a little to look at Kuro who still had tears running down his face. "Babe... stop crying I dont like seeing you cry. But why arent I allowed to call you Kuro again?" "You call me a nickname or Tetsu for now on." Kenma blushed a lot. "B-babe you know that I only called you that because of Akaashis challenge right? Are you sure?" Kuro nodded and proceeded to plant a sweet kiss on Kenmas lips. They kissed for what felt like forever but was only a couple of seconds. "You cant call me Kuroo anymore because thats gonna be your last name one day." At this Kenmas face turned red in an instant and he hit Kuroos side a little. "Dont say that!! Its embarrasing. True, but embarrasing." "So you wanna marry me in the future~?" Kenma somehow was able to blush even more and looked at Kuroo. "Y-yea but just not right now.." "Well duh I havent gotten a ring yet" "k.." Kuroo lied. He had a ring already. He already knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Kenma but he needed the right moment. He needed to wait for the perfect moment and after they had been together for a little more than a year. But theyve been together for 8 months so it would be soon like Kuroo said. "So... Tetsu... that sounds good coming out of my mouth." "You know what would be good in your mouth, my di-" "And you just ruined the moment." Kuroo laughed and pulled Kenma into a hug. "Lets finish eating then cuddle." "ok."

They finsihed their food after about 2 hours because Kuro and Kenma cant go without joking around for 5 minutes. Kenma picked out the movie Pixels since it was about gaming. Halfway through the movie, Kenma was starting to fall asleep. "Baby are you tired? You wanna go cuddle upstairs so we you can sleep?" Kenma gave a little nod and was picked up by Kuroo and brought up to their room. "Babe... we have to clean up.." "We can clean tomorrow. For right now I just wanna cuddle you my cute little kitten." It was around 10 but Kenma has stayed up the night before to edit a video. Kuroo kissed Kenmas head and cuddled him. Kenma moved into Kuroo and layed his head on his chest. "I love you so much Tetsu.." Kuroo couldve swear he just fell in love with Kenma all over again. He lifted Kenma head enough for him to he able to kiss Kenmas lips. They were soft and sweet and Kuroo loved it. Kenma kissed back a little but was also half asleep so it wasnt much. "I love you so much Kenma.. I promise... soon Ill marry you." Kenma couldnt understood what Kuroo said but just gave a little nod and fell right asleep. Kuroo let out a relieved sigh and brought Kenma closer to his chest. "Soon.. I promise. Goodnight" And with that Kuroo fell asleep with Kenma in his arms and dreamt of marrying Kenma. In a drawer in their messy closet, there was a little box. In the box was a ring, that soon would be worn by Kenma.

Yooo hi my clownz 😙 I finally finished this and Im actually kinda proud. Oh well hope you enjoyed this chapter! it was a lot of fluff. But next we are ruining that fluff. We GOING INTO THE ANGST!! Trust me it wont be that bad so you dont need to worry it will all work out. baii!! - chaotic clown 🤡

~𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎~ (𝚔𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢) DISCONTINUED FOR PERSONAL REASONSWhere stories live. Discover now